We know that Bounty Hunter cap ships were nerfed because of all the cap whores that existed in the past on this server, and there were large quantities of people complaining about them - justifiably, because at that point, the Bounty Hunter caps were the most powerful things out there, basically.
Well, now they've been emasculated. Seriously - I'm on testosterone patches because of surgeries, and I can tell when something seems to be lacking in testicular fortitude. In the effort to cut the capwhorage - the Bounty Hunter cap ships have become something of a joke now.
Allow me to present the evidence - especially given who and what we're going up against, in a blind survey:
Ships 1-4 are comparable class, ships 5-7 are comparable, and then 8-9.
Now - without scrolling down, looking at the answers, or otherwise peeking - just checking out the stats - what would you like to fly?
Now we see why the Capwhorage is no longer with the bounty hunters, and people are complaining about the Order.
Osiris, Legate, Liberty Dreadnought - and THEN the Mako Bounty Hunter Battleship
Geb Light Carrier - more like a light battleship, with level 10 shields Praefect Cruiser, and Bullhead Battlecruiser
Thresher Destroyer, Resheph Light Recon Vessel
When a battlecruiser class ship is more than a match for a battleship class ship - the Geb could take a Mako - then something is a bit out of whack. A player character Bullhead stands no chance against a player Osiris. (NPC, yeah, I can take ONE of them out...)
But basically, we're feeling a little too much love (and pain) out here in our caps - we've been whacked around a bunch lately, and we're seeing how it has imbalanced the game again.
(11-21-2013, 12:53 PM)Jihadjoe Wrote: Oh god... The end of days... Agmen agreed with me.
I agree,the Bounty Hunter capitals are way too weak to match any other.
For example the Outcasts battleship can also wipe a Mako with no sweat.
So yeah,a lil' bit of balancing will be appreciated.
the nerfing`s gone overboard. and now proper players suffer the consequenses.
the BHG caps are quite simply (far) weaker than their main rivals.
something needs to be done about this because bringing out caps to a cap fight now basically means you`ve lost before a single shot has been fired.
the old BHG gs (4.84) was redicilously overpowered. but now it`s gone the other way with all the other BHG caps.
You really should post the turning of the ships... In the right hands, any of the bounty hunter guild's ships can totally decimate their heavier counterparts... Also, the bounty hunters guild ships are balanced against the order, the bounty hunter guild's main enemy.
The BHG BS and BC deserve a bit of a buff (BS especially), i sometimes feel almost sorry for some of the BHG BSs that i meet in my legate (some however are very skilled pilots and put up a good fight), it is desperately underpowered.
The BC to a lesser extent, but it is still not much of a match for the geb (although it is about half the size), a small buff, just to bring it in line with the LABC (which is spammed terribly) would be nice.
The destroyer on the other hand is a powerful ship as it is, and imo doesnt need a buff of any sorts, it is right where it deserves to be, or should be, and is capapble of matching and destroying in a 1on1 fight most of the other cruisers around.
Uh, dude, ships 5-7 are not comparable. #5 and #7 are both battlecruisers, and you fail to mention that #7 has two battleship turret slots while the rest are cruiser turret slots, #6 is a normal cruiser, it doesnt even come close.
If you're going to try and do a blind survey, at least include accurate information.
The BHBC is balanced on par with every other battlecruiser in the game -except- for the Order carrier. The only reason the Carrier has more turrets is because it has no Battleship turrets. The only reason the Carrier has more armor and better shielding is because it is 2-3 times larger than every other battlecruiser in the mod. It's balanced on a different level with different strengths and weaknesses.
You also need to consider that, like the order recon destroyer, the bh destroyer is a light cruiser class vessel - it wont have as many turrets or as much armor as a rheinland cruiser or bretonian destroyer, because it has a far smaller profile and far more manuverability. Compare it to other light cruisers/destroyers and you'll see the similarities.
' Wrote:I agree, the redcat is much too small and maneouvreable.
Seriously? Seriously?
On that note, I do think they could use a bit of a buff. Nothing huge, and yes, a lot of the problem could be resolved with pilot skill increases, but of course there are very few skilled Battleship pilots these days, none of which I think are BHG, so I doubt that's an option. I'm all for bringing the Mako armor up another 30K and jacking up the B/B to LibDread standards.
I don't know about the BHBC. BCs aren't my area. Don't know, don't care, my Dreadnought will maul any two or three battlecruiser that rear their ugly heads.
Quote:Quick comment - we thought that Panzer was the Leader, Swift. -Agmen
Quote:Uh, dude, ships 5-7 are not comparable. #5 and #7 are both battlecruisers, and you fail to mention that #7 has two battleship turret slots while the rest are cruiser turret slots, #6 is a normal cruiser, it doesnt even come close
The praefect is up there because it is one of the most common ships for a BHG pilot to meet.
Also, if you get chased by a legate, go into an asteroid feild, the legate is one of the largest BSs in the mod and asteroids HATE it, while the much smaller BHG BS can slip through.