Same thing. Catamaran fits in that pattern only because it looks like a boat.
A boat looking for shrimps. Yeah, great. Give it a harpoon too, instead of that ugly turret.
Anyhow, point remains. Model fits. Yay.
Lucendez Wrote:
It is every Corsair's responsibility to die a beautiful death in defense of Crete, regardless of how OORP or how capwhoring the opposition is. Launch your fighter, joust the battlecruisers and die a beautiful death. Then, drink it down in the bar.
If there are to many nay-sayers just give the GC-bomber to the dragons. the ladies are used to use dragon ships *runs&hides*
honestly, I like both of them, though I have to admit that Jinx self pointed out what was disturbing me with the kusari/dragon bomber. The bomber is missing the stubby nose which is typical for the dragon/chimera and wyrm. nevertheless a nice ship and on the ingame pics it looks comfortable. and even without a stubby nose it's far better than the cats.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.
Ceoran you better had start running, that GC bomber is ours!
( Sorry i just had to say it)
"Time is too precious to be idle." - Saigo Watanabe "Death is something that is inevitable, Something you cannot run away from." - Katharina Hildegard
Now going under the gaming name: Seraxia
I agree with Tenacity, that the first one is clearly better. I liked the clear one to begin with, though, I had a qualm with the cockpit, upon further inspection, I found it really was my untrained eye. Put it in as the Cat replace, I say. I like it.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.