I don't know if I am the only one thinking this but I was thinking that but the super liberty transport thrusters are so small it makes the ship look like a space spoon!
Anyone would be up for the challenge of making them look better?
I could try to do something but I have no idea if I can get the 3d model out of the game since I haven't tried or searched.
Of course I mean the "engines", even if it is not an engine but a thruster... (Engines are where the power is produced, thruster is the place where it comes out to move the ship.) :yes:
Anyway, saying the item is too small wouldn't make sense :P
Aesthetically, it's a matter of opinion. Personally I think it looks fine and I know several other people who agree with me, so I think the real question is more about lore and if it makes sense inRP. I think it does.
Dusty probably wrote the infocard, and what I know about the ship is mostly from that and my own conclusions thereof. This is my explanation:
The ship was originally designed for very long trips through unsettled space, it is of the ship design that originally initiated contact between the Houses. The largeness of the ship originally housed the engines needed to maintain those long-distance flights. Those engines have, in the contemporary version, been stripped away to leave room for large amounts of cargo. My conclusion, which in my opinion makes decent sense, is that with several hundred years of technological development, engines have simply been miniaturized and been made efficient enough to fit in a small fraction of the original space and still produce equivalent -- or superior -- thrust.
its not like thrusters are taking cargo space if they're bigger. Anyway, I thought the thrusters looked ridiculous and made the ship look like a space mace or something .. I was really disappointed when I was planning to buy the ship and I actually saw all of it.