I'm always interested in more raw materials. I realise it'd be a lot of work revamping the already confusing economy but having more basic resources and more complex industry chains would be quite a nice achievement. There's too may of them to explain each one in detail, though.
Raw materials could include things like:
Iron Ore
Energy Cells (Batteries)
And then add the industries which refine these materials:
Steel Mills/Foundries - Turn Ore and Coal into Steel (one would imagine that steel would maintain its' prelevance in construction that is has today)
Aluminium Mill - Turn Bauxite into Aluminium (as per steel, I don't see it disappearing).
Oil Refineries - not everything will be powered by fusion will it?
Lumber Mills, Paper Factories - not every planet has its' own lumber supply.
Glass Factories - The need for glass, too, isn't going anywhere.
Nuclear Facilities - Some of the largest stations and bases would need to produce their own power.
Solar Power Plants - Not every station can produce its own power, that's where these SPP's come in. Like Oxygen or water, energy cells are cheap and plentiful and should be low-value, low distance, perhaps as a loot item.
For most of the above their respective buy and sell points would explain themselves, ie; steel sells from a foundry such as Pueblo and is bought at places where steel would be in demand (generally places with a lot of active construction), increasing in price as the distance from the production site increases.
Yeah, I've been playing too many *-Tycoon games.:$
I can see the point and flavour with the above ideas for raw minerals to processing plants. After all, there are processing plants at raw material sites already, but not all of them, nor are all the processing plants being constantly supplied. Like Corsair or Outcast plants would seriously need raw materials to be processed in order to keep their shipyards ticking over.
Coffee? Is there Coffee in Freelancer? :nyam:
An idea I can think of is the following:
Name: Liberty Military Starships
Type: Military classification, contraband to all but authorized personel (LN, LSF, certain traders)
Information: This item is basically a small Liberty space faring military ship packed into a large cargo container, these ships are ranging from Patriots to Executioners. The item itself would take up a large amount in the hold to simulate the ship being transported on a ship. Min. 500 space per item?
Item origin/purchase point: Baltimore Shipyard, New York
Item destination/High value sell point: Rheinland Shipyards (for reverse engineering and looking for ship weaknesses for war effort), Pirate faction shipyards (Pirates would like to get their hands on military grade hardware spare parts or replace current equipment or reverse engineer technologies).
That is my idea. I don't think its far-fetched for ships to be transported around in a ship. We haul tanks with trucks, trains, ships and by air.
What about Weapon blueprints and Vehicle/spaceship blueprints?
they would be contraband and they would either be:
A: Sold from pirate bases lets say.. Liberty rogue bases would sell Liberty navy ship blueprints and they could be sold too Rheinland or opposing pirate factions.
B: They would be a rare commodity drop from High level npcs(Not fighters but the Destroyers/Cruisers/Battleships) on High level missions.
' Wrote:Once a Man who are Selling Ships see an Big Battleship he Ask the Commander from the Battleship that he want to sell this ship, but the Commander wouldnt he say I have an binding to this ship I dont sell this ship for All Money in Sirius so as the Commander and his Crew at Freeport 9 sleeping the Man and his Pirates the buy for much money going into the ship and stole the Battleship Next morning as the Commander and his Crew go to there ship it was not there...
The greatest Roleplay ever of an Outcast Battleship being "Stolen"
-Ship components, like full wings and assembled engines, takes up 4 cargo
-Ship weapons, actuall shipments of weapons, a good target for pirates
-live Plants?
-Optronic fibers?
-space station components, take up 100 cargo each?
-Carbon nanotubes
-entertaintment materials
-Recreational vehicles
-farming machinery
-Pirate VIPS
-pirate passengers
-Scientific apparatuses
-medical supplies
-terraforming machinery
When i read "designer drugs' i thought of the Pharmecuitical infocard.
Maybe, for example, a bad case of some odd Flu pops up in New berlin and a plague-like wave of sickies appears, and they need taylor-made medication, so some far-off kruger base starts producing it. so it's only main selling point is the affected area.
If we have scientist as a human cargo, why not:
Type (Legal? Contraband? Contraband to certain places?): Legal.
Information: (A crap info card by Not Amused, needs a better one) Children have always loved toys. Well now give them something new to play with and pick up a beanie bear. These loveable, tuggable, loving bears are made by the work force of New Tokyo and shipped directly across the Galaxy. Children love them, Adults love them, the Galaxy loves them (Except the Nomads of course).
Item origin/purchase point (e.g. Cardimine from Malta): Beanie Bears from New Tokyo.
Item destination/High value sell point: (Malta > Manhattan) New Tokyo > Crete.
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
/signed. I wanted to do an RP for a ship that was crewed by robots, but eventually abandoned it. If this was even just like the 'spaceship crew' commodity and could not be traded for profit I would be satisfied.
Be kinder than necessary, because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.
J.M. Barrie
Beanie bears? That isn't such a bad idea. Make childerns toys and entertainement software buy them from industry planets like Honshu and sell them at populated planets like New Tokyo and Manhatten
Designer Drugs is also a great idea you could have a faction that monopolizes in it kinda like the slavers union is for slaves
Oil is almost exclusivly produced by gallia and it doesn't look like they'll be warming up to us anytime soon. More human commodities would be great
Name: VIPs that specify what house they came from, I mean, these people would have passports, right? So a Bretonia VIP going to Kusari would be a problem, but not a Rheinland VIP
Type: (Legal? Contraband? Contraband to certain places?) Depends on where they're going to/from
Information: Hmmm, I just think it'd be cool!
Item origin/purchase point: It'd be the same as it is now, just if you buy VIPs in house space, they would have that house's label on them.
Item destination/High value sell point: This I'm not sure about... but I suppose hauling Rheinland VIPs to Liberty, and Bretonia VIPs to Kusari would be high value sell points. I'm not sure that a lot of VIPs would want to take that risk, but those who did would probably pay a lot!
Two commodities which I'd love to see in Disco would be...
...Hull Parts...
Expensive to buy, requiring something like 500 units of free space in your cargo hold, and very lucrative to sell. The only ships able to carry them (in-RP at least) should be ships with a big, open cargo bay like the Heavy Tanker.
... and Marines.
Not for trading, but for RP. Sure, you can use the more generic spaceship crew commodity together with some units of light arms as well, but it would be really cool for each faction to have their marine units (Libertonian Mobile Infantry, Rheinland Marineinfanteristen, Bretonian Orbital Shock Troopers, Outcast Marines, Pirate Marauders, Kusarian...I'm sure you can come up with something here).