Name : Kelly Hectic
Age : 24
Gender : Female
Additional Informations :
The individual is the daughter of the Cpt. Andrew Hectic, Captain of the Noveria Corvo Cruiser.
When she was young, she spent more time on Crete with the corsairs than with the Zoners.
When her father passed away, the law of the blood made her captain of the Noveria. The crew made allegiance to her, whatever happens.
The Noveria is rarely spotted, rumors says it is venturing outside the Sirius system, looking for something.
The Noveria has been spotted last week, and a brief communication has been made. Kelly Hectic has changed a lot, and is now known as Mr. K.
Profile image has been updated with a recent picture, source is unknown.
It seems The Noveria bringed back something from their exploration.
We have just retrieved a Zoner Pilot, captured by The Noveria vessel, there is a few extremely disturbing elements on his suit internal camera data.