Well I'd like to say that this is infact a problem...but I'd like to add in that more rules will only restrict good role player's actions around this...every problem seems to be met with more rules
Anyways... we can try to RP to fix this problem, traders using more escorts, working in convoys...NPC transports always have two fighter escorts with them
we can even up transport protection and firepower directly...restrict Gunboats to pirate Guard IDs (like with the Gaian gunship)
that would not do much really though.... people will just do their 30 missions and get the ship
get escorts, more mercinaries for hire, BHG defending the transports
heck...on my Junker, Geordi Forbes, I've made about 80 million from escorting ships alone...I admit Junker and Indipendent Trader IDs, but I managed to shoo away 3 or 4 pirates and I've only been in 3 fights with her (A Xenos, Monstar, Crazied BHG indie)...I've never had an issue while working as an escort, usually being able to defuse the situation
I guess we have to actually trust the pirates to behave in a more acceptable fassion
We have the Cali/Omega 3/Sigma 13 pirates to ruin this for everyone
You know what I find ironic... my favourite places in Sirius are the places where lots of pirates/traders often roam. Therefore, lawfuls come in... all sorts of stuff happen. You can always head to that system for some action.
As stated before, Discovery just wouldn't be discovery without piracy. Currently, If you don't like being pirated, join a lawful faction. Go and hunt them down! More activity for both you and the pirates, RP opportunities and (if you love it,) PVP opportunities.
Everywhere there are traders, there are pirates. If people notice lots of traders in an area, they will start pirating for money and the blue message.
Anyway. I find that Bombers are alot more efficent in killing people than Gunboats are. Gunboats are a magnet to trouble...
Alternativley, as suggested, Guard IDs for gunboats would be appreciated. An option to fix all this is to make the Pirate ID fighters/bombers/transports only. Then of course, people will go outcast. So? I suggest we nerf both the Corsair and the Outcast Gunship a little...
So if we all don't like pirates, lets all join a lawful faction! When the pirates are on, go and kill them.
' Wrote:Quick! We got someone whining at Pirates again!
I have a Trader, which doesnt really earn much money (See here), and i got my Pirates. All in the Liberty Rogue faction. There might be a few Pirates out there, but we dont whine about the daily Bounty Hunter/Navy Force/Cop who takes us out. Sure i am a bit angry about restocking my Barghest again, but i dont whine about it.
I normally pirate fair, pirate for less money or Cargo. You are complaining about that, but that is the Role Play of a Pirate. All pirates are different, some pirate for more some pirate for less. Sometimes we pirate for Jokes and people still attack us/use F1/engage cruise engine. Be polite to a Pirate = Better.
And i to be honest dont think there are too many Pirates. It just depends, there are days when i dont see any Pirate in my Trader, on one day i meet one. On another day i see about 5 Pirates, and then they are fighting against a swarm of Liberators and Upholders or got the LNS Fleet on their back.,
Change your Traderoute, see what happens. Pirates are always there where many traders are.
Three "whines"! Yet you seem to be missing the point. No one said it was wrong to pirate, or to demand what people might consider unreasonable amounts of cargo or credits.
The issues I raised were quite different.
Is piracy too easy and attractive an option in particular places, to the detriment of other ways of playing? That is to say, aren't you ruining the risk of removing any prey for pirates to feed from?
Does the disparity in ship class render all the development work on buffing low-end freighters pointless? Why have the lovely Cyldesdale when it stands next to no chance against the ships most commonly used for pirating - those would be your wonderful barghest in Liberty (hey remember how rubbish that used to be) and the gunboats. (Oh, the gunboats. But that's a different matter.)
People will always look for ways to make quick money because the perception remains that bigger is better. The big battleship must be good because it costs all that money right? Wrong. You should be capable of having as much fun on the server in a humble Anki as a cruiser. It's a question of imagination. But players aren't getting that.
If someone does have massive leverage over an opponent - like the afore mentioned GB gang - then surely they could muster anything more imaginative than "Give us your credits" when they interact with a new player who is so massively out gunned that he couldnt even make a dent in the Cap 8 gunboat?
I'll have to see if I can run across you with my pirate, Ath. My pirate ONLY asks for cargo. I'm also not out to rape the player - I just want 1/4 to 1/3 of what they're carrying. (Yes, I'm pirating in a transport sized ship.)
And this past weekend, we in the Harvesters were out doing just that - as a group, Drones and Haulers, harvesting needed supplies for our ship maintenance. We weren't after resource units (credits) - we wanted materials, like engine components, hull panels, computer components, etc.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
CM do work.. and there is a way to avoid pirates. and most of the people i know on this server are decent people and will cut you some slack if you RP.. not if you cry about how you flying for 1 hour and stopped 3 times and so on.. RP your way out of situations.. i am telling you great RP get rewarded most of the time.
Quote:CM do work.. and there is a way to avoid pirates. and most of the people i know on this server are decent people and will cut you some slack if you RP.. not if you cry about how you flying for 1 hour and stopped 3 times and so on.. RP your way out of situations.. i am telling you great RP get rewarded most of the time.
Well, CMs work to an extent. However, a pirating spamming CDs will beat a pirate spamming CMs.
Therefore, theres barely any escape for the trader, seeing as I've never ran out of TCDs in my life....
In my eyes the ammount of 500k is the ammount the "2mil r dai" pirates SHOULD ask for.
"500k r dai!"
"Fine. Here, take it. Good lord, I am so glad that I got rid of that guy!"
If someone asks me for 2mil, I expect him to work for this ammount of cash.
Usualy I start to get out my roleplay here. It is not a macroed one, which can be typed in 1 second.
KAWOOM! Snac 1 hits the hull. Ok, ok, Ill cut it short and throw something RPish at the pirates head, so he can answer me.
"I dont care, give me the cash, hurry hurry!" KAWOOOOM Snac 2 takes the shield out.
Still 2 mil to pay at this point.
Next attempt to roleplay a bit.
"Well, where is the cash? 10, 9, 8,......" The pirate wants to proove that he isnt the dull and dumb cliche. He can count backwards.....wait, hes serious!
KAWOOOM! Snac 3 takes down half the hull.
/givecash 2000000 XXXXXXX
"Fine. Here, take it. Good lord, I am so glad that I got rid of that guy!"
Same thought of mine as before. It is not important if the no RP pirate takes 500k or 2millions, the only difference here would be the time, my time, a trader has to trade to compensate this loss.
Single 2million credits wont get you ruined, but if 6 pirates wait along the way, its just without reason to trade anymore.
If I would get all 6 times fabulous Roleplay, I would still trade instead of dock and do something else.
The best pirates are "Hand me your cash! The ammount.....well what suits you best?".
Here you can hop in with your roleplay, tell him stories about your run, what happened and why you payed the ammount of cash, you just transfered.
If I encounter roleplaying pirates, I hand them the 2 million credits, they did not even ask for.
Dont be in a hurry as a pirate and the argument "The cash has to come over fast, or he could call for backup!" does not count.
If he gets backup or the police comes along the tradelane, the roleplay really begins.
And how often can a trader get backup to his location, in the next 5 minutes?
The roleplay about the robbery would be done a long time ago.
Well........except if you pirate in Manhattan orbit.
Of course the traders should not rush as well. "No time sorry!" and starting your cruise is also not adding any kind of roleplay there.
Beeing in a rush is always killing roleplay, asking for "2mil r dai!" and not willing to roleplay with a willing trader, is also killing it.
But what really bugs me off, are official faction traders/pirates, who dont give a *instert what you think of* about the roleplay, if they encounter traders or pirates. They sometimes dont even try to.
Honor your faction tag and show the other players why you are allowed to wear it.
Not because you are a so cool person, its because you know the roleplay.
Otherwise the official faction would not make any sense.
If you have tried your best to RP and the other side does not care, fine you have tried at least.
' Wrote:We have the Cali/Omega 3/Sigma 13 pirates to ruin this for everyone
Well, I operate in Cali. I like being a Pirate and the only thing that stops me from RPing one is that I cannot take your money, cargo AND rip your legs off after that...
I've been stopped or called upon to stop a few times in BOTH my trading vessel and my exploration vessel (a civvy bomber).
Once I killed a pirate in my Trader (a Bumblebee at the time) and then tractored all of his gear, which I then sold, it was enough to cover my repairs with a few k left over.
That was kind of exciting as he was dishing out some serious damage, but it's not something I can see happening every day.
I don't LIKE being pirated, don't expect me to be pleasant and rp nicely (I do rp, but badly), as a trader it's someone stealing my profit and no trader is going to be happy about it.
If I try to run or I return fire, don't expect me to talk, I'm going to be too busy trying to do 3 or 4 things at the same time :rolleyes:
The only thing I really hate is having to hand over what amounts to half (or sometimes more than half) of the profit I'm going to make on that leg of the trade route.
Ask for too much money and you are going to be killing the 'goose that lays the golden eggs', traders will go somewhere else to trade -or- pack it in and become a pirate themselves and soon there will be TOO MANY pirates and not enough traders to go around.