' Wrote:"Member No.: 667" That's an old member. (I figured out what I just said, it's funny xD)
And what the hell I'm gonna do today??
Oh look at that, seems I still have a family
I like my member number because it has something to do with Pokemon. I think it's the initial amount of Pokemon there was in the beginning, or something. Moving on.. I also remember when we hit the 30-player mark on the server, Wolfpack made an announcement in universe chat :laugh:
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At least I managed to fly my Kusari destroyer and do something with it before this happened. Too bad the server can't be started up in safe, no-pvp mode for powertrading. I need moneyz:(
Jokes aside, I hope the evidence is conclusive enough to prosecute these criminals legally. I also hope that they have no damaged any of your hardware or software, majkp.
Backups are also made every server restart for character data, I think.