' Wrote:You resent pirates trying to rake in because its about the RP not the cash yet a big part your reason is that it costs you so much cash.
This is a one sided arguement, I'm not going to lie, but I only say this because I believe that people's ablility to pirate is being abused, just like so many other things.
I don't believe that Piracy was intended or should be used as a form of high rate profit, because although it can be effectively used that way. It sounds very selfish, but my reasons are this:
The amounts being pirated over are unreasonable. I shouldn't have to lose half my income just because someone has a gun to my face, It's not "Fun" as the game should be.
People aren't even Rping it anymore. They are pre-processing their ability to take money by force to income themselves unfairly.
Trading is a major way to pick up money, piracy should not be.
If someone had a gun in a soup line, and was taking as much soup as he wanted from everyone just so he could buy a big battlesoup with all his soup credits, would you be pissed? He only needs a little bit to get by, just like everyone else in that line, but he takes way too much, and leaves everyone else out on there butt. Everyone needs to get the stuff to do what they want, in RP or not, so why not work for it by doing what everyone else does, instead? Now, a pirate in game may not really be getting that much more soup than everyone else, but I hope you get the point.
We need pirates on this server and piracy is a "legimate" form of rp.
We need traders. They add life to the systems they fly through (even the utterly non-responsive ones). They provide the plump target for the salacious criminal element of Sirius. This, in turn, justifies the presence of law enforcement and military.
My only serious beef, whine, complaint about our mod culminates in one thing: the good stuff, in particular, is ludicrous spendy. As in astronomically expensive. There's reasons for the high prices, all sorts of rationale based on perceptions of what passes for proper rp and how we integrate "reality" into a realm of pixels. I don't want to go off any further on that tangent in this post.
If you, dear reader, are honest with yourself, you hate trading. Ok, I won't paint with a broad brush, but I'm betting a good 90% of you truly dislike trading. Personally I hate it, hate it a lot.
I would be more inclined to cheerfully rp as a trader if I didn't have to trade countless hours to get the stuff I want. Grind, grind, grind - kind of reminds me of real work sometimes. Isn't one of the main reasons to play a game is to liberate oneself from the daily grind?
So, if a pirate stops me on one of my in-rp, power trading routes, I won't be cheerful. I won't even attempt to be so if the pirate is obviously wanting to make some money in a way that is infinitely more entertaining to him than to me. I won't say "kill me and get it over with" or some other nonsense. But I'm not going to be his monkey either. He demands, I pay and go on my way.
Now, if a pirate stops me and demands 500k, that tells me at least one thing about this player: his priorities lie in roleplaying. He is primarily concerned with being the pirate and giving me his piratey spiel. The monetary demand is a secondary matter that underscores his rp.
I'm sure some people would even pay more in the event of RP, I've been given credits by people before just because of a positive RP with other players.
Most of the time, traders will try and cut a deal with the pirate, but who wouldn't?
' Wrote:Well i propose we limit the amount being pirated with have for ever 1000 Cargo its 250k credits or possibly a limit of 1 Million credits if they are over lvl60 and put it on every Pirate able ID.
Here's where I favour a free market economy. Generally speaking the amount to steal is, and should be, up to a players' discretion. We can't force people to rp.
' Wrote:I admit to stealing that idea upon hearing of it. Hey, when you can't come up with good ideas, act on someone else's.
And no, we don't need more rules to force people to play nice. They either will or they won't.
Going from my own experience, being the well-known faction leader of the one highly visible Junker faction does not make me immune to piracy. But being in a Salvage Frigate with a Cap 7 armor and three battle razors very often does make lone gunboats and bombers cruise up, only to turn tail and leave without a word said. With those that don't RP unless it involves a prelude to a blue message, often times the simple threat of a harder fight and denial of access to their favorite system for four hours is enough to make them think twice.
The only solution I'd honestly propose regarding all the pirate gunboats would be to bring gunboat and transport defenses closer in line with one another. The disparity is just too big right now. Give the "harder" transports a fighting chance against gunboats.
Keeps rules out and makes life a bit more dangerous for the enterprising gunship captain.
EDIT: As an added bonus, you might even see transports become a choice vessel for piracy -- not just with the RP diehards but with the 10PM PST Liberty unlawful crowds.
A few of those harder transports together are a real challenge for a lone GB at present. Not so much for three GB's....
' Wrote:Two sides to a coin.
You resent pirates trying to rake in because its about the RP not the cash yet a big part your reason is that it costs you so much cash.
How about reduce trading where you can't make more than 250k on a run? Sounds a lot less acceptable when you put it like that--yet thats what you're asking pirates to accept.
I don't play a pirate but I can see how this is an extremely one-sided and mostly self-serving (for traders) presentation. It also subtly implies that pirates are lesser RPers and not as important as traders.
I don't think yet another rule--directed to restrict ONE side's play--is the solution to a perceived problem.
I can name three prominent faction members I've seen in the past few weeks using their 5k faction ships and ID to carry totally oorp cargo from their faction. Two I asked why they were doing it and the answer was, "I need the cash."
It's a two way street--and I don't play a pirate.
It's not about the cash so much as the fact that it presents so appealing an option at present that it runs the risk of creating a server over-represented by pirates.
' Wrote:Ah, the dilemma.
We need pirates on this server and piracy is a "legimate" form of rp.
We need traders. They add life to the systems they fly through (even the utterly non-responsive ones). They provide the plump target for the salacious criminal element of Sirius. This, in turn, justifies the presence of law enforcement and military.
My only serious beef, whine, complaint about our mod culminates in one thing: the good stuff, in particular, is ludicrous spendy. As in astronomically expensive. There's reasons for the high prices, all sorts of rationale based on perceptions of what passes for proper rp and how we integrate "reality" into a realm of pixels. I don't want to go off any further on that tangent in this post.
If you, dear reader, are honest with yourself, you hate trading. Ok, I won't paint with a broad brush, but I'm betting a good 90% of you truly dislike trading. Personally I hate it, hate it a lot.
I would be more inclined to cheerfully rp as a trader if I didn't have to trade countless hours to get the stuff I want. Grind, grind, grind - kind of reminds me of real work sometimes. Isn't one of the main reasons to play a game is to liberate oneself from the daily grind?
So, if a pirate stops me on one of my in-rp, power trading routes, I won't be cheerful. I won't even attempt to be so if the pirate is obviously wanting to make some money in a way that is infinitely more entertaining to him than to me. I won't say "kill me and get it over with" or some other nonsense. But I'm not going to be his monkey either. He demands, I pay and go on my way.
Now, if a pirate stops me and demands 500k, that tells me at least one thing about this player: his priorities lie in roleplaying. He is primarily concerned with being the pirate and giving me his piratey spiel. The monetary demand is a secondary matter that underscores his rp.
Amen to that. Trading sucks. It powers virtually everything that happens on the server, but you would have to have no life to finance a battleship with cap 8. Which will be rubbish against a few well-organised bombers. So what's the point?
Quote:Amen to that. Trading sucks. It powers virtually everything that happens on the server, but you would have to have no life to finance a battleship with cap 8. Which will be rubbish against a few well-organised bombers. So what's the point?
' Wrote:Amen to that. Trading sucks. It powers virtually everything that happens on the server, but you would have to have no life to finance a battleship with cap 8. Which will be rubbish against a few well-organised bombers. So what's the point?
I am one of those crazy fools who trades for the RP of it. Funnelling ill-gotten booty sold off by the local pirates at one Junker base across backwater passages, to a Junker depot in another house where the CSVs can sell it off at a profit.
Random officer: "Halt for scan"
Me: "Okay"
Random officer: "Nothing illegal here"
That's what he thinks. Heh heh.
Really, I should probably point out the RP behind the "legal" trade goods sold at Junker bases and how they get there. It's not like the Junkers have import-export deals with the local production facilities to move their stock akin to shipping companies. But, life would be made difficult as people would be wise to the fact that the engine components so innocently being shuttled between Rheinland to Bretonia are likely looted by Unioners and sold at Kreuzberg, and will be sold to Mollys and Corsairs at Trafalgar if not offloaded at Southampton for show.
But, when I trade I am not some faceless bank account only there to powertrade so I can make my way back to my real characters. I am the character captaining the long-distance freight tug, moving cargo and looking for salvage while keeping my eyes and ears open for juicy gossip. Most activities "suck" in Discovery if not backed by some form of RP. Even combat just doesn't really have that oomph for me.
Really, if trading is tough for someone, then they should make a character with a ship where it isn't so rough. Bring friends along and make it a social gathering. Have fun doing what you do or don't do it.
Want my advice? Trade through the Taus. That's Outcast territory, but since all of the Outcasts are in Liberty with their Gunships it's usually pretty empty. Although you do have to watch out for the KNF and BAF, they're not usually around anyway.
Pirates will always flock to the most used trade routes, though. So if you find a route that is highly profitable, don't use it. Consider it high risk, you might make a lot of money, you might lose a lot of money.
I have a Trader, which doesnt really earn much money (See here), and i got my Pirates. All in the Liberty Rogue faction. There might be a few Pirates out there, but we dont whine about the daily Bounty Hunter/Navy Force/Cop who takes us out. Sure i am a bit angry about restocking my Barghest again, but i dont whine about it.
I normally pirate fair, pirate for less money or Cargo. You are complaining about that, but that is the Role Play of a Pirate. All pirates are different, some pirate for more some pirate for less. Sometimes we pirate for Jokes and people still attack us/use F1/engage cruise engine. Be polite to a Pirate = Better.
And i to be honest dont think there are too many Pirates. It just depends, there are days when i dont see any Pirate in my Trader, on one day i meet one. On another day i see about 5 Pirates, and then they are fighting against a swarm of Liberators and Upholders or got the LNS Fleet on their back.,
Change your Traderoute, see what happens. Pirates are always there where many traders are.
"Who is it doing this synthetic type of alpha beta psychedelic funkin'?"