I'm not sure about the serverside issues you mention. I've experienced it on Hamburg, it seemed to work like a charm. The only issue here is, what's the point? So that the fighters and bombers could undock from a battleship/carrier? Why would they? It would only be usefull as a respawn point, otherwise they could just fly in formation with the capship. And, with 4 hour rule, it's useless then. The only practical thing would be transporting fighters thru mine fields and radiation belts.
The rules are built around the game and the community, not the other way around remember.
The 4 hour rule could be left in place.
A simple addition could be made allowing carriers to serve as well, mobile staging points. Docking on a carrier doesn't count as docking.
Call it unfair?
Shoot down the bloody carrier like any real military would. No point in shooting down the drones when the mothership can spew em out.
If you mean me, I don't call the rule unfair. However, the Discovery server population seems too small (at least from my perspective) to actually use the carriers as a weapon. I think that the idea of docking on carrier not counting isn't bad. Add it more nanobot and battery capacity, and let fighters draw from it when they are docked.
' Wrote:Sorry but I have to completely 100% disagree, having this would be great for gameplay and RP, little fighters might run out of fuel if they have to fly long distances to a battle instead they could remain docked in the batttleship til it Arrives at its destination, and then Launch. As for pvp orientated I dont see how that relevent!
You could have Fighters fly along side the Battleship toward a battle then Rape the enemy ships or you could have the Fighters inside the battleship being Flown to the battle and then Launching to Rape the enemy ships either way people will die. In Fact having dockable battleships is quite the reverse its more Realistic and if you kill the battleships early, the remaining fighers Docked will die to.
The server that ran this mod experienced no lag even in +20 Eagle PVPWhorage ROTFLcopter Battles, alsoyou cannot buy regens while docked on player battleships thus no advantage to getting more regens if you run out in a fight, and once the battle ensues no one will dock on the Capship again as bombers will take it out along with anyone onboard!!!
So you are talking about two things here? Dockable capital ships and fighters with some kind of fuel system or that die when their carriers die? That 2nd part really is not gonna happen. The game is called freelancer, people have to be able to play independently.
The fact that is is PvP oriented is relevant because I'd rather see the dev team work on developing something that supplements RP more, instead of PvP.
As for realism, sure, it would add some, but, as I said before I think it is possible there are other things that could add realism that are more worthy of being developed first. This is just my opinion however.
As for the lag, did the server you were playing on have a limit of 200? I am just wondering if a server with that population can support that much docking/undocking, or even if that is an issue.
it would promote RP I think. using a moving spawn point would be awesome in both rp and gameplay. no more NPC harrassing for fighters and bombers. they can be safely tucked away and rp for all they are worth without blowing up to a NPC.
it gives carriers a proper raison d`etre, rather than just being ligt BS with a fake name.
and yes, rules can be formed around the carrier priciple. docking on the carrier doesn`t count as fleeing like mentioned before. it adds a whole tactical level to any fight.
if it can be done, and people (namely Igiss) want it, I don`t see why is shouldn`t be done.
would be pretty awesome I think.
' Wrote:As for the lag, did the server you were playing on have a limit of 200? I am just wondering if a server with that population can support that much docking/undocking, or even if that is an issue.
I believe this one is meant for me. The Hamburg had a limit of 120 people, as I remember. It worked perfectly at that moment when I experienced the Carrier in action. However, I've remembered that Majkp mentioned that Disco is using a player limit hack, which makes server unstable. So I guess that you have a point there regarding the lag.
well.. me i think it would be really fun rping in it and in flak 88 i played it when u docked on batltesip u were like there to spawm when u undocked u were undocking where u docked and the bs could be like 100k away
I think an official word before was about issues regarding, what happens if the carrier dies/logs out etc. and what happens whilst you are docked, do you just sit there twiddling your thumbs?
To my understanding Flak 88 implemented this with out of the way totally neutral stations in every single system in the mod. They also used it when the Battleship died, you simply got put back to your last real base you docked at. A fair amount of Flak 88 game play was based around this, and it works without problems as far as I saw. It even worked to the extent of useful player controlled stations. I don't see it causing much FLhook stress either, no more than someone typing in /l for a few lines.
Quote:I think an official word before was about issues regarding, what happens if the carrier dies/logs out etc. and what happens whilst you are docked, do you just sit there twiddling your thumbs?
The idea is a mobile base to resupply on, it also causes nasty surprises when a bunch of fighters come out to play when someone takes a strange look at it.
If this was implemented, it would open up a lot of possibilities.