Admiral's flight requirement (3 kills overall) on fighter craft completed. Entered into fight exercise with F.E.A.R.-Ardent, at his request, in Conneticut and engaged in 1v1. Both participants suffered damage with third engagement ruled null due to weapon's IFF malfunction (My bloody missile nailed me:( Overall, great engagement.
It is my solemn duty to report that at 2245CA-l, LtCmd. Stark's pod has been found. He did not survive. Cause of death has been determined as decompession/suffocation. Initial investigations indicate that his pod was hit by an energy blast shortly after he ejected. Death was almost instantaious. There is no way to tell at this time if his pod was hit on accident or deliberately. Full honors military funneral will be held on the 17th at 1700NY-l. LtCmd. Derek L. Stark will be inturned at the American National Cemetary on planet Manhatten. May God have mercy on his soul and grant him rest. My heartfelt condolences go out to his family. Derek was a good man and a friend, he shall be deeply missed. He gave his life in the service of Liberty, in the finest traditions of the service...................................That is all. Adamson out.
Adm. M. Adamson / LNS Valhalla
226th ADF-CA
<span style="color:#CCCCCC">"BOLT FROM THE HEAVENS"
"Nobody ever won a war by dying for his country, you win wars by making the sorry SOB's die for theirs!"
' Wrote:I'd like Governor OsoRojo to introduce several new members int the South Alliance as soon as possible.
By my count we are at 10 in theory.
Tannik Sheldon
LNS-Phoenix (Cabal? yet to post)
Thundy2040 (E-MOR) in memorial due to his loss of beloved
Hunter-seeker (SA-Cardozo) on leave due to work
LNS-Columbia (yet to post due to Admin ok on his account pending)
XXXX-unknown due to lack of post stating desire
' Wrote:In addition, I'd like a status report on the Virginia purchase.
Purchase still pending due to Civil Authority crisis, however, funds have been earmarked for purchase and taken out of general budget consideration. Renewal of petition is planned for later date once stability is more assured.
' Wrote:Finally, I'd like a special committee to be formed to decide what should be done with the 300Million in compensation from the Merc to the SA.
Such topic should be decided beyond the prying eyes of others is my first recommendation. But all memeber must be included in this discussion any Ideas how, maybe in-game in group channel?
It has been a busy week for our unit, but we have performed beyond my best hopes and dreams. However, per Admiral Adamson, we have suffered a great loss in thedemise of Captain Stark (promoted posthumously). An intense investigation is ordered and no resource shall be barred to find the true reason for our fallen comrades death. Overall, the South Alliance has weathered an exciting week and i look forward to my 2 day pass at select Tearoom.
In addition, I have received the latest TOE and budget report from Richmond;
ooc: A good commander leads by example and I believe such has been provided over the course of the week. From such, I level a challange upon all of the South Alliance, match our present gains as a UNIT. I am aware most have pressing duties, but I believe if all of you act in concert, or individually, the South Alliance will double its present budget of 600 million+ So, post your pledges ASAP so all may begin this endeavor in force.