COMM ID: Vizeadmiral von Speer
DESTINATION: Manfred Von Lorryhofen, Franz Schreiber, Hugo Stiglitz
it is an honour to promote every one of you.
Obergefreiter Manfred Von Lorryhofen, you are hereby promoted to the rank of a Hauptgefreiter. Your new badges are already on the way to you.
Flieger Franz Schreiber, welcome to the Kriegsmarine. You are a Gefreiter from now on.
Flieger Hugo Stiglitz, thank you for these documents. I promote you to the rank of a Gefreiter.
To all of you I'd like to say, that I am glad that the Kriegsmarine has young and encouraged pilots, who fight for the Rheinland people. Continue your way with the Kriegsmarine and we will finally prevail. Make the Kanzler proud!
From: Feldwebel Wenzel Kreuzchen
To: Rheinland Military Hight Command
Subject: Promotion from Feldwebel to Oberfeldwebel
Meine Damen und Herren,
I hope I managed my duty as Rheinland Military Feldwebel. I did bomber vs. Gunboat PvP test with herr Admiral Engels. Im requesting promotion to Oberfeldwebel rank.
Feldwebel - Fw.
Needs for Promotion:
Four more Patrol Reports, ten total 11/10
Bomber vs. Gunboat PvP Test - passed
Three kills 12/3
Majority vote of High Command
Required Ships: Wrath, Snubnose
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Read File:
From: Leutnant Wolfgang Haynsworth
To: Rheinland Military High Command
Subject: Promotion from Leutnant to Oberleutnant
Guten tag Mein Herren, I submit this communiqu? to request an RMHC Vote for the 3/4 RMHC Permission requirment in order to be Promoted to Oberleutnant. Yes, I do only have 30 reports, but Acting Admiral Frankie made me a deal, that since I was away on medical leave for several months, I only had to complete 30 reports in order to request a promotion.
Needs for Promotion to Oberleutnant:
Ten more Patrol Reports, thirty-five total - Acting Admiral Frankie cut me a deal Fifteen more kills, thirty-two total
3/4 vote of High Command - This is what I am requesting.
RMHC Permission (The permission is included in the 3/4 vote of High Command) RP Story for capital ship, must be done AFTER permission is granted
Incoming transmission
sync. 100% completed
Opening media folder: Channel open.
From: Hg. Henrik Drum To: RMHC
Guten Abend meine Herren und Damen.
I feel ready and confident for the next step of my military career.
With this message I request a promotion from Hauptgefreiter to Feldwebel.
I have the necessary number of patrol reports and the list of shot down enemies.
My Wraith and Bomber are ready and fully armed. I passed the gunboat fighting
simulation test, the results where handed to me by V.A. Speer himself.
FROM: Flieger Carla Riess
SUBJECT: Promotion request from Flieger to Gefreiter
Guten Abend meine Herren und Damen. I am fully aware I am a new recruit but I have fulfilled the promotion criteria, I have fully outfitted a Wrath fighter and a Snubnose Bomber. Also 1 more patrol report will fulfil the next rank. Yes I am cheeky and proud of it.