If I am to understand the new PVP rule correctly then, a pirate must first request permission from his target to attack it. If that person says" no thanks mate, I dont want to PVP" then the pirate cant attack.
So if I understand this right, this server is for only those players who want to fly around unharrassed by anyone unless they decide they want to fight.
What's up with that? Why even include factions like the Corsairs or Hessians and such? Why have systems that are owned by any paticular faction and why have any faction be able to impose "laws" and such in their systems.
I suppose this means I can trade whatever contraband I wish in any system now....because I can say "I DONT WANT TO PVP.... YOU CANT FIRE ON ME"
Where is the fun in that.
WOLF....you are running an OUTSTANDING server here. I have only been playing Freelancer for about a year, but I've visited a lot of servers and this bunch here has by all standards been the most fun. Now granted, us TBF folks didnt quite understand the seriousness with which the Discovery Vets take the role play here, but we are gradually getting the hang of it and we have made quite a few friends of our advasaries here and had a bunch of fun in the process.
I can only immagine how sick and tired you must be of going through about a million e-mails and PM's daily full of whinning complaints about this and that and the other thing concerning this server.
I would humbly offer this suggestion if yer gonna change the PVP rules.
#1 NO WHINNING...it's a WAR game...if you dont want to get shot then stick to the single player game.
#2 If it's green in your hud and you shoot at it....yer banned PERIOD
Completely do away with NEUTRAL and FREELANCER ID"S
#3 PLAYER MUST CHOOSE A FACTION by the time they reach level 50 no exceptions.
#4 PLAYERS MUST at all times cunduct thier opperations in accordance with their Faction ID's reputation.
#5 If you get killed by pirates...well that's the risk you take flying in the Sirus universe...learn to live with it or get over it.
one last thing....perhaps the no engagement of players under level 30 thing shoould be upgraded to like level 50 unless that player is obviously flying an outfitted ship that is ready for combat....or something...I dunno...
The only thing I know for certain is that the new PVP rule effectively prohibbits anyone who wants to fly criminal or pirate factions from doing anythng at all....that just aint right for a server of this calliber where so many have put so much time and effort into creating the most outstanding version of this game I've seen to date.
Whatever you decide....hat's off to ya mate and Thanks much for providg the fun!!!
Sincerely Alan James & Mark Trainor
aka: Krog of The Black Fleet & Sargon Commander of The Black Fleet
You been hiding in a cave? You might wanna read some of the other posts today.... especially the one that says the server has 25 hours to live and counting, since Wolf has chucked in the towel.
I think at this point the issue of piracy and what-not is moot.
what it all boils down to is too many friggin crybabies....it's a VIDEO GAME Fer Christ's sake....you dont even have to put in a quarter to get more lives lol let's get on with the fun!!!!!
Well it depends on who you are calling crybabies...People like Caylith and Romer are not crybabies they actually do have lives and their recreational time was ruined by PVP junkies...
I really don't wanna labour this point since its been thrashed to death over the past week, but....
Yes Freelancer is just a game. BUT Disco is *more* than just a game.... it is a community of real thinking, feeling people. Everyday they come in, put alot of work and time into this community so that it thrives and is a cool place to be. But people tend not appreciate being called names and treated like sh*t, and generally see what they work for torn down.... and so in the end they get fed up and leave. Its that simple.
I think this discussion is a bit premature. Admins are currently redoing the rules. I would advise that we postpone any discussions about said rules until the new ones are posted sometime after this weekend.
' Wrote:what it all boils down to is too many friggin crybabies....it's a VIDEO GAME Fer Christ's sake....you dont even have to put in a quarter to get more lives lol let's get on with the fun!!!!!
This is the kind of attitude that is the problem here.
Some of us enjoy doing more than simply killing people and pirating people, Krog. We like role playing, chatting, meeting new people (with some exceptions), and cooperation. We are not CRYBABIES because we are SICK of people like YOU telling us to "get lives" and to "play the game" we've been playing for YEARS. We've literally REDEFINED. We're FED UP.
I think there would be one hell of a large hole here if Hoodlum, Kane, Nightfall, Dab (hate to say it...) myself (and a few others I can't think of off the top of my head) left.
Just imagine if the RM disappeared, Phantoms, GoR... What would be left? Not much. PvPer's, SA, and SF. Not much, huh?
Just THINK about it. That requires turning on more than 3 of your brain cells.
P.S. In my book, that post, there, would be considered "trolling" or "flaming" and would be deleted and you would be warned. Not to mention I'd warn myself about this post here. x.x
A well presented opinion in response to a knee jerk reaction flaming?! You can't be serious! If you think thats flaming then maybe you should reread it for it not only addressed the preceived problem but also offerd practical solutions; as well as compliments to those that have built this community and run the sever.
PvP driving folks away I think not. With the excption of a few who offered practical advise a good percentage spent more time tell myself and Krog what we could not do. Because of our poor role playing I can recall only one time someone told us we had got it right the majority of the time was filled with comments of what we were doing wrong (and I not talking about server rule violations either). If that happened to us how many new player experienced the same and decided it wasn't worth it and left. No, no that could have been the problem it must be the folks engaged in none stop PvP.
Flaming, hardly I suggest you rethink your terms! What was offered maybe as tactful as sledge hammer but it cut right to the heart of the problem and it was done without tell someone they had to use more than 3 brain cells.
Sargon, I quoted what I quoted for a reason. I quoted what was the flaming and made it VERY apparent that THAT kind of thing should NOT be allowed on these forums. What I quoted was PURE insult and PURE "I wanna kill people, now!"
I may disagree with the first post, yes. All of my points were already taken so I did not have to mention the original topic. Krog was ASKING for it. You DO NOT insult fellow players unless you EXPECT repercussions.
Its not PvP, really, that's driving people away... Its people PvP'ing in ships their RP says they cannot have (Corsairs+Rheinland Bomber=Huh? Wha?, Corsairs+Talarca Cruiser=Huh? Wha?). Not only that, its the insults and total lack of respect that has caused Caylith and Romer to quit. Before this is all gone, I want my opinion out there. I've held it back for FAR to f*cking long!
Now, Sargon... You seem to be a smart lad. The problem I have with the TBF is, well, can't you people stick with one story for a while? Neutral traders... Mercenaries... You guys are good pilots, I'll give you that. But, for Goddess' sake... Make up your mind! Once you've done that... There's no more reason to dislike you. What is it, now? Corsairs, right? Since when do Corsairs kick people out of Alpha? Outcasts do that!