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' Wrote:It is darn near impossible for someone to easily get into this game without mining helium or getting money from someone else. Why? Because you start in a starflier. I think you should start in a startracker.
And your point (besides the one on top of your head) is?
Back in 4.84, I started in a starflier. No one gave me any money. I went up to Colorado and did some mining. Then I did a few missions, and saved up a bit more money. Did some intelligent trading and moving up with ships. Within 1 month of starting, I was flying a Firefly - all on my own.
Since then - and without power trading - I've bought a BUNCH of ships, and helped pay for official status on a faction, a system purchase, and system modifications. The key thing is - once you get enough money, don't piddle around with in between trading ships. Find what you want, and then go with it.
Oh, and that first character of mine is still around, too. He just traded his Orca in for a Border Worlds Transport, and is still making nice runs around Sirius, exploring and enjoying who he finds. (Well, except for the Outcast npc's - they don't like him.)
' Wrote:The flea is the ultimate ship i love it. All i want is for us to get a mk II version like the Libby is to the patriot.
Flea with 3 class 9 mounts anyone?
i agree completly, make an awesome super-flea
it's a classic and holds a special place in every FL players heart, plus how else are you suppost to get vertigo making a new char right after playing with u miner?
Let say it like this, the Flea is the classic and iconic ship of Freelancer. I think that with the Sabre and the Eagle, its one of the firsts ship you think about when someone talks about freelancer.
You ask me why Im weary, why I cant speak to you.
You blame me for my silence, say Its time I changed and grew.
But the war's still going on dear, and theres no end that I know...
And I cant say if were ever...
I cant say if were ever gonna be free.