Right, i have recently started an IDF Shipping freighter and have been mapping all the lawful stations looking for tradable commodities, of which i have found few.
So now, i am wondering, are there any good routes for a Gallic corporate trader?
' Wrote:Right, i have recently started an IDF Shipping freighter and have been mapping all the lawful stations looking for tradable commodities, of which i have found few.
So now, i am wondering, are there any good routes for a Gallic corporate trader?
Its the annoying rules surrounding Gallia that doesn't allow ships from that house to move into Sirius, even though it's in one faction in particular's role play to do so. It's why Gallia's popularity rocketed and just shrank back down again like it isn't even there. Your completley cut off from 95% of the other players online. That's what we come on here for right? To play with other people instead of robots and cinematics.
The situation with Gallia right now is that it's like playing on a seperate server with alot less people. Kudos to those guys like renaud who are sticking to it like true die hard fans. But it can get mindgrindingly boring out there and the temptation to think; "Screw it, il switch to another one of my more fun/money making characters"; is unavoidable.
As for trading, one of the main motives to trade is to earn money, and in Gallia there just insn't enough routes/profits to keep one going on the income. This on top of most freighters being small in terms of space lowering the profit per run even further....
....It's just easier/more entertaining to trade in the big blue sea than the little green fish tank.
EDIT: And with one of two main opposing factions to choose from, it's just bloody annoying you can only dock at half of the bases in Gallia which reduces income/entertainment further. It's just been made so complicated it's impossible to play there for more than a week.
Military vehicles from the GRN battleship in Lorraine to the GRN battleship in Langudoc. Then go to the junker base in Langudoc, and pikc up neon. Take the neon to the GMS base in burgandy. Then ship hull panels from there to the junker base in Lorraine.
This is the most profitable route I have found so far in Gallia. I don't have the actual base names with me, though. It's more of a Gallic Metal Service/Junker trade route though.
Ah well, i wasnt really after the profit (i have a zoner whale for that!), more the exploring and suchlike.
If it is as incredibly unprofitable and deserted as you say, i dont see the point of it at all, or at least not until the core worlds are released. Ah well, off to find another faction that looks fun i guess...
@ Ash - Unless you play a junker, as then you can trade with most factions in Gallia and can go in and out, just be ready to deal with corrupt GRP and nosy GRN.
As for the low player pop, well, it wil never go up unless people start playing there, what was the original player cap on this server btw?
Look i'm not saying it's a dreadful place to go. I'm not trying to put you off it, it truly is a spectacle and an amazing piece of work on the dev teams part. Just what they did to it after it was made that messed it up.