ID: Red Sunset
Location: Glendale, Lewis
To : All NLH and Friends of Dimi McEwan
Many of you will have known the man that was Dimi McEwan, Leader of the Gaian Natures Last Hope (NLH), and also Master of Level 66 on Islay Base in Edinburgh and The Green Hell.
Unfortunately and with deep regret we have received recent news that Dimi has been lost, killed in action in a Hazardous Operation, beyond our System. Our Leader has been confirmed dead by reliable sources and we mourn for him.
Plans are being made for a proper fly by funeral in Edinburgh for Dimi with a burial pod launch in the near future for those that wish to attend. Date and Time to be announced.
Dimi grew up the hard way, cutting his teeth and gaining friends, experience and favour in the harsh world of the Plague Dogs, well before I met him. A man convinced of his beliefs and a vocal supporter of individual choice and balance, vigorously pursuing his goals.
More recently he joined the Natures Last Hope in the Outer reaches of Sirius and manfully took over the leadership of the Faction in times of dire need, hard times during which he performed sterling work to rebuff and irritate the so called legal forces of Bretonnia aiding friends of the NLH and building the Green cause.
His demise, is unfortunately part of the harsh reality of life within the Border Worlds and although we have been dealt a terrible blow, life must go on.
Thanks to Dimi, the Gaian Cause is ever stronger, with him being instrumental in the acquisition of Lewis as a Faction System and his influence in the implementation and design of new, modern Gunships which will further the NLH Cause.
Should anyone wish to add to this wake please add respectful notes below.
Ariana knew Marburg McEwan only briefly. She saw him as a saint among saints, an extremist among extremists ... a true visionary; A man that even she feared.
Com ID: Shadowcat
Well... Dimi... the road ends here I guess *sniff* It's just too soon. You taught me everythin' there is to know about... everythin'. I will miss you dearly, chap...
I promise you...I... *gets grim* ...I promise that I will be there... I will always be there to protect our beloved Gaia. I also promise that... that Lewis will always be under the close watch of the Shadowcat.
Oh Great Spirit,
Master of our lives, master of all things visible and invisible.
Command the good spirits to be favorable to Damien McEwan and keep the bad spirits from working evil on him in the floating world of the departed.
Oh Great Spirit,
It was your will to close his life on Mother Gaia, let him journey to the great country of our spirits where he may meet our friends and relatives and where you are pleased to shine upon all with a bright, warm, eternal blaze!
Oh Great Spirit,
Make known to us your pleasure by sending us the spirit of Damien McEwan to watch over us and protect us as we perform your will each day.
Oh Great Spirit,
Preserve the lives of Damien's family in these troubling times. Preserve them and let them be the comfort and support of his memory.
Oh Great Spirit, Oh Grand Mystery,
Harken to our voice. Remember us always, for we of Nature's Last Hope are your children descended from Thee.
Ze'ev received the communication from Islay while sitting on the Temple of the Revenant. His new home had some most sophisticated communication systems, ones he was just beginning to learn to take advantage of. Ze'ev turned a knob and began broadcasting on a Sirius wide channel.
"Peoples of Sirius, you have lost a hero today, and Gaia has lost it's strongest protector. Damien "Marburg" McEwan, he was a powerful man, a leader, misunderstood by most of those who met him. Radical in his views, he was a moral stalwart, standing fast against the rise of Imperial Bretonia, refusing to give in, literally carving his own corner of space out of a rock. He was a man who saw injustice, and refused to stand down until it was stopped. 'Burg was one of the few non-Kusari I have every met who I trusted with my life, and respected more than any other. He was my friend, he was my family, he will be missed... and the blaze of fire I light to Planetform and Orbital Spa and Cruise ships in his memory will light the sky of all the houses.
For those of you that don't know me, my name is Riley. Along with Moir..ah, Ms Ebola, I was one of Dimi's closest friends.
I've known the guy for well over a decade, & I can safely say that he was always a walking contradiction of himself. A proudly humble civilized savage, & in alot of calmly unsetteling respects, a killer who loved life.
I started to learn that the day we first met when we ended up beating the $#!% out of each other after taking the exact same side of an argument against some other idiots, & we ended up getting banned from the bar we fought in.
I didn't even know he was a Gaian until about two months later, when a handful of BPA Officers tried to take him into custody during a morning lecture at Cambridge U. the day the administration discovered that he was using a false identity to gain access to the campus.
Well, in the confusion & heat of the moment, I jumped in to help my buddy fight his way out, & it wasn't until we cleared the planet & eventually shook off the cops chasing us that he told me.
At that point, I was guilty of aiding in the escape of a terrorist combatant, & was offered a job and a place to hide on Islay.
I was pissed about being steamrolled into it, but what else could I do? As far as the cops were concerned, I was just as much a Gaian as he was, & it was far too late to turn back.
Eventually, I came to realize that everything I always thought I knew about the Gaians was wrong, & being forced into my new life was the best thing that could have happened. In spite of the high price it cost me, & all the pain it eventually caused me, it kickstarted a chain of events that made me the man I am today.
Sometimes it kills me to say it, but I'm grateful, & I owe Damien McEwan my life on multiple levels.
Incoming Transmission... Comm ID:[OPG-M]Fenix Opening Transmission...
While I did not know him on a personal level, I still wish to offer my condolences. He was a brave warrior, and a true hero. I would be honored to attend his funeral. Closing Transmission...
To: Glendale, Lewis System
From: Lurue
Subject: Dimi's death
Priority: Top
Message reads:
I am sorry for not being able to be there so I hope this transmission will suffice.
I am so sorry I wasn't there at your side, Dimi, I should have been there fighting to the end with you.
You were a mentor to me and a great friend.
You were the one who, surprisingly, took me under your wing back when I was a rich spoiled mess in an X-shuttle.
I fell in love with the Planet Gaia back then, but I didn't know what I was doing until you found me.
You taught me that the Gaian ideal is so much more than being angry and taking it out on any trader.
You taught me that we are better than simple pirates that follow the examples of Corsair "supporters" and under your tutelage I've learned to be a righteous fist of retribution from Mother Gaia herself.
You provided me with a goal and the means to achieve it, but most imporatantly, you provided me with friendship.
I thank you Dimi for all you gave me and you will be sorely missed by this pilot.
To the rest assembled may I suggest the sapling of a large tree be planted on Mother Gaia as a memory for her.
I'm sorry for the delay, but I've been here on some important business. That and such an event has me literally speechless.
He was certainly a great man and a great friend. I first met him back when the Green Hell was being dug out. But even after I left Islay for some years, he was there to greet me when I returned. He showed me the ways of the Gaians once again and helped to give meaning to my life.
Unfortunately, such is the price of war. I think the best way to honor his memory is to continue his fight. What better a monument to his life than one created from the twisted wreckage of the Shetland as it finally reaches its ends, far less noble than Dimi. The memory of he and all the Gaians will burn brightly in the minds of Bretonia each time a Planetform ship burns in the vacuum.
But, friend, know this - as your life begins to set like the twin suns of Edinburgh over Gaia, we still stand here, willing to face the same fate if it means success at last.
May the grass continue to grow green beneath your step.