I basically suggested that it only be available to LN, BAF, RM, and KNF, and only med level officiers (such as captains and/orcommodores) have access to the weapons.
' Wrote:I basically suggested that it only be available to LN, BAF, RM, and KNF, and only med level officiers (such as captains and/orcommodores) have access to the weapons.
The same way you may add a Long Range Strike Missile (which I shall call LRSM for the sake of sanity), we could perhaps add a 'Cruise Missile' for capital ships, mainly cruisers/destroyers would use this, perhaps some battleships too (preferably not carriers though, I think that would make them too overpowered then).
Like I said when I was helping you test these things, the tracking needs to be reduced drastically. Nothing should have 100% accuracy, it should be possible to dodge them without the use of CMs, even if it is hard.
Plus, I think your delay needs to be longer, you were still hitting me with them when I was up close to you.
Allright, no, the thing is, if I set it higher, I fire them when you are targetable at 10k, it will wait, then it will travel, it will hit you when you are only 3k or less from me and what then?
And I did, but I lost my shield as well in the process and ate Kraken MkIs.
Ill work a little more on this, tho. I think we can reduce the tracking to, say, a firestalker missile's tracking ability.