Greetings fellas, I guess you've seen me around lately, just thought I'd drop a line in here in case any other traders need some company on the lanes out there.
Sir, you have started a request to save the health of your fellow members in Sirius.
I am sending you this message to asure you, that the DSMC* has decided to send you a fully equipted hospital.
It'll be a whale - unarmed - so please be kind and take care of it. And me, cause I am the comanding Doc of that ship.
Your stats about your epsilon-wing make me feel being in good hands.
Following the contract between [IND] and DSMC the ship will be named [IND]First_Aid_DSMC.
ID and Faction reps will be cleared in an "eyes-only" conversation between you and me.
official part ends...
inofficial part:
I love beer. If you have one for our meeting, that is cold and fresh, I wouldn't say no to a second
Thanks for the prompt reply Doc, good to know you are onboard. Our trade jockeys have been taking prolonged
radiation doses on their travels for sometime now, and the long term effects could do with a bit of checking out.
The Epsilons usually have the odd case of alcoholic poisoning from time to time ... Though thats very much self
We also have side effects from continual use of SiN|Tech's product range to be monitored (see catologue below)
Apart from these small maladies most of the members enjoy good health ...
Though growing dangers in the sector now, will possibly need more hands on medical facilities in the future, pilot
injuries due to fighting and continual time in the cockpit trading and escorting are taking their toll.
I'm sure we can keep you busy in this endeavour.
Our escorts will be available for your other freelance enterprises too ...
Paperwork can be completed in the ba... office at any time. Always something cold in the fridge.
Welcome onboard.
Apologies for the tardy reply there old chap, welcome to the sector. Please use legal methods to call on any IND
ships for convoy duties, though they can talk for Sirius ... Ear damage claims will not be entertained.
Our Traders do some damn long and profitable 'round the houses' runs ... Always in need of company.
Escort duty pilots are available for fees to be discussed before departure, expenses not included ...
See you out there.
That is all.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Due to current situations in the Sirius Sector at the moment, some of you, like me, have been taking a small
vacation when flying to ease away from the more troubled areas.
Anyone wishing to take a small, or larger ship for this pupose may do so ... Neutral or FL IDs and tags of your
choice are the order of the day. If you wish to remain under our auspices, keeping medical and all other fringe
benefits on the go, please name the ship with the [IND] signature at the end.
This is for insurance purposes as our blanket cover will not include your personal vessels I'm afraid. Also this
excludes you from IND duties while flying (Read not official IND faction. RP up to you, or not. I'm untagged now)
Just let me have the names please, as there seems to be a spate of moniker theft going around ...
That is all.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
Boss, taking your advice and transferring the super-size drink holder and fluffy dice to another ship while things cool down. She's a basic old crate, good for the Liberty runs. Callsign:
Going strictly F/L atm, don't want to lock myself out of the.... "alternative" markets.
Sirs, Ladies
I want to congratulate you for owning the first faction-owned DSMC-Hospital-Ship.
This is a progress, we wish to be able to offer so many more factions and pilots.
I am proud to see the [IND] in a teamwork with us.
I have just sent a PM to Flurry informing him that all IND members and those carrying the [IND] signature
anywhere in their names are not currently roleplaying with any of his chars ...
Basically he is to stay away from all our members till he gets with the plan.
Any infringement of this, please screenie it, and send to me. Thanks.
That is all.
Ms Mendez, A big thanks to you and all the staff involved for putting this enterprise together. The ship was
launched successfully from Manhattan fully equiped, around 14.00hrs local time.
The greater success was due in the most part to the efforts of Rose McCarthy whos flying abilities we couldn't
have done without, though I have to say, thank goodness its unarmed, her weapon loadout use earlier was
enough to scare off most of the Xeno scum who hadn't already died, when we were intercepted on our way
to collect the vessel from the manufacturers in Texas.
Our Epsilon escort wing has been reminded to behave at all times.
I hope to see more of these fine ships around Sirius working with other businesses, though I am proud ours
is the first to come online.
Pop over and visit our hostelry on Newark station sometime, thanks once more.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."