Welcome to the DSE central Manhattan database. We strive to keep updated files on all of our employees and assist the authorities with any relevant inquiries.
Welcome Liberty Security Force officer, what is your query?
Name: Perry Karvinian.
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Ship: Mastodon-class Liberty Super Transport.
Employer: Deep Space Engineering
Official Title: Engineer-Captain
Neural Net ID: AD458308348-99967
Birth Date: 25 October, 772 A.S.
Age: 45
Height: 6'4"
Eye Color: Blue
Hair Color: Brown
Employer Evaluation Notes: Perry has been an asset to Liberty and her interests for a very long time. Currently he spends most of his time and work hours running supply shipments and assisting on retrofit and repairs on various gate and lane construction projects. Perry has been known to make unauthorized repairs and alterations to standard class ships, as well as disobeying direct orders and running over projected costs. It is this employer's opinion that Perry represents no threat of turning rogue or hostile. A psychological evaluation as well as multiple tests of loyalty conclude that Mr. Karvinian does not want, nor care to, be involved in any violent action.
Current LSF History: Grew up on Planet California, spent his youth flying with his father, a retired Universal escort pilot. Went to the University of California and received a bachelors of science in electrical engineering and then a Master's in mechanical engineering. After being hired by DSE, Perry Karvinian pioneered a new form of shipment of building material so as to rapidly "tradelane" new systems close to Liberty proper. After the Duchess Industries absorption, Mr. Karvinian seemed impressed by the new leadership and requested a transfer. Currently married with a wife (Jennifer Karvinian) and no children.
---Thank you for using the most secure data storage center in Sirius, officer.
...Logging off....
"The thirteen saloons that had lined the one street of Seney had not left a trace. The foundations of the Mansion House hotel stuck up above the ground. The stone was chipped and split by the fire. It was all that was left of the town of Seney. Even the surface had been burned off the ground.
Nick looked at the burned-over stretch of hillside, where he had expected to find the scattered houses of the town and then walked down the railroad track to the bridge over the river. The river was there."