Regardless of whether it was a Carrier, Gunboat, or even a Fighter, you should be running away as soon as the Navy show up on your scanners. Good pirates always run, it just isn't worth the effort trying to kill the Navy, even if you have the strength to.
None the less I agree with Nathrael (and that's saying a lot... cause we argue conflicting views about everything in the LR chat. Sindroms has to mute us to shut us up D:)
Also... since the LR doesn't have battleships... can we control our Dessie instead?
To repeat something that has been said innumerous times, so many so that I'd thought it had been drummed into the heads and minds of people around here: Indies are not factions.
We have no control over what they do, and often that is the way they want it because we sure as hell would not want them doing such things. Most independents are for lack of a better word idiots. So instead of complaining here, how about you look for some pre-existing form of roleplay designed to deal with it? I am not going to post my usual links here, because that would mean digging them up again. Rest assured that the threads for this exist, I made/rewrote/posted them myself with the blessing of the admirality. If you have a problem with something they do, get off your arse and let us know the problems exist so we can do something, rather than whining about a known problem.
One more thing to note, as an incentive.
Mention people's names and point fingers on the forums in an ooRP topic, which may better be worded as 'bitching', and nothing will be done about that occurrence. If you want something to be done, either contact a member of the controlling faction privately, through a PM, or use a Diplomatic Post. This is getting annoying.
' Wrote:Simple answer, and an arguement-ender I believe.
To repeat something that has been said innumerous times, so many so that I'd thought it had been drummed into the heads and minds of people around here: Indies are not factions.
We have no control over what they do, and often that is the way they want it because we sure as hell would not want them doing such things. Most independents are for lack of a better word idiots. So instead of complaining here, how about you look for some pre-existing form of roleplay designed to deal with it? I am not going to post my usual links here, because that would mean digging them up again. Rest assured that the threads for this exist. If you have a problem with something they do, get off your arse and let us know the problems exist so we can do something, rather than whining about a known problem.
One more thing to note, as an incentive.
Mention people's names and point fingers on the forums in an ooRP topic, which may better be worded as 'bitching', and nothing will be done about that occurrence. If you want something to be done, either contact a member of the controlling faction privately, through a PM, or use a Diplomatic Post. This is getting annoying.
and im an INDIE and i can rp so dont you all paint my LABC the [1st-LSCA]-Ft.Louisbourg with the lolwut brush
I actually posted this entire thread as a joke, saying how funny it is that the Navy sends Carriers after little old me, and that I want them all to know that I feel their love:D.
And Sindroms, I had ran but then went back to get some scans on it, just so next time he comes I know what he's got.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
' Wrote:I actually posted this entire thread as a joke, saying how funny it is that the Navy sends Carriers after little old me, and that I want them all to know that I feel their love:D.
And Sindroms, I had ran but then went back to get some scans on it, just so next time he comes I know what he's got.
Then do it in Flood and be careful where the finger wavers. We are Not Amused.
Quote:We have no control over what they do, and often that is the way they want it because we sure as hell would not want them doing such things. Most independents are for lack of a better word idiots.
That's not very nice.
I have an 'independent' Navy character myself, actually, and was on the fence about applying for LN until I read that post. Now I'm firmly grounded on the not joining side of it.
Edit: well - not from your post alone, but it seems to be the general attitude of a few folks, going by what I've seen.