It is always a pain to catch a smuggler with one craft.
The best way is to have a craft positioned at a system enterance (though this makes it harder for bigger systems with 5-6 enterance points) and another patrol unit to intercept the smuggler.
Since we have cruise retreat / no firing with big ships / RP warning prior etc rules, it is impossible to catch a smuggler except for some rare occassions where the Smuggler tries a good RP dialogue so that both ships come close to each other and don't play cat-mouse, but write stuff.
So, a command thingy may work great, thought the programming? I have no idea on that one.
' Wrote:Actually, you could do all this without paperwork. You could institute an FLhook system to do this. Alright, lets work this out:
If you see a smuggler you use the /report command.
This command only works if you are in detection range (not cargo scan range, but as long as you can see them on scanners)
FLhook then reads out the cargo of the target vessel (or last target, like /t)
Based off of your ID and the ID of the reportee (as hogoshu can legally haul artifacts in kusari, as one example) and if you have authority in that system FLhook determines whether the commodity is contraband, it then checks if there is more than X units of it (maybe 100?)
If it is contraband of sufficient quantity and the user has authority it does one of several things:
It makes all allied bases and NPC's in system hostile.
It makes a permanent rep adjustment.
It does both
The genius of this system is it is incredibly flexible. If a good is only partially illegal like a researcher carrying, well, take your pick, it could do a smaller size rep adjustment and not make NPC's hostile. While if it was an outcast with cardamine it would make a big rep adjust and make many hostile. The system would also allow licensing. It could be programmed to exempt those with names or tags that are licensed for certain commodities. Of course it may be very difficult, or time consuming to program these more advanced features, but it should be possible. I think at least a basic version is worth thinking about or maybe even trying, on a limited basis of course, say, liberty...
So, what do you think?
This could be awsome. Have it send a system message when reported of course, so of someone DOES abuse it, it can be screencapped (tho there may be lggs too I suppose) and are dealt with. Also, have un-justified use of it result in penalties if done too much. (automatic repfix, I mean by that of course)
This would be freaking awsome, and make RPing lawfuls actualy fun casue you CAN do something to stop em, cause unless you got a swarm of bombers or a well set up GB or two, larger transports are VERY hard to quickly stop.
This would enable players to act like NPCs in that if you DONT drop, things go hostile short term (you get /report 'd you get a temp 'everything in the area goes red' effect.
To prevent 'ohh smuggler, /report , missouri pwns smuggler' abuse, prehaps ALSO have a countdown feature. Have it give in-system countdown to drop the cargo (30seconds prehaps ?) If it detects you land, you loose your cargo automaticly, prehaps have a credit fine too if you have enough cash. If you drop the cargo, the countdown ends, but if you tractor it back in, insta-full-red with that houses lawfuls. Prehaps a /comply or some such command for complying smugg,ers in the case of slaves were the smuggler is allowed to be escorted with the cargo to a RP offload point for the slaves, since you dont shoot those in RP.
For corsairs, cardi smuggling within gamma and corsair systems could be treated similarly.
Also, rep drops should always result in this, to the lowest neutral possible. If allready dead neutral or lower, 5 min delay to leave system then drop to red. (depending on system, add extra delay per system as you leave factions space).
This would give the 'lol no cath me' smugglers a boot to the face in the form of a tool for RP, and enable the good RPing smugglers to RP with consequences, same for the lawfuls as lets face it a LPI in a liberator cant stop 90% of ships used to smuggle.
Also, add to this detection for guard systems, restricted systems, and military restricted areas, and for example you COULD (if properly IDd) boot someone out of, sat, Alaska/Z21 with a similar command if LNGuard or LSF IDd, if it gets ignored, NPCs spawn and flock to the target and forcibly remove them.
' Wrote:It is always a pain to catch a smuggler with one craft.
The best way is to have a craft positioned at a system enterance (though this makes it harder for bigger systems with 5-6 enterance points) and another patrol unit to intercept the smuggler.
Since we have cruise retreat / no firing with big ships / RP warning prior etc rules, it is impossible to catch a smuggler except for some rare occassions where the Smuggler tries a good RP dialogue so that both ships come close to each other and don't play cat-mouse, but write stuff.
So, a command thingy may work great, thought the programming? I have no idea on that one.
Exactly, this means that lawfuls dont have to rely on pre-set messages to quickly give an order and then watch it be ignored as the trader had instantly hit cruise after exiting gate/lane and doesnt plan to stop.
The ONLY (if it can be set up w/o any easy way to abuse it) people this would hurt would be those that dont smuggle within RP, but for a quick buck. Which basicly means, nothing will be lost. This also makes big ships not as laughibly and oorp'ly inpotent as they curently are, as they can just type in /report while having the smuggler targeted, and let the NPCs do the job if the smuggler wont halt.
Imagine a Rhinland battleship sitting by the hamburg to bearing gate, RPing as a border checkpoint. Smuggler/embargo breaker comes by, wont halt, just type in /report and they're hosed if they return to rhinland. Now, what would be REALLY Cool is if it were possible for the gates themselves to be shut down in this case, but not sure how, if at all, doable that would be. Prehaps have a 30-60 second time delay before the target cannot use the gates in that system, due to a lockdown on his neuralnet access to it. (could also prevent pirates at all from using most gates, forcing them to use jumpholes, which would be good RP. Prehaps, to be fair, give lane hackers a /hack command to use on trade lanes. Targeted lane will be cut out when someone with certain ID (ageira etc etc) approaches, but ignore the other IDs. Prehaps give LHGuard IDs the ability to hack the entire TL run theyre on, ALL the lanes go out, making police response slower. Prehaps add the same effect for jumpgates, regular JH can hack access to use it, LH Guard can hack access OR shut it down for a short period.
' Wrote:am sorry to say but this idea sucks. If the base isn't hostile to him smuggler has all the rights to dock, same as any other trader.
What's next - rule that will prevent fighters from pulling out of fight if they are loosing?!
These issues are solved on in-game RP basis.
One big, epic NO
He means when a lawful has spotted the smuggler, has demanded he stop, and he's not complied. In RP, he'd not be able to dock with lawful stations/planets. That he can dock even with police/navy on his tail is game mechanics.
For example, a while back me and another bpa found a pair of smugglers. Even though we inRP announced that they were smugglers, and that they should be eliminated, they still docked on NL. Large transports are nigh on impossible to take down in a hussar/any other police LF, in the time taken for them to go to a nearby dockable, and hit f3.
Means lawful forces aren't just there for entertainment for a large smuggler ship.
As for the idea, I'd only agree with /report working within the 10k limit if it did put out a system message when used. So lawfuls don't get lazy and /report anything that moves.
This is a game. You have someone that smuggles and you catch, instead of coming up with something funky - do something that works.
Post a decent enough sized bounty on their head for smuggling, and let the Guild take care of your problem.
And for what it's worth, the idea of this rule and adding an FLHook add-on, from my perspective, is a fail - and I primarily run lawfuls. If you don't have enough forces to stop the smuggler with one ship - get more ships! You'd certainly run into the same situation today IRL when you have a single police officer chasing after someone. If the bad guys doesn't want to stop - there's not a whole hell of a lot the one cop can do about it, except hope that the bad guy makes a mistake.
I would just be happy when you RP shutting down the docking ring and mooring points that the smugglers, (who at this point already know we are after them), would get smart and divert to somewhere else, like Rochester, and not land anyways. Very OORP in my opinion.
Formerly known as LPI Police Chief Hull O'Brien.
Creator of Sgt. V. Price, 207th Precinct out of Chula Vista Station
Quote:If you don't have enough forces to stop the smuggler with one ship - get more ships! You'd certainly run into the same situation today IRL when you have a single police officer chasing after someone. If the bad guys doesn't want to stop - there's not a whole hell of a lot the one cop can do about it, except hope that the bad guy makes a mistake.
That is what is trying to be acheived. Your basic method of putting out a notice to dispach. As it is, a police officer could open fire on a smuggler, under the nose of planetary guns and other lawful patrols, and he'd be the only one attacking. Comparing rl to fl here doesn't work.
Quote:Post a decent enough sized bounty on their head for smuggling, and let the Guild take care of your problem.
Name changing is a cheap way to avoid any hassles with bounty hunters, more so if it also drops your rep as a smuggler to player lawfuls.
As for the it's a game bit, see how fun it is having the odd oorp smuggler speed-docking with your capital planet, all the while suffering from lol disease. I want it to have fun and enjoy the game too.
RP smugglers get to RP better with the aid of FLhook, ditto lawfuls.
And if its set so lawfuls who use it too much when not needed take a rep dump, suddenly they have trouble re-supplying, buying new weps, etc etc.
It would be self regulating, essently, and mean that being the lone police on in a system DOES NOT mean you have to just hug the base, and cower in fear of lolboat spam. They can actualy do something.
It'd be, once scripted, quite simple too.
siting near base or wherever to scan, see smuggler, ask em to drop it. Hes running just type /report, and it starts a 30sec countdown to the whole house going red on em. He dumps cargo in time, he's free to go or at least pay the fine. He tries to dump tractor, he gets a full red rep that doesnt reverse til he bribes his way back.
Suddenly LPI can do more than be the butt of donut jokes.
And lawful caps suddenly dont have to simply follow a OORP rule to ignore transports full of slaves going by as if theres nothing wrong, they can RP it out and if the smuggler wont RP and just runs, /report and the smuggler suddenly has every base shooting at em in the house. That would be ESPECILY damning if the intended sell point was in that house, or if they have NPC caps spawn beside them as they run. This way EVERYONE, regardless of ship class, can properly RP.
As much as i think that this is a good idea, I also believe that it won't work very well at all. The reason being that it might be abused (typing it in for more than one repdrop), or that it would cause work for the Admin team as the bugs are figured out by the admin team.
But really, if you cannot catch a smuggler easily, than you need to rethink the way you are doing interdiction. If you're trying to stop a train in a VHF, you've got a problem. For example, I intercepted over 2 billion credits in 1 month of working about half of the time on interdiction. You just have to figure out the patterns and routes that smugglers take. It's not terribly difficult, but it is frusterating because in reality, you will not catch every single smuggler, every single time. There are too many variables for what may happen.