I find myself in need of a transport, a very specific transport. I'm not even sure this transport exists, I'm inclined to believe it doesn't, but on the off chance that it does exist I'm making this post, and offering a reward. The first person to suggest a particular transport which I find suits my needs will receive a 5 million credit reward.
Anyway, this is what I'm looking for:
- Transport-class ship, not a liner.
- Not-Gallic, not-Rheinlandic, not-unlawful, not completely limited to a particular faction or its allies (so no Behemoth, no Pirate Transport, no Raba).
- Preferably not-Kusari, but that's negotiable.
- Must have at least 6 forward-firing (transport) turrets.
- Must have a Cruise Disruptor.
- Preferably has at least 1000 cargo, more is nice.
No, Firefly only has 4 turrets forward-firing, Bumblebee I'm unfamiliar with, but I think it only has more than 4-5 when firing to the rear, and what's the Transporter?
' Wrote:Pirate transport sre the closest you can get to what you ask. Happy pirating...
Can't use an unlawful ship for what I need this ship for.
Percheron might have 5 turrets, but I know certain gunboats that have learned how effective 5 transport turrets can be...
I suggest Percheron for your Privateering needs.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
I have a Perch for my BMMing needs, and I do like it.
However, I have discovered another transport which suits my current needs even better. It's practically perfect, better than I had ever hoped to dream.