COMM IDENTIFICATION: Captain of the LNS-Aurora
i would like high command to know that Curt.Remmert has also accused me of killing innocent civilians and "tryed" to arrest me, called the aurora a pirate on several occasions and has also been spotted "trying" to kill other naval vessels
Attention: The fugitive, Curt Remmert, has been killed. I, and two others found him at Norfolk. We engaged and sadly, we lost one of our ships. However, he wasn't killed by Curt, he was killed by a stray mine of my doing.
I've picked up numerous transmissions from these Freelancers declaring war on certain factions and even attempted to press charges against a highly decorated Commodore within the Navy. They seemed to have "stirred up the pot" so to speak - We don't particularly need in-house brawls occurring within the confines of Liberty considering the fact we're at war with Rheinland as well.
I recommend setting up a channel to either get these Freelancers to tone down their brazen aggression against other parties, or have their licence revoked within Liberty. I, myself, would be more than willing to setup such a channel and convey orders from High Command directly to them myself.
Today upon my patrol, I was rather busy, to say the least. I was hoping around, looking for Pirates, getting reports of pirates. I even went into Alaska today a little bit.
However, I and a couple others from the LNS Aurora's Fighter Squadron went into Cali because we were told there was large amounts of Pirates. I went to investigate with two others, going ahead we encountered a Hacker. We engaged, and I ended up getting the kill.
GunCam Shot:
I went to Norfolk to rest a bit, when suddenly, Jarek engaged me! I thought I had killed him, but I was wrong. He engaged me and I proceeded to fight him. He was foolish, attacking me so close to Norfolk, and he was dispatched quickly.
COMM IDENTIFICATION: Captain of the LNS-Aurora
ENCRYPTED MESSAGE: For high command!
i was in hampshire helping the battleship concorde out with some problems (rep fixing), when i was under attack from 6 drones. my shields started dropping fast as if there where several Super Nova Anti-matter Cannons, and do my shock there was 2 bombers firing upon me from the rheinland military, they were disguised amongst the drones. with my fighter squadron of in pennsylvannia dealing with pirates i was left alone to deal with it. i quickly fired all my rail guns at the first one, just as he goes down i navigation crew tells me there is several more showing up on radars, i had no choice but to fire everything i had, i quickly dispatched of another bomber.
by this time i had made it to the battleship concord, i sore a battleship on my scanners at 5k and closing in, my crew said to me this is a good day to show the rheinlanders what the LNS-Aurora was really made, we move into engage the rheinland Battleship on a intercept course we fired everything we had at the sucker.
scanners detected another battleship beside us, we knew we were going to loose but the crew of the aurora held on to there last dying breath.
before we went down we managed to turn that battleship into a cripple!, he wouldnt of surived another mortar. the total count of rheinlanders that attack the aurora are very high.
they send out 2 battleships, 6 bombers to deal with my vessel, yet we managed to hold them of for 10 minutes or so and downed 2 of there bombers, put 1 of there battleships into a world of hurt and its gonna take awhile for that sucker to be operational againl.
just as i was going down, my fighter squadron managed to get within 15k of me. i didnt expect them to make it in time or cover so much ground just to save me, they didnt care about the odds they wanted to save there captain, i told them they should leave and safe themselfs!. they wanted to fight for me and fight beside me, i lost my fighter squadron in the battle.
my sources from within the rheinland military have told me that the rheinland military's main target is the LNS-Aurora, apparently my ship and crew have given them so much trouble in defending liberty.
i know the attack would come sooner or later, it came yesterday as well. my sources within the rheinland military command tell me this is not over yet.
my long range scanners detect a fleet at hamburg waiting to come into bering, but they turned around and headed back to new berlin, now we know why. they were after me.
my fighter squadron is going to be getting buffed up!
Today distress call on Missouri woke me up ... many pirate ships showed up near Pittsburgh ... in space i joined lawful forces and we went there ... we engaged in massive fight destroying all hostile ships there
I managed to give finishing hit to one of them. There were 4 more gunboats and couple of fighter/bomber ... didn't have much time to count all later we got heavy support from Thunderbolt and one more battlecruiser.
I'll make this report quick, as I'm needed back in space. We are suffering constant attacks from pirate gunboats and gunships. You could think that they are the same ships as lately, but no, these are new ones.
Somehow, their shipyards are launching lots of ships. How are they getting so many resources, and who are delivering it to them is beyond my sight. I could easily blame the Junkers, but I got no proofs of their providing pirate facilities.
Let's go to the numbers.
Yesterday, Lieutenant Commander Darkmoor woke me up to get rid of a group of pirate gunboats near California gate in New York. We got a nice group of bombers, and finished two of three of those gunboats. The infamous Johnny Knoxville ran away from the site.
Earlier today, while I was taking my breakfast, when Captain Malaign called me urgent to assist her in, guess where, California. I went there, and found Malaign fighting against a gunship, with the callsign Mr Smith, it has no armor, so it didn't take more than one Supernova shot to destroy it.
Moments ago, once again in California, near to planet Mojave, a large group of pirate gunaboats and fighters (Something around 4-5 gunboats) was spotted by the USI coorporation, apparently they were engaged by this group and called me for backup.
We managed to assamble a good squadron of bombers and fighters, and we got a BattleCruiser for backup.
Quickly enough we took care of 3 of the gunboats, once again Knoxville ran away, and there were two fighters still causing troubles, I took care of one of them who was firing stupidly lots of missiles to me, missiles which I disrupted and made him to blew himself.
The last fighter, a skilled pilot, by the name of Guadalupe, made a lot of damage to my upholder and I was forced to eject from it.
I don't know how that fight ended, but we accomplished our mission.
Some pictures of it.
Comm ID:Ethan Morrow Target ID: Liberty High Command Subject: Resignation... Encryption Level:Low
Sirs, Ma'ams, and Fellow Wingmates.
As you may have known, I wasn't active in flying the Liberty colors. This I am sorry for. I woke up in New London, with both my assigned Fighter, and Uniform. I have no idea how it happened, but I ruled it out to me being drunk.
I believe that I am unfit to serve Liberty and the people I'm suppose to protect. After all I did fine myself in New London.
I am hereby putting in my resignation from the Liberty Navy, my fighter will be stripped bare of anything still functional, and donated, to the Liberty Navy for the more promising recruits.
I readily accept any charges of desertion placed against me.
Transmission; Start
Identification: Commodore Christina Robinson
Location: New York system, West Point Military Academy
Regarding a battleship with the designation The-Big.Boy ;
This ship disobeyed orders to leave Liberty after being told that his ship was unsuitable for simply going around Liberty, the New York system to be exact.
The Ft.Louisbourg and another battlecruiser were tasked with escorting the offending ship out of Liberty. However, instead of departing, the Zoner Carrier, with Junker Guard Identification, moored with the mooring fixture in orbit around planet Houston. Due to the large number of possible civilian casualties from falling debris if the ship was vaporised there, the two escorting battlecruisers had no option but to take up a holding pattern above planet Houston.
The captain's story was in a nutshell, that she oversaw it's construction, made of battlefield wreck parts from Bering and Hudson and somehow became identical to a Zoner Carrier. Of course, I don't believe a word of it.
If this ship is seen within Liberty borders, it is to be incapacitated and her crew detained until further notice.
Regarding Recuit Morrow's resignation ;
I am not particularly bothered about your resignation, Ethan.
The Liberty Navy is not right for everyone, so I doubt it would be right for someone who mystically wakes up to find themself in an all-together different region of Sirius. Once you return the Navy's property, you will be a free man. There will not be any other repercussions apart from that, since you never made it past recruit status. At least, you never made it past on official records.
A quick report today. With a linkup with Commodore Robinson and Agent Fidelis, I patrolled through California while the former were in another part of Liberty. During my patrol through New York, I found a weapons dealer selling Rheinland weapons. With our Security Force continually doing research on our enemy's weapons, they were bought and brought to Willard for further examination.