Paladin was not changed since Xing submitted it, apart from making custom hitbox and fixing texture errors (like non-transparent cockpit), if he thinks it's too big it's his own fault.
Resizing models can mess a lot of things up and I have had enough of it with Coalition ships. When the lazy modeller comes by "ordering" others to fix his faults, I won't really bother.
Guns do always make a difference, civi guns are 750 m/s yes, which is why they do less damage. Eagle is HUGE, that's why it can be used with virtually any guns.
I'm sorry but if you thought Paladin would be The Ship to be used for anything and against anything you were wrong. Just like Corsairs were with Gladiator. It has it's place and can be an advantage in some fights, but it's not an universal ship.
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
well - its not his fault ... since i have textured and hardpointed it - it was probably me that made it too large. ( when i got the model from xing, it was roughly planetsized .... so i scaled it down by feeling [ or rather - i simply compared it to the eagle ] )
but its been in the closed beta for like a YEAR .... that would have been enough time to fix it.
' Wrote:I'm sorry but if you thought Paladin would be The Ship to be used for anything and against anything you were wrong. Just like Corsairs were with Gladiator. It has it's place and can be an advantage in some fights, but it's not an universal ship.
We didnt think that really, we just thought it will be actually useful, in some way.
And the Corsairs' Gladiator IS universal, they just cant fly it well :P I have one, trust me, Ive lost only against a Titan, which they <strike>dont</strike> arent supposed to fight (most of lolindies just fight each other in Crete orbit though). I rarely died in Gladiator, usually only when swarmed or capspammed. Hell I dueled even VHFs and won.
Same with Greyhound, I fought two Templars at once, one was damaged a lot though, but still I made one run and the other one was blown up.
Nothing of these things listed above are possible in a Paladin. What is wrong then?
The other pilots? If we are to go to "I did that" then I fought Leadcrows in his Gladiator on my Manta before it gut slightly upped (the manta) and killed him loosing some 10 bots. My Sabre just laughs at Gladiators...
But I really like your thinking "Gladiator is universal but they suck, Paladin sucks cause I'm awesome pilot".
Igiss says: Martin, you give them a finger, they bite off your arm.
The fight on Gladiator Im talking about was bunch of RHA guys + BH BS in Omega 3, I died in the end, but was able to take one out before dying. And dont forget it has CD and CD/T slots, and while being small, it has roughly 9200 hull I think, cant remember exactly now.
In my eyes its the best HF so far.
Greyhound - pilots were Petr/MarvinCZ and Sircian, it was 2v2, but when my werewolf wingman got killed, I was on my own. Luckily enough, Petr was low on bots, and ran after a while. Following your "HFz r inferior 2 VHFz in a duel lol" logic, I shouldnt have won against fully b/bed Templar, but I did.
Same with dueling Gezza in Templar one day. Nasty long fight, but again, HF won against VHF.
I dont think Im exceptional pilot or something, but when Im able to kill VHF in duel in all other HFs except the Paladin, it looks weird to me.
Sorry, i do not belong to balancing team, because i don't really care much about pvp balance.
Mjolnir is leading balancing tester. He as well as some others of the balance team can resize it, if they decide to do that.
Greyhound has less armor than Paladin, 4x10 class slots, just a little bit more energy in powerplant. Nothing else, its a HF. Werewolf is VHF (or rather VVHF :D)