---- Incoming Transmission ----
-- From: Yaren Base
-- Sender ID: The Doctor, of the Seker Order Destroyer
-- Recipients: To All Concerned
--- Unencrypted ---
Forgive me, Chairman Mal, in regard to me temperament in my last transmission.
As I said, I'm occupied with the repairs of my ship and was then quite occupied with the care of my crew (I'm happy to report that most of the wounded have been stabilized in the last few hours) - and to hear this entire debacle pushed aside as an "Oops" incident by Ms. Tate was not exactly what I was in the mood to hear. This should not be brushed aside or justified - this is a call to action, as I said. We should all do something.
I should further state that once repairs are made and completed to the Seker and the vacancies we now have in the crew departments are filled with new recruits, we shall base ourselves between Freeport 11 and Omicron Minor, and maintain our ship as a guardian of the Freeport to help in the effort to maintain civilization in these systems against the threat of the Nomads. Supplies for it shall be procured off of Order bases, as to not stretch the Zoner supply lines or leech off the resources going back into reconstruction of the station, but the ship shall be stationed there for now.
As I am a doctor and have medical personnel on the ship, I'll transfer to the Freeport via shuttlecraft with what medical officers and engineers that can be spared and help in the recovery efforts there.
This is a call to action, and the Seker, for one, is responding to it.
And to any Core ships who might be listening in on this channel:
The Seker will maintain neutral relations with any bounty hunter vessels, in lieu of this threat. It will only fire at Core vessels when fired upon with the intent of destruction.
We are all humans, ladies and gentlemen.
We are threatened by something that is not human.
Now is the time to stand united and vanquish this threat. Factions and grudges should be placed on the sidelines until we are safe once again.
On request of Elizabeth Tate Captain of Persephone-II- I am giving full detailed report about recent attack of Keepers on Fp 11.
I was a part of bomber squad who first intercepted Nomad fleet before they reached Delta.We got readings about only one keeper ship within Iota,as we were several ships we jumped to Iota to stop him from reaching Delta.
As we jumped we got engaged by one keeper light fighter,his agility and huge mine spawn with help of defense platforms quickly disabled our bombers and we were forced to leave,there was keeper BS waiting a few kilometers from jump hole.I have lost all guns,thruster and hull sustained heavy damage.My Ship barely managed to jump and as soon jump was complete he fell apart.Other pilots got killed inside the Iota.As keeper BS Harbinger with nomad bombers escort and few morphs entered Delta,the headed straight for FP 11.On their way a Bounty Hunter Battleship and ZRT Destroyer intercepted keeper fleet and got destroyed.
Second defense point was set up near FP 11,it was combined of 2 Order Carriers and Corsair Dreadnought.As they faced Keepers fleet they got also completely destroyed.
Since there was nothing left between Keepers and FP 11,they started to bombard it and causing huge damage.Meanwhile another Keeper BS arrived.
My mens did manage to send out signal for reinforcments and several capital ships and bombers arrived from Order.Corsairs also send strong backup.BHG sustained heavy damage as well losing BS,so they also send capital ships to confront Keeper Fleet.
A powerful fleet combined from Order,BHG and Corsairs ships confronted Keepers and fired everything on them.
Despite heavy fire from allied fleet,keepers only lost one morph ship,and allied side sustained critical damage and lost one BS.At end keeper fleet decided to retreat to Iota,few ships chased them,but at end they give up.
Freeport 11 has sustained massive damage,several decks have been breached,most of the docking bays are disabled,dozens of pilots civilians and crew members have died.,and yet this was not even half of fleet which Keepers can bring.
For now our BS Deviator and recon Cruiser Seeker will remain in Delta and help in supplying FP 11 with much needed supplies.
If the attacks of this scale increase, it will be harder if not impossible to defend any strategic positions in Delta, including the FP in the near future.
All the parties have sustained massive damage as they lost several capital warships.So if attacks like this continue I am afraid that we won't be able to defend FP 11.
I apologize for being late with this report,I have spend a whole day collecting intel about it and meanwhile visiting familes of killed pilots and bringing horrible news.
"thank you very much for this detailed report. - in the meantime i was able to inspect the damage done by the attack.
Several windows of the biodome were shattered, blowing many people into the icy depths of space. only the emergency blast doors saved the station from decompression - but the habitational modules and especially the support tanks suffered severe damage.
so far, we would like to transfer the wounded to toledo into medical care. - repairs have already begun, but we are not able to do full repairs without station panels. - furthermore our fuel supply was almost completely been destroyed due to the heavy damage to the lower fuel tanks.
currently the situation is quite desolate, but not hopeless.
all ships should be on constant alert - it might have been only the first wave. - there is not more to say at that time, everyone is quite upset"
Comm ID: Peter.Kristall
Well, once I got out of the med bay, I put my personal Griffin in hock and picked up a used repair ship on Planet Holstien. Getting that thing out to FP11 was... interesting, but I managed. I've replaced the biodome windows and am currently sealing a large breach on the underside. Should be ready for pressure testing once I'm done.
I'd like to thank Shamus Brown here, he brought up vital supplies for the repair effort, including basic alloy, super alloy, O2 and MOX, not to mention several technicians to help out inside. With any luck, and barring more Nomad attacks, we should have the station fully pressurized by tomorrow, and good as new by this time next week.
PROGRESS REPORT: We have positive pressure on the biodome and connecting walkway. There's still random electrical outages, and obviously all the plants will need to be replaced, but at least we have more room now. Starting work on the fuel tanks. They were heavily damaged, it'll take some time...
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
---- Incoming Transmission ----
-- From: Shamus Brown
I helped Pete here with his repairs, shippin' engineers an' parts an' metal to the Freeport.
Once we finished rebuildin' the dome an' got it all pressurized so we could breath in it, I ran off to Stuttgart to git us some plants and fertilizers to use in the dome, 'causes all the plants had sorta died when we lost atmospheric pressure in there during the attack.
I had just got to Stuttgart when Pete called up an' said that the LNS Tundra had appeared in Delta.
Now, I didn't really believe the stories about that ghost ship thingummy before, but I now I think I might...
Anyways, I guess they chased that beastie off in time for me to make it back to the Freeport before all the plants died on me. I picked up some alien organisms at Freeport 9, just 'cause the biologists said I should git some fer the dome, to balance out the gases right or somethin'. Don't ask me, I ain't into plantology or whatever it all is.
Ol' Bessie an' I managed to git the load o' plants, fertilizer, and organisms (plus five ecologists from Stuttgart who offered to help out.) all the way to the Freeport without a problem.
So's, I think we're gonna have the dome producin' food within a short amount'a time here.
I guess that the next stuff I'll be shippin' in the heavy water from Canaria...once we patch them tanks up, we'll need to fill 'em up. Freeport needs some power, as do the ships around here. Now, I already brought some MOX in fer the auxiliary generators, so the Freeport should be fine fer now... the Corsair Battleship Fes has offered to sell the Zoners some o' her extra MOX if we need it.
That's all good, but we'll need full power soon enough, an' the ships'll need fuel.
As soon as those tanks are done, I'll be haulin' the gas. Er... water.
We'll need some H-fuel, too. I suppose I can grab that, or someone else can.
Sigma 13 ain't far away at all.
Shamus out, 'cause I'm gettin' me a drink and headin' to bed.
[Incoming Transmission]
[ID: The fourth child of the Stars]
This is Child.4
We have recieved the distress call, and myself, joined by Childs.5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14,15,16,17,18,19,20,21,22,23,24,25,26,27,28,29,30 and 31 are on our way.
We are carrying materials for repair, and we are speeding our way through the stars and space.
All Blue Monsters must die. They are evil. We shall not let them live.
The Emerald Glow has delivered a shipment of supplies to Freeport 11:
1000 units of Oxygen, Water, Food and H-Fuel.
Additionally 500 units of alloys for the repair crews.
--Incoming Transmission--
--BHG|Core-Cerberus, Harold Mudd, Commanding
My ship was unable to participate in the actions against the Nomads during the original attack on Freeport 11 due to thruster damage. However, our repair crews were able to finish such that we could begin patrols in Delta and to help provide some site security for your work crews.
During our shift, we witnessed (and applaud) the efforts of Peter Kristall in repairing the damage. He remained diligent even in the face of the potential threat from LNS-Tundra. The LNS-Tundra did not attack Freeport 11. However, while in pursuit of that vessel, the fleeting vessel flew near Freeport 15. It would be our recommendation that heightened security be enacted in all systems, as it appears that (based on spy satellite coverage of the Tundra) that the Nomads and Wilde are coordinating their activites to a level not seen since ... the last Nomad war.
Comm ID: Ivan.Ilyich
Source: Livadia Shipyard medical ward, Omicron-74
Destination: FP11 and Involved Parties
Encryption Level: 3
We have delivered the following materials thus far for reconstruction:
2500 units Basic Alloys
2000 units Super Alloys
500 units of Hull Panelling
And the following assorted supplies:
1000 units Deuterium
3000 units Oxygen
500 units pharmaceuticals (medical)
500 assorted Human Organs (medical)
We were on our way to the Sigmas to pick up H-Fuel when our ship was savagely attacked by the infested LNS-Tundra in Omicron-74. The majority of our ship was completely destroyed, and two of my five crew-members are still unaccounted for. Unfortunately our in-flight recorder could not be found either. All ships opertating in the Delta-Kappa region should exercise extreme caution.