' Wrote:It's LNS-Aurora, and I say it out here, that person needs to learn some decency.
I hope whoever is owning that character is reading this.
Sorry if you were treated badly, maybe next time you bump into my character [LN]-Logan.Willows and we can have some proper playing!
Infact any [LN] faction member should play with decency and common sense. That is what I believe our faction leader tries to accomplish.
(Not that independent players play unfairly, there are some great ones out there.)
I second this completely, if any of you lot run into my [LN]-Rachel.Baker You can expect some decency out of me, and maybe even an RP end to a situation.
I have an 'independent' Navy character myself, actually, and was on the fence about applying for LN until I read that post. Now I'm firmly grounded on the not joining side of it.
Edit: well - not from your post alone, but it seems to be the general attitude of a few folks, going by what I've seen.
Sit in Liberty for a while. Sit in Alpha. Sit in Gamma. Sit in Minor, Delta, or any pvp hotspot. It's the attitude of the community. ooRP idiots with no desire to RP, merely to find the biggest ship they can and mash the trigger key flock to those areas. Not all indies are bad, it's just that in reality the bad ones do outnumber the good ones, and in some cases, the factions. Faction players have the potential to be just as bad, but usually they have at least some restrictions from their leader. Indies don't.
Why was the Carrier there? Because i called help.
Why did i call him? Because there was no-one else.
Stop Blaming him. He didnt engaged you or something else. He just scared you away as i wanted.
But when i run into a LNS-Cruiser in Wilkies Ice Field, and i tell him to leave before i call the Barghests and he even fires a Missile at me which almost kills my Shield then i am starting to think about Brains and LNS.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"
' Wrote:Honestly, LNS-Aurara is the worst person I've ever met... In my trader, when some pirate forgot an engagement notice (And said sorry afterwords...) LNS-Aurura was screaming at me to "SCREEN SHOT AND SANCTION HIM!!!" He rarely roleplays, and is talking about lag OORP most of the time. Also, I don't belive in 10th chances...
I found him to be a fairly good rper on occasions.
I think you should stop being so judgemental of him and try to help him.
Perhaps get alongside him in a LN char?
Teach him some new tricks.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
Seriously, my god, I made this thread as a joke, for people to say "Lol thats funny," but now it's turning into a bickering war?
Lock the thread Joe, please.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.