' Wrote:Well... I think Fireant came after, but brittania was definitely just sitting there.
Thats funny, I didn't think you were there either, but, you seem to know all about the events that occurred. I was attempting to find aeon when he was killed. If you have screenshots of the conversation in Cambridge between aeon and skylanzer, you should send them to wolf. Particularly the part where aeon asked them -repeatedly- to leave him alone, that he was busy talking to someone, and skylanzer continued to attack. For all I know, aeon was just sitting in one place throughout all of this.
And while I'm sure you will derive great pleasure from crafting some superb pyrotechnic response to this, I can assure you that I will never read it.
Yeah i have screenies. I entered just as Aeon said that.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
BestFlyerHere, you've accused Brittania (which is Sunergos based on the reply) was out of role play when encountered when in fact Brittania had been looking for Aeon's trader and was actively assisting but turns was too late. By your own words, you entered the system after Aeon's trader had died. I suspect that likely the reason you found the Brittania stationary was either in conference or assessing what to do next. Be careful of your accusations, because from the sound of things I think that accusation is bogus and you jumped to a conclusion (this seems even more likely since it appears in your posts that details regarding the events are either missing or are unsure). Unless you have proof to the contrary, I'd expect no less than an apology to Sunergos for that accusation.
As for the Brittania firing on an HF vessel in Cambridge, I don't blame Brittania opening fire since 1) Pirates were already in system and attacked a trader and 2) HF have been told on numerous occassions that they are KOS in Cambridge and to stay out. My apologies for you not listening to our repeated warnings. And as a point of fact, if Brittania were not to fire on you, wouldn't that be against RP? Anyways, a thought to consider.
My suggestion drop the argument, apologize to Sunergos, and if Aeon wishes provide wolf with the screenies to decide on the accusation that Skylanzer was blasting someone that wanted to be left alone.
yes i was attempting to do my trade run and told the dood to leave me alone... and he didnt. (understatement, lol)
unfortunatly i was extremely confused as to what exactly was happening, since i had 7 ppl talking to me at once and was also getting shot, which i didnt realize was happening until my hull was half down:crazy:
but yea i did figure it out and while skylanzer was attempting to vaporize me i told him to leave off. luckily for me, a large train with mkV armour took him about 2 mins to take down while i just snailed along at 79m/s...:lol:
unfortunatly due to my confusion, i forgot to take screenies, and nearly the same thing happened again tonight, and i again forgot to take screenies. however if it happens again i will remember.
for now however, ive switched trade routes to a more peaceful run where i dont have to deal with all those retarded pvp'ers who say that they are rp'ing as a cover-up...
I think there might have been a bit of misunderstanding on both Aeon and Skylanzer's side..
Aeon is trying to talk to 7 people while flying. Skylanzer finds a trader. The trader simply tells him to leave him alone (Skylanzer probably doesn't know that he has to stop due to rule.). Even if skylanzer knew of that rule, it would simply look to him like a trader abusing a rule just so he doesn't lose any money.
This brings in the situation regarding said rule. This rule is good in some situations, but allows for ALOT of abuse. Traders could just say that to every single pirate in the game and never have to worry about anything. People hostile to a faction can just walk right through that faction's home system yelling leave me alone and nothing could be done. I've already encountered both the non-abuse side of this, and the abused side of this rule.
I think there needs to be a little revising of the rule to stop abuse. Such as giving valid reasons for asking to be left alone. A list of some valid reasons as examples should be added in the rules list.
This way would lower abuse of the rule by quite alot. Though I don't think having a bunch of conversations would fall under the rule.. Conversations can wait for a few minutes while you try escaping.
Though what might have been possible would to stop the transport, ask Skylanzer to wait for a minute while Aeon said to everyone talking to him to wait for a sec, then resumed flying and try to escape.
Firebird, Aeon called for help, i entered the system. I was about 20k from the planet when Aeon again said leave me alone. Then he died. Brittania did not say anything, and Skylanzer wasn't killed. Come on, a vhf against a BSG and SF battleship.
Come on, think about it, not a chance if SF actually fired. I asked him out of RP why he did nothing, and he couldve said i shot at Skylanzer, and I'd stand corrected. He said nothing except that HF was KoS, which i already knew. I said i was out of RP, but he opened fire. And I still have not had my question answered.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
I have now been party to the *invunerable* shields of the SF ... This came mainly in the form of permanent
shield running by the Battleship Repulse, culminating in docking on planet Leeds to regen and re-stock on
botts and batts ... IN THE MIDDLE OF A BATTLE ...
Guys this is a bit much ... Then to come out and re-engage when re-enforcements arrive ... This takes the
Run by all means, but keep going, anything else is shield running, especially as you were stopping each time
they came up, till you reached the Planet.
Hope this is not the shape of things to come from the SF ...
You can just ask, of course.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."
So a single battleship completing an assigned RP mission, being pursued by a Dreadnaught, Bomber and fighter is not supposed to try and complete that mission?
Maybe the PvP bug has infected a few people.:P
I was not especially interested in being target practice and you were attacking me at my base of operations.
Edit: It might just be easiest if I leave the server. I can put up with the half-baked stories and "I'm not really on this ship" type stuff but constant harrassment over every action is to much.
You ran AFTER selling those pilots too. Stop trying to claim the reasons for one incident, for the others as well. I too have seen SF constantly shield running for no reason but to regen the shields.
Then Ant plz explain why you ran from a single bomber in Tau 31 when he engaged you at the Tau 29 JG?
You werent at base of operations and you easily outgunned him so why the running?
I know where it is Cortana, I just have to find it. - Commodore Puddles