' Wrote:I have also revised the Victory Liberty War Bond program. The bonds will sell at 100,000Credits per bond, redeemable for 120,000 Credits after Three weeks. Any outstanding bonds redeemed after 4 weeks can be redeemed for 125,000 Credits. And any outstanding bonds that are NOT Redeemed after 1 month can be redeemed for 150,000 Credits.
After 2 Months, any bonds purchased and not redeemed will be voided.
Thank you gentlemen.
To: South Alliance Officials
Hey there, I'd be interested in them war bonds if yer still sellin' 'em..
I'll approach your representatives to work the specifics out..
Oh, right, and if ya need assistance with that goods for that project down in Cali, just drop me a line will yer..
Trashcanman out..
[color=#ffffff]*** TRANSMISSION END ***
First of all, there is absolutely NO POINT in arguing with Wolfpack.
Technically, you are my superior, and since I am part of your faction, I need to believe in what you are saying.
But the "leave of die" seriously pissed me off. I joined SA in HOPES of creating a lawful faction that was not corrupted, cruel, and known for being unjust. I EVEN STATED that ALL members are to be treated with ABSOLUTE respect on multiple occasions.
I do not know why, but you seem to have thrown ALOT of everything I tried to do for you and SA down the drain. I'm fine with you chasing the guy and asking for cargo, but REALIZE this.
The SA commands an area where the highest concentration of new players reside in. WE need to SET an example for everyone there, hence my trying to get everyone to greet players entering and exiting the systems that we "control".
BUT I also have made something else very clear. WE DO NOT CONTROL VIRGINIA. THIS also means that we CANNOT enact ANY laws or policies WHATSOEVER until we do so. EVEN if this were in place, there will be NO uttering of the words "leave or die". That is the VERY ideal that drives me insane.
Discovery is meant to be a friendly community. When helping SA, I have LONG tried to make it a faction that would set an example for all the NEW players that would join disco.
I amy not have created this faction, but I sure as hell did a WHOLE LOT for it, and I am NOT going to see all my hard work go to waste.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
It seems the Civilian Authority (Wolfpack) has issued a weapons-cold order for time being. I expect all in Texas to follow policy. in a way good for us and it gives time to raise more fund as unit. In relation to the SNAFU the explanation has merit, but these actions placed our unit in danger and some act of contrition is required. Suggestions SA?
I haven't been entirely clear myself on what all we ARE allowed to do, and what we AREN'T: both now and after we do have Virginia. It would be good to get our "rights" completely sorted out.
Ok folks here is where we stand. With Sushi's contribution, RedBears, Porter and Expander's we have in my hot little hand (oh, and OsoRojo)...carry the one....subtract...oh, no.. frickin calculator busted....my head hurts...ok,ok,---GRAND TOTAL=310 million.
Thor we need your 100 million and when able elgato's 20-30.
In the mean time I shall use this day to trade, hopefully will have the magic number "400' before end of day:)
Cpt. RedBear (Fundraising officer) of the Texas Squadron
Faction and System rules via Igiss
Some of these have been modified, i.e. we may align with Liberty Navy, in Virginia. Plus we are using version 4.82. Hope this helps
' Wrote:This post is an official part of server rules listed here: Discovery Server Rules. This part was written to make faction creation procedure as clear as possible, while containing all required regulations. Please read attentively if you wish to create a faction, gain a home system or know more about how this should be done.
Faction Membership
First of all: player is owner of the account. Character is a character on this account (up to 5 on each account).
Each character can only be part of one faction. Different characters from one account can be part of different factions.
ID Tag Rules
When a faction is being created, leader chooses an ID that all its members will equip. Having this ID is essential for all characters of the faction who reached level 40.
It is possible for any faction or any group to choose any ID that they like. Including even IDs that were already taken by system-owning factions, Neutral ID and Freelancer ID. The latter two IDs are quite easy to get, so if the group does not want to be NPC-aligned, they are the proper choice.
However, not all IDs or NPC affiliation will grant your faction right to have the home system.
I. How to create basic faction, clan, group without affiliation or home system?
1) Each faction has only one leader. When creating a faction, leader cannot be member of any other faction. Leader must also have at least one character of level 50 or above.
2) Leader should choose an ID tag that all members of the group will get after level 40.
2) Leader should post faction announcement in Discovery Factions forum. You may announce your goals, roleplay alignment and all other information you find important. The more the better. You may also announce recruiting. As soon as you'll get at least 3 members from different accounts, your group becomes a faction.
No administrator approval needed here. However, you shouldn't forget that our server is roleplaying one. Admins may reject your faction if it's out of acceptable limits, though we do allow a good deal of freedom here.
3) After the faction has 3 or more members, leader should post in Discovery Faction Status thread. Requirements for post are listed in that thread.
List of faction players must be included! If you don't have complete player list, post at least one player from each account. This is essential.
II. How to get a home system?
There are 29 faction systems that you may get in Discovery 4.81. All those systems are near systems that have bases of appropriate faction inside. For example, you'll find Xenos system near Kepler. On the map here, all faction systems are noted in red:
Not all of those 29 factions are free for claiming, and even if they are, there are requirements a faction should satisfy to get a system.
In addition to that, you may claim empty systems, but they won't be filled with objects until next Discovery version is released.
Existing system-owning factions:
Asgard Warriors - [AW] - Zoners
BlackSquadron - Bs| - The Order
Rheinland Military - [RM] - Rheinland Military
Sirius Federation - [SF] - Bretonia Armed Forces
You can check the map to see where their systems are located.
List of available IDs and requirements for getting a system
It's well-known that some Freelancer NPC factions are more powerful than the others. To get a home system, factions that choose different alignment must have different number of members from different accounts (or different number of people who joined the faction). This number ranges from 3 to 8.
Liberty Navy - Affiliation not allowed
Liberty Police, Inc. - Affiliation not allowed
Bretonia Armed Forces - 5 - Faction system belongs to SF
Bretonia Police - 3 - Must be allied with Navy
Kusari Naval Forces - 5
Kusari State Police - 3 - Must be allied with Navy
Rheinland Military - 5 - Faction system belongs to RM
Rheinland Police - 3 - Must be allied with Navy
Samura Industries - No faction system
Daumann Heavy Construction - No faction system
Kishiro Technologies - No faction system
BMM - No faction system
Deep Space Engineering - No faction system
Border World Exports - No faction system
Republican Shipping - No faction system
Ageira Technologies - No faction system
Synth Foods, Inc. - No faction system
Kruger Minerals - No faction system
Planetform, Inc. - No faction system
Interspace Commerce - No faction system
Universal Shipping - No faction system
Cryer Pharmaceuticals - No faction system
ALG Waste Disposal - No faction system
Orbital Spa and Cruise - No faction system
Gateway Shipping - No faction system
Corsairs - 5
Outcasts - 5
Red Hessians - 5
Blood Dragons - 5
Junkers - 5
Hogosha - 3
Mollys - 3
Xenos - 3
Bundschuh - 3
Gaians - 3
Lane Hackers - 5
Unioners - 3
Golden Crysanthemums - 3
LWB - 3
Farmers Alliance - 3
Liberty Rogues - 5
The Order - 5 - Faction system belongs to Bs
Gas Miners Guild - 5
Nomads - Affiliation not allowed, ID not available
Independent Miners Guild - 5
Zoners - 5 - Faction system belongs to AW
Bounty Hunters Guild - 5
System price
Price of all systems is 400 million credits.
Other requirements
Your faction must be actively present on server for at least one week.
Every system claim must be approved by administrator, usually Igiss. If you satisfy all requirements and have enough money, the system should be yours if no time.
Nussebull, you are not a bad leader. EVERYONE makes mistakes, and you are certainly not an exception. While I welcome your rank to me with open arms, I do not want you in 3rd command. You will remain a powerful influence in SA High Command.
SA's ranking system will be totally revolutionary. High Command will preside over the entire entity of the SA. Meanwhile, OsoRojo will be appointed the Governor of the Military District of Texas, and Tannik Seldon, the Governor of the Military District of California. Thor and CABAL(Pheonix) will serve as the Captains of the SA Main Fleet.
The Texas and California districts will remain under the control of the SA High Command. Oso will be dominant in Texas and Tannik dominant in Cali. Both, however, will remain VERY open to suggestions and advice to High Command.
I think that it is time we got our faction into shape. The occurence that happened before involving Nussebull and Phoenix, while directly their fault...is also indirectly MY fault.
I had promised to post up a copy of our rules and regulations for the FACTION asap, but due to time contraints and various other problems, I was unable to do so. This time, I'm going to get it up right now.
Code of conduct will be on at around 7PM EST, had to do some work.
Also, OsoRojo, I want YOU to carry the money on YOUR Char.
I'll tell Wolf to remove it.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
My financial officer has informed me that the funds requested are aboard the frighter Vallaria which is currently docked at Manhatten. (OOC: I will be on in an hour or two, hopefully I can make the deposit then.)
As for the situation at command, I agree whole heartedly with Cmdr. Seldon and Elgato. We needa clear mandate and charter to preclude this from happening again. While I don't see the point to furthering this incident any further then it has gone already, my rank and position do not afford me the luxury of such indulgences. "mine is but to do and die" as the saying goes. They don't pay me enough to make those kind of decsions. However, dicipline should be enforced and the commander, even of a garbage scow, should lead by example. I hope that we can move ast this quickly and secure our home in Virginia. Thanks
Cmdr. S. Terrell
LNS Thor's Hammer, Commanding
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
ooc: My brain is fried. Honshu run a brain drain:) That's great news Thor on the funds. Shall pop in occassionaly for next few hours will hook up. Ok, my tradin has got us to 355 million in my hot little hand and with Thor's contribution places over the top, if of course the full 100 million, to 455 million. If there is exccess I suggest we put it to the unit's general fund for recruiting or split for weapon uprades for those who need them. me personally am selfsuffiicent so all my extra I shall donate to SA.
Congratulation SA we have done it just need to hook with Thor!
My compliments
OsoRojo and Cpt. RedBear:)
Ok, just to let ya'll know, I am not studying to be math teacher, ok:) Revise numbers on funds burning hole in my pocket. Grand Total 375 million and some change!