Borned at Crete,far of the city,in the few farm in the planet. He wish every time be a pilot for protect his nation.
At his beginnig like independent pilot began as pirate in cambridge, few time ago as some months he listen about one faction incoming from nomads systems back to repair and some goods to gamma. At this time he still independent pirate with more experience, never fight against a outcast ever was againts the police and hessians.
How first be a pilot?....dont is a easy way,but never were the best, he dont lost the hope be like the grat corsair "Bandera[TBH]" he is the men and one day he hope be as him. Long way to make and hard.
When he was child do help to his fathers in the farm, bad harvest all time, bad ground, nothing good to get from that planet.
One day in the city watch a cartel calling for join to the army, with a new hope to be someone intro the corsairs he join without thought, there learn all the things must know, Who are the council and the laws in the empire, foes and allies, smugglers routes and which trader ask a "donation" and who not, etc
Years ago of that,and months from his independent live as pirate, he join to one facciont called Hispania Armored Forces, baptized with fire for problems, he never lost the hope for be a big corsair, and never will be lost the hope so, one day will be a day