I decided to play Fallout 3 again, why? Because I tried to be evil, but failed, I just can't murder in cold blood. So I help and thieve from them, keeping me neutral for those achievements.
Yes, I have the 360 version... sadly...
I am now addicted to this game, again. I am now suffering near insomnia thanks to it, and I even plotted how I'm going to kill that witch Moira, without using the nuke... Frag mines and grenades are too common. I just walked in there with Bloody Mess turned on, and used a ripper on her face... The results were truly hilarious.
So anyone else play this game? Also, what builds have you done?
Here are the three builds I've done:
Fletcher - Good Sniper/Commando, small guns science and repair skills focused.
Junk'ko - Good/Neutral Ninja, lockpick, small guns, science and speech focused.
Justin - Meant to be evil, now neutral, pure melee weapons, big guns, repair, medicine focused.
I just can't be evil... in any game... even here...
All hail the Shiskabab! I love this weapon! The next is the ripper, then the Fat Man obviously. :P
Heh, I had a female pure evil char that enjoyed carrying her good ole rifle for all situations. She walked away from the ending...like, heh, screw doing anything for anyone...oh wait...game doesn't continue otherwise...blah
Heh, I had a female pure evil char that enjoyed carrying her good ole rifle for all situations. She walked away from the ending...like, heh, screw doing anything for anyone...oh wait...game doesn't continue otherwise...blah
Broken Steel:P
I made one character, good alligned, and had what is nearly a fetish for Hunting Rifles. My only character though, and he's been so lonely ever since he slaughtered the population of Paradise Falls.
My characters name is Johnny.Dangerously, With a beard and a pompadour with black hair.
He has discovered ever single unique weapon he can.(Believe me, have a list):D
After Broken Steel, his stats are as follows: ST:10 PE:10 EN:10 CH:10 IN:10 AG:10: LK:10
All of the skills are also 100(Yeah I'm sorry you guys think i'm probably lying but nah, i just put -A LOT- of effort and pre-planned ideas into this character, also hes my second guy)
He is very good aligned and would sacrifice his life for the mere waste lander who needs purified water. He steals collectibles if he sees them (Even though it gives some bad karma, it only means he has a better chance to save the people of the Capital Wasteland :laugh: )
Megaton: Saved
Paradise Falls: Obliterated those nasty Slavers
Oasis: Increased production of plants ( I was so surprised to see green in that canyon, til I got the Oasis quest)
Tenpenny Tower: Tried to let the Ghouls in however they only did more bad things *Cries* WHY?!?!?!
His adventures still continue and awaits to be abducted by pissed off aliens and wishes to go to the swamps still!
The Oasis quest is almost as, if not more significant than Project Purity, I reckon. Give it a few decades and the whole Capital Wasteland might be going green.
Though it's hard to say, seeing as Fallout has science! rather than science and doesn't actually confirm anything like that for us.
I've done it all, played all the DLC's, been good and bad, on the PC version with console hax!!1! Gauss rifle + 100% crit = win, knockback on every shot.
I want to try Fallout 3.
I'm waiting on the GOTY edition first though in October. Retail Game with all Updates plus the 5 DLCs in one box for the same price as it is now.