Yes, well, however, it's killing the game for everybody, I came here looking for balance, I'm a VHF pilot, I can also fly whatever you put me in to, I don't like it, otherwise I would have played another mod. Discovery was about balance. All the ships.
A fleet made of cruisers, gunboats and miners? On top of everything, all of them missile spamming? Be realistic!
The gunboats are near unhittable, Nova Torps are so nerfed that they became useless against anything smaller than a Battleship for the average pilot. Also, we have way too many BSs, Cruisers and gunboauts, they're too accessible and too powerful.
on top of that reduce the agility of the gunboats.
Maybe, just maybe then they'd be in the right capship to fighter presence on the server.
If we're about roleplay, you wouldn't have a battlegroup of ten cruisers/gunboats in the first place, you'd have a battlegroup of 1 battleship, 1 cruiser, 2 gunboats and 6 fighters for example.
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
umm, not very realistic. Think what sirius would sell them for. like what would the police sell them for. 1.4 bilion and the police would be so rich that they would wipe out all pirates.
Yeah jack the price up but strengthen the caps make them way more powerful. But throw in a server wipe and boom everything is balanced (Hey I actually support the notion for a server wipe as of now...things have gotten too out of hand with the crap I had to deal with today.)
BS should be able to PWN the following, Cruiser/Gunboat/Destroyer/Fighter.
Cruiser should be able to PWN the following,
Destroyer should be able to PWN the following,
Gunboat should be able to PWN the following
Fighter should be able to fight the following
Fighter's should be able to fight a gunboat back or a destroyer or light cruiser back in groups of 2-3. Yeah a GB should be able to kill a fighter but the fighter should have a chance.
Most of my ships are fighters (17 I think) I want so badly for the fighter to be the boss again....
If the stars should appear one night in a thousand years, how would men believe and adore and preserve for many generations the remembrance of the city of God? - from 'Nightfall' by I. Asimov The Outcasts consider Siniestre Nube a sacred place for several reasons. Early explorers discovered a jumphole within the depths of the cloud that leads to a strange world of ringed stars and strange craft. All ships in the burrial ground are placed facing that hole to honor the Alien Spirits. - An Outcast rumor
Some people are saying, Koolmo I think, that if you go all missle turrets on a cap ship that you are hurting yourself against other cap ships. I don't think this is entirely true.
Take my Kusari Destroyer for example. I decided to see what all the hubub was about with the upgraded missles (I had died a few times from cruiser missles in my VHF too.) So I went 3 infernos, 6 missles on my destroyer. Now, the Kusari cruiser missle does 5k hull damage, so every shot I'm doing 30k hull damage. Not too shaby, but not as much as a razor load or primary turret load in damage per second. However don't forget that the explosive radius of a missle means you are amplifying your damage on sectioned targets and damageing all of their weapons at the same time. After about 4 hull salvos you are stripping your enemy of his weapons most of the time. Add to that the virtual certainty of hitting any target with all of your missles due to their speed and tracking... Too much energy you say? That might be true if you were using a gun, which misses the target a lot. But remmember a missle is a tracking weapon and if you use it right (not a hard thing to do) you can assure a hit every time on gunboat and bigger, and at least have a 3 in 4 chance of hitting a fighter. So basically you are missing less when you use missles, transmitting a greater percentage of your energy into damage. Basically you can afford to use more energy when you use missles.
So, if you are at least compitant at dodging shots you should have no problem taking out a target of equal class with a missle loadout. Combine that with the ability to decimate any fighter in seconds and you have an unbalanced situation.
Perhaps an alternative to limiting how many missle turrets a cap ship can equip would be making them store ammo for these launchers? Make the ammo expensive and large.
Or do both perhaps, limit the number of missle turrets on a given ship, and make the turrets require expensive ammo.
Those of you with a dim view of fighting with missles in general: I understand your frustration. The very nature of missles is to take the human factor out of a fight, to reduce the amount of skill necessary. This happened in the Korean war when missles slowly replaced guns on fighter jets and there are still people in today's military with a certain romantic longing for the classic dogfighting of the first and second world wars ( I see Nightfall, Mister Blaumax himself posting now:P)
I like fighting with guns, however there are a couple of problems with freelancer and this mod that encourage people to use missles too: 1) missles come from the original freelancer game, which gives them a special place in this mod 2)Gun balance in the game is such that if one wishes to role play with their weapons and hope to be on even ground with their opponent they some times have to use missles to do it. Perhaps a problem that will be soon fixed since Igiss is balancing all the class 9 and 10s in the next version.
Excellent points Tank. As to the gunboats now, a group of fighters cannot take one down. We had that problem a couple of days ago with RM. Three wraths and a wyrm were blown up..repeatedly I might add. Two or three fighters can't fight back against a gunboat right now. It's a little ridiculous to me. And all of my loadouts are RP based. I don't equip to it getting to the point where I have to equip just to survive long enough to get out alive? *shrugs*
So, how about reducing the missles power and turning/homing rato to something that will still allow them some usage, but make it so that a skilled pilot can still take down a larger ship?
(2)-I'd like to point out that we shouldn't have to create loadout restrictions because a certain item in unbalanced, we should rebalance the item, and now, in the midst of a new beta, we have the chance to do it.
(3)-Okay, I'm going to sleep now, but I DON'T think a wipe is the answer, although some price increases in the order of +200% for GB's would be nice.
Jack Handey Wrote:I can picture in my mind a world without war, a world without hate. And I can picture us attacking that world, because they'd never expect it.