Hello, just want to first say this is possibly the best Freelancer mod I came across, maybe except for TNG, but that mod's no fun for me in single and I can't seem to multi FL these days.
I managed to figure pretty much most of the changes, but what is it with the zoners? Is there any way to get better rep with the Zoner guard faction, because as it stands, my rep. with them can only go down. I bribed the zoners like 3 times and still nothing's changed.
It's not too much of an issue I guess since their system is a dead end, but I wonder if that was intentional, unintentional, can't be fixed or was there something I missed?
Would be nice to have the Faction "Guard" reputation directly related to the Faction reputation, I think i've posted images about how I encountered a hostile "Guard" Bretonia Police even though Bretonia Police is showing up full green:(
Although it says they have "no friends", killing Unioners and other pirates definitely hurts your rep with Zoners. Neutral.... pffff!!
On the bright side I suspect killing bounty hunters helps your Zoner rep.... could be wrong. I could look up the empathy file.... meh, just experiment a bit.
Of course its too bad if you're playing a lawful char!
Zoners aren't terrorists... They're neutral to everybody.
I am a long-absent Supreme Commander, Executive Commander, Grand Admiral, Fleet Admiral, and Captain in the mighty Hellfire Legion. I have returned, and am on an urgent mission from Drake Thastus to return the Legion to its former glory, and to claim the galaxy for its own. Only then will I be able to rest.
RP Story (Still deciding whether or not to finish)
Haha, Asymptotic and endless, that was cute. I was slow today so it actually took me a few seconds to get it. :cool:No I just like the concept of being able to manipulate all the factions.
Just to clarify, I was asking about the zoner guard faction which I was pretty sure had different hidden hostilities/friendlies from "normal" zoners. Anyway, someone left an hint about a way to check on reputation and "empathy" using a tool off of lancer reactor. Forgot who it was, but I think it was from here so kudos to him.
It seems that Zoner Guard has (+) positive empathy and reputation with normal Zoners and (-) reputation with tons of pirates. So I assume this means if you keep bribing Zoners, you'll get friendly with the guards, but if you bribe hack pirates or attack normal zoners, you'll piss them (the guards) off. Zoner Guard has 0 in empathy for everyone but Zoner so I think that means killing anyone else won't affect your rep. with Zoner Guard.
I think I'm right if I read the numbers right, except I don't see any change with guard faction even when I bribed the zoners a few times. Did anyone ever try this or can anyone verify this? Thanks.
You should really talk to either Korrd or Dab. They are AW, so they are aligned with the Zoners, and if you join the AW, they will definitely help you get Zoner aligned, which is actually pretty tricky.
Quote:[7:42:05 PM][6:51:36 PM] Igor (Smokey): btw terry
[6:51:48 PM] Terrance Cooper: Ye?
[6:52:00 PM] Igor (Smokey): nothin
[6:52:03 PM] Igor (Smokey): just sayin btw
[6:52:05 PM] Terrance Cooper: <_<
Quote:Johnny_Haas: you shot anti criuse speed rockets!!!
Johnny_Haas: but why????
Johnny_Haas: ??
Johnny_Haas: why you shoot criuse speed rockets?
' Wrote:I thought being neutral makes you a terrorist! :lol:
According to Morgoth (read, Bush), yes. If you are not with them, you are against them. No matter if you are involved or not. you are enemy by default. :rolleyes:
Aligning with the zoner guard is tricky.
They might had (+) empathy with their Zoner cousins in another mod version because after many bribes, we turned white to them.
(If you find any mistake in my English, please let me know via a PM)
(Really, I speak terrible English, so please, tell me if I make mistakes. I'd like to improve it a bit )
I have one character who has the Zoner gaurd just short of full green currently, way above the base faction ...
It has taken god knows how many bribes for the Zoners to get there, but its possible ...
Though I shall not be availing myself of the colours ... Hes currently sporting a guard signature for someone else.
Some say he is a proud member of: "The most paranoid group of people in the Community."