I can, and will RP this on behalf of others, since, frankly I suck at PvP.
I RP that a civilian contractor opens a fighter training school for anyone who wants to learn how to PvP effectively.
That is all.
I need, and other people likely need a PvP tune up, I pilot Edison Trent, or a clone as some call it, so I WANT to be a damned good pilot to keep his 'rep' up. Plus I want me Sentinels to survive against silly odds. (Liberator vs Pirate Transport).
So, is there any ace pilots that are willing to devote time to Connecticut now and again for noob pilots like me? And I use noob in the proper sense here.:(
This is too funny.
Disco is like a wheel with different things pinned onto the outside.
The wheel goes around, and different things show up.
Different focuses at different times.
This is what I mean about Disco being fine.
Sure there are some things to fix, but srsly
Disco is/becoming/will-be-once-again fine.
This is a good idea Fletch.
Sovereign Wrote:Seek fun and you shall find it. Seek stuff to Q_Q about and you'll find that, too. I choose to have fun.
As a sucky PVPer, I agree. As an RPer, I disagree. This will actually encourage people to be more trigger-happy and think the game is PVP oriented. Perhaps hybriding both PVP and RP into this 'school'?
PvP is one of the core elements to this game, you can't remove it. And if its a PvP school held in RP then you've already bridged the gap between the two.
Hmm. Good idea. I wouldn't say I'm an ace, but I'm decent. Though I could definitely use some training. I'd be willing to frequent this if it was set up.
Balmung of the Azure Sky, at your service. If you require A sparring partner and a teacher, I am available Daily and frequently. If you require my services, please send me a Neural Message in accordance to my Contact information Located on my Neural Account( PM me and look at my Info)