' Wrote:FL missiles can't operate in the same way, combustion drive propulsion needs oxygen to operate. And space save nebula and gas pockets is vacuum.
So, dunno about that one. Comrpessed gas propulsion? Liquid hydrogen fuel? I'm no space expert, oh well.
yus they can...bring the oxygen with you...that is what they do with space faring rockets these days
Neutron Radiation Effects: Highly ionizing, and thus capable of causing alot of damage to biological material and tissue...neutron radiation is also only able to be blocked with a hydrogen rich substence, like water...normal radiation shielding will not affect it
neutron bombardment on metals causes their crystal structure to become irregullar, causing the metal to become brittle... this would be the actual part that would cause damage to the ship
neutron radiation occurs naturally, but can be generated by bombarding a metal plate with high amounts of energy, dislodging neutrons from atoms in the structure... I would think that vaporized graphite would be generated as a small bubble around the burst of neutron radiation in order to keep it together in flight, as graphite is a neutron moderator and slows down the faster of the neutrons...turning them into slower thermal neutrons (hoping they could stay together in the graphite vapor shell).... this would slowly render them more and more tolerable...creating a range limit
this weapon would be "ammo dependent" as the metal emmision plates and the graphite gas would have to be replaced often