[Begin Transmission from John Tyin, Naval Report #~776]
Just a quick report. A few days ago a Rogue was put out of commission by me and Will Peters after he refused several times to leave the system. He did not co-operate with us in any way and just wanted to be awkward about the situation, common rogue. So in all, I opened fire under order of Will and he went down like a fly. Just thought I would quickly report this to save me a lot of paperwork.
Finally was able to get out to a patrol today. I rendevoused with Ensign Baker at Manhattan due to a distress call which included Xenos and Nomads causing trouble. I arrived with my Guardian and we both entered the fray with a concentrated fire on the Nomads. Her ship was destroyed and she was forced to eject when her ship took fire however, she has escaped with minor injuries.
The Xenos, several fighters from various organizations and myself continued the fight until some Bounty Hunters took this opportunity to collect some cash on Xenos. With the Xenos out of the fight, Nathan MacElroy, [KoF]-Cecil, SHS-Reclaimer. C-Miner, Ptv._Starkiller, Suralin, Kyosuke.Takeda, along with Xenos Pitviper and Copperhead were at some point, in range of the skirmish as well. Our hostile targets, 'Byuzrak' and 'Gleamshrike' were the nomad morphs.
After extended duels, 'Gleamshrike' was the first to go and during this time, my ship computer went down along with the sensors. With time, my systems came back online and soon after, 'Byuzrak' was destroyed. The Xenos were also gone and with that, Manhattan was clear.
.:Incoming Transmission:. .:Comm ID: LSF Julia Wolfe:. .:Location: Classified:. .:Target: Liberty Police HQ: CC: LSF Command:. .:Encryption Protocol: Alpha:.
As I was responding to a distress call I came across two smugglers right outside of Manhattan's orbit, they had 4300 units of the vile stuff. Unfortunately I was not in a position to interdict this operation and they managed to escape me. I enclose the only guncam shot I was able to obtain. I recommend the LPI and the LSF to keep a look out for these two criminals.
Transmission starting...
Sender:Willows, Sarah - Commodore Recipients:All Liberty Forces, especially Captain Redline, Commander Anderson, Commander Elwood, Ensign Baker, Ensign Tyin, Recruit Willows, Miss Wolfe and Transport Captain Cort
I'm supposed to be on shoreleave... but seems Hale had the GREAT idea to forward your reports to me anyway.
Well everyone, I gave it a quick look-see, and can't say anything's wrong there in general.
I think what I like the most is us getting a hand at one of those new Rheinland Military "Superbombers".
Suffice to say I'm having a wide grin on my face right now, since I'll get to see the damn thing on Willard right as I'm back from shoreleave.
If R&D didn't disassamble it by then...
Anyway ladies and gentlemen, that's a nice one, and Ensign Baker deserves a pat on the back for it.
As for the rest, like I said, everything's in order... oh well. Err, yeah. Recruit Willows... god that sounds weird...
Anyway, Recruit Willows is hereby promoted to the rank of Ensign.
Be nice to him ladies and gentlemen, else I'll kick your rear end.
Well, actually, give him hell. He needs to learn some good old-fashioned discipline, and I sure as hell can't be everywhere, even though I'm his mother.
Now, to the individual parts:
To Captain Redline:I'm glad to hear the damn gun's still in one piece.
And good to see you didn't decide to go on shoreleave like you mentioned last time we met in space.
I think your ship and crew do a mighty fine job at keeping those intruders at bay, and I hope it'll stay that way.
Oh and I actually liked the music.
To Commander AndersonGood work with the Nomads Galen, good work.
MacElroy's a close friend of mine, so he told me about that one already.
Can say that I'm impressed you've made it, those things were of a particularily vicious category according to old Mac.
To Commander Elwood:Elwood, guess what, your trial period's over.
You're back in as a Captain. Now go do your job.
Like mentioned last time, the Carson City's part of the West Point defense contingent for now, so it'll be a while until you get to blast Rheinlanders.
To Ensign Baker:Rachel, you've made me damn happy with handling that defector.
The things he said about Rheinland... well, kind of weird in my eyes, but whatever.
He's been granted full amnesty, and the ship's on Willard now.
Next time Commodore Robinson and me throw a party, you're sure as hell invited.
Oh and bring a bikini. We got a nice and "special" pool.
To Ensign Tyin:Tyin, the guncams we get are kind of known to malfunction repeatedly, don't worry about it.
Your reports come in fine, and even without guncam evidence, they're good to go.
We can always get everything we need out of the sensor logs anyway, so really, no worries.
Oh and good work out there actually.
I'd say you're making a good first impression up here, but don't let that get to your head.
To Recruit Willows:Well well. Logan, Hale's given you a field promotion already...
...but this there above's the official thing.
People seem to like you a fair bit already, which is nice to see.
Now do me a favor and don't take any damn unnecessary risks, else I'll have to spank you.
Oh, and be nice to Commodore Robinson, or I swear you'll get back into a rustbucket, son.
To Miss Wolfe:The evidence regarding that smuggler's been forwarded to the LPI.
As for the Mercenary... well, we'll keep a close eye on him aswell.
That callsign sounds familiar in my ears somehow... but whatever.
To Transport Captain Cort:Cort, ain't got a clue why the transmission got cut... if you get this, I hope you can get back here safe.
We've already informed the families of your crewmembers, and the loss of life in our ranks is always a sad thing... but for now, just make sure you get back safe.
Phew... I think that covers it all...
Oooh, wait!
From now on, I'm back on shoreleave on Los Angeles for a week.
And Commodore Robinson's got a week of shoreleave aswell.
During my trials as a student in West Point Academy, I was acknowledged by my flight instructor to possess certain talents piloting a Bomber-class vessel. In addition to this I also held the highest score in my flight-class, thus I was transported to the Bomber institution and received special training which included:
Flight movements
Theory lessons regarding the Bomber vessel
Coordinating a Supernova strike
Long- & short range bombardment
Vessel equipment and their uses in combat
I understand that I'm still an Ensign and as such I'm not yet allowed to pilot a Bomber-class vessel. However, both my history and my present has proved that I'm more than capable of utilizing said vessel to its maximum capacity. In short, I'm requesting for the allowance to pilot an Li-117 Liberty "Upholder" Bomber at my current rank and stage.
I await the High-Command's response to this request.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, Newark Station
This concerns a few things listed as follows:
The Embargo, and breakers of the aforementioned:
If the [OTC] group of Junkers are not already Kill on Sight, they are now. Blatant disregard of the embargo law is to blame. I expect the Liberty Police Incorporated to be hot on the heels of their ships if and when they are spotted in and around Liberty. These smugglers are as dumb as they are arrogant, and I expect them to be punished to the fullest extent of your cannon-fire.
Ensign Logan Willows:
You are very lucky that Commodore Willows and I are in a relationship, otherwise your ship would currently be a defender instead of a guardian. That said, I have seen first hand your expertise in an Upholder, so I am willing to have you requisition one from naval stockpiles. I expect you to do well, ensign. However, if you come out with any of that insolence again, even in the middle of an engagement, I will gut you and your ship where they stand. Am I perfectly clear?Good.
On a more tame note, an Order Carrier and its gunboat escort were put out of action today. Spotted around Manhattan space, claiming to have breeched our defences, they sat for a while, appearing to do very little. This gave us time to moblise our heavy armour in the form of the Plymouth Rock battlecruiser. I took command, and the fight proceded according to plan. The armour on the enemy carrier appeared a little thin, falling early, and the enemy gunboat fell foul of the two Light Mortar batteries. Ensign Logan and Julia Wolfe of the Liberty Security Force provided the Plymouth Rock with the cover it needed, in that very short skirmish.
Claiming to have broken our defences, those misguided pilots of the Order did nothing more than add to the scrap fields around New York's trade lane network.
That is all to report for now, since Commodore Willows has evidently taken it upon herself to lighten my load of paperwork. Good job, everyone. Except ensign Logan, of course.
During my patrol inside the Virgina system, issued by our 'lovely' Commodore Robinson, we both received a distress call originating from the New York system. Apparently two Order Capital Warships had breached into Liberty Territory and were currently on the offensive near Planet Manhattan. Commodore Robinson quickly recognized this threat and headed straight for the Liberty Dreadnought "Plymouth Rock" to counter the capital vessels. Meanwhile I was issued to Planet Manhattan in order to locate the current position of the two hostiles.
When we both arrived at the scene, both Order vessels had already begun retreating and were heading towards Norfolk Shipyard. Fortunately with the assistance of some other Liberty Navy Pilots we managed to intercept in time and disrupted their cruise engines. A battle spawned right after the interception and Commodore Robinson did an excellent job commanding over the LNS Plymouth Rock who managed to eliminate both targets with minor damage done to its own hull.
=====incomeing transmission===================
commsid: capt James patterson 1st SOFD "Delta"
subject:changeing of the guard ft louisbourgs chage of command ceromeoney and my (regretable)retirement
<start> this isint a peoper channel persay but well,as you all know i have to leave the military(or be stuck on a desk job at westpoint) because of a combat injurt (see case Army vrs corpral jim hastings file 33676 bravo JAG archives) and soon (proble within the next few months)il lhe holding the change of command ceromonny and a medals ceromoney and be honorable discharged with emergency callback status from the liberty Army my XO marines commander tomas mathers wil lbe granted full CO status of the Ft louisbourg and well as some of you are my firends(commodore Willows Vadm hale and harper and Vadm mactavish along with LTC jack malrone and a few others(steph your included too so is julia wolfe) id be honored if yal lwould show up when i finalize the thing as its a military ceromoney dress uniforms are prefered but not requiored (ive never been one to dress up anyway just look presentable for press and such) when i have more detials il lpost them but fornow i can tell you that it will be held aboard the ft louisbourg in her officers/VIP mess expect a gormet meal and as such fine liquors im not expecting any special treatment and unless i can come up with the funds for the surgury(as the army wont do it themselfs)ill have to retire i can stil lfight but my co's are pressing i retire incase the 6.8mm flachete projectilethat is currently 6 inchs from my spinal cord creeps closeer and possably disturbs my spinal cord,i should probly take the desk job but well i dident wign up to push papers i signed up to defend my home call me stubborn or stupid or whatever you want but well i just figured i extend an invitation to any who opted to atend
captian james "jimmy" patterson out
<transmission ends>
PS galen in my swamp of peperwork i forgot to send you an invitation to the ceromoney il lstil lbe military at heart might even eventually try to get a waver for the LSF or become a merc or something,the Falls can stil lfight and so can i i wil ljust have to bew careful with myself like i am my ship
ooc// to many lolerfleets oorp smugglers ectra im just sicm of the oorp so il lkeep the ship just not be on it as much ill be a freelance gb (that is actually "someone to talk to" for the LSF in charcter so il lstil lbe on your side guys no need to pew pew me ...yet anyway=p
Captain Patterson, it has been an honor to fly with you. Ever since the beginning of my career you sir, have helped me become who I am today. With that, I was able to pass on what I have learned to the new recruits now. Safe flights and good luck.
Onto the report, tonight was relatevely quiet except for the order gunboat incursion I heard from preliminary reports. I linked up with LPI Officer Marcus Lindberg in a patrol around New York. With the help of a freelancer named Curt Remmert, he assisted me in giving me the location of a Rogue pirate in a bomber named Berlayer. I engaged the pirate after multiple attempts at persuading him to leave. After an extended duel due to a nearby rogue gunboat patrol, his ship was destroyed by my magmas. His pod must have been picked up by that patrol as they left toward the debris fields.
During yet another patrol inside the Virgina system, issued by Commodore Robinson. I received a distress call originating from the California system. Apparently a Lane Hacker Battleship, codenamed"The Spyglass" was floating in space near Planet Mojave. Commodore Sarah Willows issued a Bomber-alert to all Liberty Navy Pilots in the vicinity for a direct counter-strike. Moments later when the strike team had assembled, we charged towards the Spyglass.
Unfortunately, seconds prior to the attack, Commodore Robinson had an engine malfunction in her ship making her paralyzed and thus received critical damage from the Spyglass. However, Commodore Sarah Willows spotted the problem and managed to retrieve Commodore Robinson's lifepod.
On a side note, we were assisted by a Bounty Hunter who managed to destroy a Lane Hacker Bomber who was attempting to assist the Spyglass during the battle.