Well, I've just made a newb char, and got myself a Rhino to mine some Helium behind Erie.
May I suggest, to teach the newbies to use a Mining Laser for this? Thing is, Mining laser isn't sold anywhere in Pennsylvania or even New York.
May I suggest it be sold at least somewhere in either of the systems, Planet Pittsburgh is an ideal candidate.
P.S. 5000 armor on a 51k ship? While it's a bargain and all I think that's a tad too much, when you compare it to ships of similar price. 3000-4000 armor at most.
Freeports, Junker Bases, IMG Bases, BMM Bases, Kruger Bases, Daumann bases, and maybe even Kishiro bases.
A way a lone a last a loved a long the riverrun, past Eve and Adam's, from swerve of shore to bend of bay,
brings us by a commodius vicus of recirculation back to Howth Castle and Environs.
That would be the ideal way to get people to figure out how to use it, since it would be on the base where you sell the helium, buy the Rhino, etc.
But that means that they don't venture out of Pennsylvania, and also means that if it was sold on Erie they are not spending hardly any time away from mining, whereas there would be some travel time involved if it was sold on Pitts. Basically, on Erie it might be a bit too convenient for grinding credits.
Dusty, I can see you in the corner over there, speak now or forever hold your peace.
EDIT: Damnit he ran off. Musta scared him..
Am I the only one who has no idea what a Mining Laser is?
I mean, I know it's some sort of chaingun that does extremely low damage, but I have never used it >.>
I do, however, agree with the sentiments put forwards in this thread.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
A mining laser is a special laser used for *gasp* mining, coded by God, also known as Cannon, so that shooting rocks with it makes more stuff drop. Combined with the mining ship and a proper ID, it makes mining profitable. See Dusteh's guide to mining in the transition forum for details.
I agree with putting the Mining Laser on Planet Erie. The trouble of newbies is always the lack of immediate exposure to elements of the game world. With the Mining Laser sold where it is now, some people may not discover it for months. Putting small bits of all aspects of the game in the starting system, exhibiting the various features of the mod in those aspects, seems quite important to me.
' Wrote:The Mining Laser only works on ships with a mining bonus, so the Rhino will be better off using normal turrets.
Really? That hasn't been clear at all to me, I thought the ship bonus stacked with the laser bonus stacked with the ID bonus.