:::Incoming Transmission:::
:::Callsign- Lt. Mike Ypsilantis:::
:::Location Verified- Manhattan:::
It brings me great pleasure to announce my return to active service and Liberty itself. Having been away, dealing with my brother and other family issues, I was forced rather abruptly to leave, which I humbly apologize for.
I see that in my absence that much has changed, in particular I give my most sincere congratulations to Commander Galen Anderson, who had always been loyal and dedicated, as both my dearest friend and a pilot. Interesting that now, after this while, you'll be able to exact revenge by commanding me around very like how I ordered you around...heh. It saddens me to hear that our venerable now ex-Admiral has left and I was not around to give my farewells to old Talon. I cannot imagine him sitting peacefully in a retirement home somewhere....
Anywho....I look forward to flying with all of you, whether new pilots or old ones. I must say, sorely missed has been this job to me...as I've held flying with Liberty colors as my pride and joy...
Lieutenant Mike Ypsilantis
:::End Transmission:::
//Since 4.85 came out, my horrid computer hasn't been able to play FL without crashing. Now that I've finally gotten an excuse to buy a new computer that can play FL I can now return to Sirius.
' Wrote:TDL Dark pretty much hit the nail on the head..
============incomeiong transmission=====
comm ID : Captian James Patterson,Battlecruiser Fort Louisbourg
subject: strange alaska readings
<start the ship is darker then normal no battlelighting but stealth inplace as such systems power demands are reduced>
Admrial hale,weve been picking up the same readingas lately but ive dismissed them as normal non human behavior however should the Carson City need heavy support or better FORCON(foreward recon)the Fort is semi pernatly stationed inside the system something is indeed amis and that something is big ...and it worrys me and you admrial know i do not get worried often we wil laid her in her recon to the best of our abilty and may god have mercy on our souls should we encounter it and ... not survive
'ello Liberty Navy, i want to make a complaint. As you know my famille and me are usually carrying Military Vehicles from Fort Severn to New 'ampshire.
Today my cousin Henry was locked inside Fort Severn by 3 Outcast ships.
I asked for 'elp in New York where at least two LN ships and one LSF ship and a police ship 'ave been available.
But absolutely no one cared for my distress call or even responded.
I really dont understand this and so want to know why no one answered. Is it that Ontario is to far away?
Best Regards!
Fleur Dupont
Ps: I 'ope it is ok if i say that 'ere in your message board.
***End of Transmission***
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#33FF33]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium COMM ID:Fleet Admiral Hale TARGET ID:Fleur Dupont SUBJECT:Re. Complaint
Ms. Dupont, as I'm sure you have seen, the Navy and LSF has a lot of security concerns to deal with, often in many places at once. There is every chance that the LN or LSF you contacted during your debarcle with the Outcasts were engaged in combat already. If they were not, then I would like to ask them why they did not respond.
I hope this doesn't impact on your will to transport goods for us, as your work has doubtless saved Libertonian lives on the front lines.
I look forward to you working with us more in future
Hale out.
' Wrote:[Inbound Transmission]
~Lt. Commander Jack Malrone. >Complaint issue.
Ms Dupont,
The fact you have access to these channels is quite worrying. These secure channels are meant for restricted LPI, LN and LSF access only.
However, your complaint has been forwarded to High Command and an investigation will follow.
To all other officers: The Dupont family is to be given priority status when in Liberty - As they are supporting our fight against Rheinland.
***New channel access codes distributed***
Lt. Commander Jack Malrone
--Stream End--
[Transmission End]
[font=Agency FB]
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#33FF33]Medium ENCRYPTION:Medium COMM ID:Fleet Admiral Hale TARGET ID:Lt. Commander Jack malrone SUBJECT:Re. Dupont's access to our comm channels.
Evening Malrone, I thought I'd address your concern here. Fleur Dupont has been granted limited access to our comms. She will only be able to read comms which are directly forwarded to her or her family from this channel.
This was done in order to ease her supply work for the Navy. The Dupont family has been running military goods for us out to the Battleship Concord in New Hampshire on a regular basis. This logistical help has been invaluable.
As I said, the Dupont family only has very limited access, they have been patched in to be able to forward messages to the Navy, while only receiving those directly sent to them.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#33FF33]Low ENCRYPTION:High COMM ID:Fleur Dupont TARGET ID:Fleet Admiral Hale SUBJECT:Meeting
[font=Agency FB]Bonjour Admiral 'ale,
I would like to know if we could 'ave a personal meeting someday next week. Please let me know, when you will 'ave time for it. Its nothing urgent, but i decided to give you some information, that you might find interesting.
[font=Agency FB][color=#FFFFFF]PRIORITY: [color=#33FF33]Low ENCRYPTION:Medium COMM ID:Captain Kazinsal Goldsmith TARGET ID:All Navy/LSF Forces SUBJECT:Termination of a Hacker/Rogue
Good morning everyone!
This morning an [LN] Avenger and I pursued a Hacker IFF'd Mjolnir with a Rogue ID past Manhattan and to Rochester, where we gave him notification to leave. He fired upon the Avenger, lowering its shields to 0% strength a few times. We were forced to destroy him. The killshot came from my bomber's SNAC.
Not only is it strange that a Hacker ship was Rogue ID'd, but it concerns me that more and more Liberty-based criminal organizations are gaining access to extremely powerful Rheinland ships, and even flying around Liberty core space in them.
~Lt. Commander Jack Malrone. >Rheinland Incursion. ~ Texas
As I clocked in for duty yesterday, a small Rheinland insurgency force made its way past Planet Housten, headed for either Virginia or New York. Commander Darkmoor and myself cut them off before they had a chance to complete their mission. We engaged them just off the tradelane from New York. Three Rheinland officers, Major Chezburger, Kreuzchen and Voelkel, were all engaging our forces quite passionately.
The Major was surprisingly nifty and refused to be destroyed. Thus, we targeted one of the lower-ranked officers, in the hope to catch him off guard. No such luck, as a Hessian gunboat joined the battle, surprising us instead. Concentrated fire soon brought the gunboat down and we were back to the primary targets - The Rheinland Military.
As the battle wore on, Commander Darkmoor's and my own Lipsicle Automated Resistance (LAG) increased to unbearable levels. We pulled out and authorised a cruiser to take out the the two bombers - Another two Rheinland agents had appeared as we left.
Slowly wearing them down, the remaining agents were destroyed.
Something that concerned me was a MND agent somehow obtaining access to some sort of data in Texas. The LNS-Hyperion was dispatched to Bering in order to guard the border, however, the agent still managed to access some unknown data.
I'm sure LSF are working on what data was stolen, but if there's any possibility of an undercover operative going in to follow the data trail, I'd like to nominate myself.
>Pirates & Unauthorised Battlecrusier. ~ California
After all the coffuffle of the Rheinland incursion, Commander Darkmoor took a well-earned rest and I made my way to California to check up on reports of pirates in the sector. As soon as my wing exited the tradelane, the pirates split and made their way for the nearby asteroid field.
Officer Lansen was in hot pursuit, as I went around the asteroid field, hoping to set up a perimeter. However, that wasn't needed as Officer Lansen put one of the two Rogues out of commission, the other one fleeing.
As I was setting up the perimeter, a large LABC flew past me with little identification. I hailed it and ordered it to cut its engines. Bearing absolutely no Navy identification, I ordered it to power down all system and get ready for immediate boarding. Without a word, he fired on my Guardian. I immediately responded with the full force of my weapons. Unfortunately, Vengences have nothing on our mighty Assault Battlecruiser's shields. The target escaped, headed for Magellan.
We can only hope the Hackers don't get their hands on that technology...
Vogue - For illegal possession of classified Navy technology. Arrest on sight - Lethal force authorised if required.
I'd like to commend all the officers in the Rheinland skirmish today, including, but not limited to:
Officer Chris Lansen - For precise aim and excellent fighting skills.
Captain Derek Applegate - For always lightening the mood.
LPI Officer Goodman - For enduring devotion and hanging in there.
The Carson City was proceeding to Juneau Shipyards as ordered, however sensors picked up something on scanners. The signal is still too weak to determine the source of the signal, but instinct tells me it's something that is potentially dangerous.
The Carson City is now in dry dock until it re-fitted for the purpose you ordered it to be stationed here in the first place, the engineers foresee modifications to last at least a day, since alot of changes need to be made. The shipyards are more than secure, and all the while the carson city moved into docking position, the signal grew faint then strong, almost like a pulse.
Now that that is dealt with, I await yourself to complete the mission briefing sir, before I head out for any operations. While we wait, i have my personal engineer for the Carson City to work on a rather special piece of scanning equipment as well, which should become compatible with the rest of the electronics of the Carson City once general modifications are completed.
Our engineers have been working on the new guns for the Upholder. As soon as I got the beta version, I took them to space for a real test against real treats. The results are satisfactory, as they seem to work well against big targets as it works against small targets. Evidence 1; Evidence 2; Evidence 3; Evidence 4
There has been an increase in the gunboats activity within the Rogues. And of those ships got my attention, the Blue Raven is a dangerous ship, capable of destroying several ships on his way. It should be threated with major force. My recomendation to our not so experience pilots is to call for backup when you run into this ship, a bomber squadron should be capable of taking it down.