---- Broadcasting Transmission----
---- Source *Liberty news beuro* ----
---- Location *planet manhatten* ----
Top news of sirius - Liberty Navy & Freelancer Deaths engaged in conflits.
After the several trial & debates the deaths fails to prove there inocence in front of courtroom of JAG,
After that LN high command ordered them to leave the Liberty space in a lawsuit, also BHG guild commander fined deaths to 100 Mil.:rtfm:
:rtfm:After the huge arguments the relations between LN & Deaths got worsen since last few days.
Most of the citizans of Liberty demanding that to give death penalty to Deaths group for there crime against the Liberty citizans & for violation of Laws of Liberty.
We'll update you on this matter, see you soon
~ X
---- End Transmission ----
*Citizans start thinking about the scene*
Admiral Hale of Navy carrying Battelship turret on his shoulder (fully charged & ready to fire) and infront of him Col.Mitchel of Deaths with the most advance gun of WW2, the .303 Rifle (trying to reload but it was jammed due to rust of 1000 years or more mmmm).
*what is the results of this fight*
Admiral in White & col.Mitchel in black
Edit :- Due to the objections from High officials some news containts are modified.
~~~~~Incoming Transmission~~~~~
~~~~~Encryption hack successful~~~~~
~~~~~Comm ID: The Reverend~~~~~
Message Reads:
Is this true? All I see in this message are idiotic "smilies" as you damn youth call them.
When you make a decent broadcast worth reading then I may believe you.
Spell Bureau correctly "Sam". And this idiotic situation with the Admiral executing Colonel Mitchell is just idiotic, and rather pathetic.
Who hired you for our great nations journalism! I swear to god I will shoot that person in the head!
Message Ending
~~~~~Transmission Ending~~~~~
[17:45:39] Wolfs Ghost (Murphy): Tom, you have problems. Go kill yourself.
[19:25:12] Johnny (Jam): Tomtom, I will beat you with a spoon.
[14:22:56] Prarabdh Thakur: KILL HIM WITH A SHEEP.
[17:40:48] Eagle (Junes): Tom should be slapped with a spoon.
[11:32:18] Warspite: Thank you for being so awesome Tom. <3
[18:17:36] Metano: I love you tomtom
[20:06:24] Warspite: I will seriously give you epic head.
' Wrote:Edit: also, Tomtomrawr, fappin' like a boss.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: Liberty News 'Beuro'---
I don't know who's giving you your information, but I suggest you find something to back up your sources before pasting such garbage across the Neuralnet. I have heard nothing of this, and rest assured that as a member of the Navy I would know long before you.
Take heed, civilians, this is a rather ridiculous forgery. Please expect an official statement on the matter from the High Command within the next twenty-four hours, most likely condemning this fool.
---Incoming Transmission---
---Source Indentified: William von Darkmoor, Lt Commander---
---Subject: Major Marshall---
I assure you, to my knowledge the Liberty Navy have received no such orders. We simply find it not in our current interests to put a stop to your ridiculous law suits.
-------Incoming Transmission on line 6-24-------
-----Source: The Googolhertz
-----Target: "sam the corsair"
' Wrote:---- Broadcasting Transmission----
---- Source *Liberty news beuro* ----
---- Location *planet manhatten* ----
Top news of sirius - Liberty Navy & Freelancer Deaths engaged in conflits.
After the several trial & debates the deaths fails to prove there inocence in front of courtroom of JAG,
After that LN high command ordered them to leave the Liberty space in a lawsuit, also BHG guild commander fined deaths to 100 Mil.:rtfm:
:rtfm:After the huge arguments the relations between LN & Deaths got worsen since last few days.
Most of the citizans of Liberty demanding that to give death penalty to Deaths group for there crime against the Liberty citizans & for violation of Laws of Liberty.
We'll update you on this matter, see you soon
~ X
---- End Transmission ----
*Citizans start thinking about the scene*
Admiral Hale of Navy carrying Battelship turret on his shoulder (fully charged & ready to fire) and infront of him Col.Mitchel of Deaths with the most advance gun of WW2, the .303 Rifle (trying to reload but it was jammed due to rust of 1000 years or more mmmm).
*what is the results of this fight*
Admiral in White & col.Mitchel in black
Edit :- Due to the objections from High officials some news containts are modified.
*clears throat*
OK, as usual I see quite a few logical/factual fallacies in your "news story." And as a follower of the belief that "if I can make it better I should," I will proceed to correct them...
Firstly I am ashamed that you call yourself a journalist as the first and foremost commandment of journalism is to get your facts straight before you make a story. The second of these "commandments" is to get your spelling and grammar correct.
Now then:
The deaths have had two instances where we have sued to remission of grievances against an officer of the Liberty Navy, the Liberty Navy is the party that is responsible for defending said party and thus it appears that we sued the Liberty Navy. A lawsuit is hardly a trial to prove if someone is guilty or not guilty, in the right or wrong, but rather a case to see if one party deserves to be reimbursed for certain things that have happened to them. We have engaged no formal debates with the Liberty Navy up to the present date. The first lawsuit ended with Admiral Hale pardoning the Officer in question. The second one ended in a mistrial soon to be remedied.
We have never been asked to leave Liberty Space in a Lawsuit. We had a restraining order put on us during the first lawsuit that kept us away from any Navy Bases, but seeing as that suit is over, the order is now void.
As for the Fine placed on us by the BHG, as our lawyer so cleverly stated in the trial, they have no right to place a "fine" on us without a court order... And as far as we can tell they have not begun proceedings for such an order.
The "arguments" as you so cleverly stated, were hardly big enough to make any sort of news network that would be able to notify the public of liberty as they were all over private comms, if there were any at all. As such, even if a certain particular news network leaked the information from an anonymous tipper, the public of liberty's outcry was small enough (if it even existed) to escape other more respectable news networks that I monitor in my ship, the Googolhertz.
Furthermore, We have committed no crimes against the Republic of Liberty. As far as the updated official Book of Law is concerned anyways. If the Navy of Police have issued new regulations that we are unaware of, we have every defense in the fact that they have not released news of these regulations publicly or privately to us. We have never laid a single finger against the Citizens of Liberty, in fact, we have done them a favor or two by dispatching Rouges in Liberty Space and Hunting down pirates that threaten the economic situation more than the War with Rheinland does.
I believe that Admiral Hale would have difficulty firing a Battleship Turret mounted on his shoulder due to the extremely large amount of energy one consumes when it fires. Not to mention carrying one without mechanical help. If the Admiral was able to hook it up a generator and somehow fire it from his shoulder, he would end up frying himself in the resulting blast of pure energy emitted from the cannon. Thus this would be a most illogical weapon of choice for an officer of the Liberty Navy when smaller firearms are just as effective with a more decent ability to fire with mobility and safety.
If you are referring the Ancient Earth conflict called World War Two, no guns/weapons were deemed worthy of bringing during the Exodus and any that were were carefully preserved in such a way that they would not have any trouble loading or firing.
OK I think thats all of them.....
As for Col. Mitchell, I am devoting my spare processing power to searching the systems to locate his ship and Life Pod. Whomever has him, the Deaths will find them and rescue our leader from their clutches. When he is located he will clear things up concerning the debate over the Liberty Navy's orders. Until then feel free to Contact Admiral Hale concerning those orders, most likely they were off record.
-------End Transmission--------
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All Signature Payments/Donations go to "SS.Lucky.Credit" (No quotes).
' Wrote:---- Broadcasting Transmission----
---- Source *Liberty news beuro* ----
---- Location *planet manhatten* ----
Top news of sirius - Liberty Navy & Freelancer Deaths engaged in conflits.
After the several trial & debates the deaths fails to prove there inocence in front of courtroom of JAG,
After that LN high command ordered them to leave the Liberty space in a lawsuit, also BHG guild commander fined deaths to 100 Mil.:rtfm:
:rtfm:After the huge arguments the relations between LN & Deaths got worsen since last few days.
Most of the citizans of Liberty demanding that to give death penalty to Deaths group for there crime against the Liberty citizans & for violation of Laws of Liberty.
We'll update you on this matter, see you soon
~ X
---- End Transmission ----
*Citizans start thinking about the scene*
Admiral Hale of Navy carrying Battelship turret on his shoulder (fully charged & ready to fire) and infront of him Col.Mitchel of Deaths with the most advance gun of WW2, the .303 Rifle (trying to reload but it was jammed due to rust of 1000 years or more mmmm).
*what is the results of this fight*
Admiral in White & col.Mitchel in black
Edit :- Due to the objections from High officials some news containts are modified.
* In a sundry bar in the New York system *
Several people enter after a long hard days work. They see that the bar is sparsely filled with the exception of a table filled with about 7-8 gentlemen (Within earshot). the people put in their order for food and beverages.Their conversation leads to the recent event in Liberty. One person brings up the deaths| and on how they would take care of these characters.
* Laughing ensues *
The gentlemen at the table hear the conversation of the people, they look at one another, smile then *nod* ,then break out into hearty laughter, with each in turn turning towards and looking at the people.
The group of people hear the laughter and are annoyed by the sound. They then turn and stare at the gentlemen sitting at the table. They notice several things about these men. they are drinking Nomad's bane with a couple of them drinking coffee. One gentleman had several boxes of chocolate with him.
The gentlemen stared back. The eyes of the gentlemen went from laughing, to cold calculation, to death.
The group of people felt cold shivers go down their spines. The feeling of death just entered the room.
The group then just got up and departed hastily leaving food and beverage behind.
They all thought to themselves.
* O my god, I think that those men are the Deaths|.*
They feel relief as they depart for home. * Looking over their shoulders *
Death Before Dishonour! Honour above all!
This masterpiece was made by Calego. (Iron Legion)