To: Zoners of Sirius Comm ID: Temporary ambassador Delana Sanchez, Planet Crete - Omicron Gamma
**message begins**
Hola Zoner amigos!
My hermanos - Diego and Fernando Sanchez - captains of Imperator Gunboat Minotauros, and Praefect Cruiser Navarra along with their tripulaciones would like to extend an offer of joint entrenamiento de combate towards you. We are offering the facilities of both our ships, and the experience of our tripulaciones as a token of buena voluntad from the Corsairs, and hope for a better futuro for both of our grandes naciones.
Please use the same channel to reply to our proposal, and if you agree, please designate a place, and time of my arrival for further negotiations, and setting up a time schedule.
To Delana Sanchez
Comm ID: Malaclypse, Chairman, CoZ
I do believe some joint training is an excellent suggestion!
Please coordinate your training opportuinities with our Delegate Boll of the Zoner Trading Consortium or perhaps his fellows Delegate Salome or Delegate Lighwing.
I might even send over some of my slower Popes for some training.