so i just clicked on my inbox, and all my saved messages had disappeared!
seriously, i had alot of important saved messages in there. but only about 18 saved messages. the rest of the non important messages i get, i delete.
but about 18 important ones regarding Shipping orders for one of my characters, several messages about RP ideas, and several messages from faction leaders containing important things i needed to keep track of!
now they are all gone, and i dont know why!
can someone tell me why? and whether or not i can get them back? (probably not...)
' Wrote:...about 18 important ones regarding Shipping orders for one of my characters, several messages about RP ideas, and several messages from faction leaders containing important things i needed to keep track of!
I don't mind getting old PMs erased, but I got a notification that I had received a new PM, and went to my inbox to find it empty. Luckily, I got that person to re-send the message.