' Wrote:1.2 Server administrators will impose sanctions on players for violating server rules and for any actions that harm server gameplay.
As it does come off as a "we can do what we want to" rule, what specifically does the phrase "harm server gameplay" actually mean?
When I made this account, I read through the rules again, and it did strike me as an insurance policy, but I just shifted the thought to the back of my mind. However, these days I see it being used or threatened to being enacted. Hence, a semi-specific definition would be nice. (Hoodlum threatening to enact it being the foremost incident, as well as a few other things I have seen.)
There will *always* be people who will try to push the edges of the envelope (as in rules) to the limit and there will *always* be people who try to use any loopholes in the rules to get away with things that damage the 'gameplay' on the server.
Rule 2.1 is the rule that allows the Admins to deal with those people, whether it be a warning or a banning.
The rule is mostly used against people who aren't violating a specific rule (we can't cover everything you know.. And we can't predict everything either) but are doing something detrimental to the server, or to players on the server.
If you look like it as a loophole for the admins, I guess that's fine and partly true. However, considering how rarely it is used, it's easy to see that it hasn't been abused. It's been used what, 5 times in total?
Things like this are necessary, which is unfortunate. And even though it covers a lot of things, admins still have to have a reason as to how a player is harming server gameplay. It's not a trump card they can use whenever and wherever.
I just don't want to see this turn into another 'Admin conspiracy!' flame thread.. A flame thread that is difficult for admins or mods to lock because it'll only make those people scream conspiracy more, even though what they are doing is deserving of a lock.
That whole business with the armories (I know nothing specific) It seems that there is no sever rule against what they did. But they admins had that rule to ban hi,
' Wrote:I just don't want to see this turn into another 'Admin conspiracy!' flame thread.. A flame thread that is difficult for admins or mods to lock because it'll only make those people scream conspiracy more, even though what they are doing is deserving of a lock.
Neither do I. (Surprising? I already made my post on Administrator/faction conspiracies.)