heres another and probly much simpler idea
SNAC -SNAT= supernova antimatter TORPEDO give em ammo make em same hull and damage and minor tracking,problem solved(or unguided) edit: probly been sugested im not complainign (as the caps got the boost they need)but i had to say it
The Nova Torp already does MORE damage than the SNAC.
An assault bomber foregoes the CD, uses a SNAC to drop shields, then comes in with Novas on the hull, causing damage to equipment as well as hull.
But really, what is the problem with the SNAC? Getting busted by SNAC shots in a fighter are we? That is a problem with the skill of the fighter pilot - not the weapon!
im just tossing ideas out or have some consaquence as evrybody uses them mabye have only select ships able to mount em or something to bring back teh torpedo i mean when you look at the weapon its experemental order tech yet xenos can have em ffs
last statement being purely based rp(mabye not experemental but stil lits gotta requior some sort of special wireing/mouinting)
and no i hardly fight i rp more than PvP fighter combats just simply to fast paced for me reguardless of trainng im more akin to bombers but stil lrather fast paced
EDIT: even if its not changed call me a capwhore or a noob or whatever the snac dosent really bother me as i said in this post and i repeat i RP more then PVP in a ratio its 4-1 rp-pvp
Edit 2 : pc randomly kicked me off the net damn you comcast!
cap pilots are getting better all the time, too. Using a nova against a lot of pilots will get you killed fast.
@Jimmy patterson: If you find combat too fast-paced, you should actually think about getting a bomber. Obviously bomber versus fighter/bomber is still a mess, but 3 bombers against a cap, it's actually pretty relaxing when you're not being targetted.
' Wrote:I am going to put my hand up again here and suggest that Torpedoes have a cargo value.
This would automatically balance ANY ship with a torpedo hardpoint - from light fighters through to the freighters that have them. In theory any ship could fire any size torp - but would be limited in how many they can carry.
the SNAC is an energy based weapon. Why does it make sense that it would require ammunition?
Quote:Freighters could then become 'true' bombers - much less agile, but tougher, and carrying a much larger payload. These ships would be the ones to fight at the longest, strategic ranges - being highly vulnerable to capital ship fire.
No freighter (at least that I'm aware of) has a torpedo slot. It's been this way ever since Vanilla, and for obvious reasons I might add. They are not combat ships, as the name suggests they are freighters.
Quote:Fighters too would be able to launch anti-cap torps to a limited extent - it would take a veritable swarm of smaller ships to carry enough payload to down the largest caps - and torps can still be exluded from smaller ship classes by power consumption.
Fighters can already use Infernos and Mini Razors. But hell, you don't even need those, we took down a Gunboat in a pack of Werewolves, Greyhounds and one Sabre. We all had TCDs.
Yeah I was in a fighter swarm that took down a little crew of BHG ships, including a BHBC. Some of us didn't even have razors. It's not impossible, just extremely inefficient.
If we need to balance the ship classes, which I'm not sure is totally necessary, I'd suggest a fighter boost rather than a bomber nerf. Bombers and caps seem to work just fine with each other at the moment, but a lot of the time it does feel like 48k bombers are way too good against fighters.
Raisu, you typed about group of 6 bombers, but group of 6 every ship class can beat anything( for example 6 titans with mini can easy kill cruiser and after some time bs too) group of 6 gb can kill evverything too and so...
So what is problem ?