' Wrote:happend alot... i think that u guys should do something about it.. even a noob pirate know it... ( just sayn' .. )
Quote:Instead of posting what you shouldnt in this thread, please post some good feedback. As feedback, it's meant to be: What interactions you had in past with this group, what RP you had with this group and how do you see this group, your personal opinion about it.
Now, Trail and, OrangeButterfly chapeys.
Why you're writing about this like it was adressed to you? I mean, I don't get it.
It's obvious, to whom it was.
Now Trail, I will try to explain you situation you was, so damn good that I hope you will get it this time.
Several facts about it.
What Raiders could see from time to time is:
Really big and fancy ships, which costs alot.
Cargo which they cary, also very profitable.
Ore hauling.
In few cases, cooperating with Hogosha and Corsairs in front of our eyes in Sigma 17/Omicron Theta in front of their eyes. (no evidence but, whe know what we've seen)
As organised group, they even have their sneaky people around, to inform them about, what is going on.
All that, can cause them the way they will act to you and treat you.
So, we don't metagame, we build up our diplomacy status and light we see you by, what happened ingame before.
Quote:I've seen sanctions for 60 million pirating. Yes, that's pretty bizarre terrorism. But 5 millions is 12 times less. See the difference? (don't forget that you're Samura - a rich company). In any case, you're free to drop us links providing sanctions for pirating 5 million, and where the pirate got punished.
Quote:I dont have that kind knowledge since sanctions are private, you only get evidence if you are the accused or the person involved. That said an admin (name escapes me) said that in the thread when they introduced the rule change (capital ships pirating players) that there is a limit people can ask. and that it was 33% of what the cargo can bring in profit. Now I personally didn't even think of that when I got pirated, infact I was told half a day after the fact (not by some newbie either, but by someone who leads a faction and is 2ic in another, and maybe holding higher positions in others but I digress)
Well, I do. You can ask again people, is 5 million tax prohibited or not or even, you can read again, rules about it.
Oh yeah:
Quote:So, we don't metagame, we build up our diplomacy status and light we see you by, what happened ingame before.
Quote:[2:34:36 PM] Zevulen Ebert: that guy got away from me so I was mad
[2:34:45 PM] Zevulen Ebert: once
[2:35:19 PM] Zevulen Ebert: he avoided me so i decided next time il make him pay more
[2:35:52 PM] Zevulen Ebert: he knew i was in the system so he used an alternate route. so i decided to trap him
[2:36:52 PM] Zevulen Ebert: the 2nd time we met i made him pay. he saw i was in the new tokyo system but he didnt know where. so i trapped him from hokaiddo
[2:37:03 PM] Zevulen Ebert: i mean i asked for 5 mil
Quote:Samura does, but I am not the one who collects the checks, I play the role of a transporter captain, maybe you should start robbing corporate if you want the millions.
Quote:We do have our RP story, our RP goals and RP reasons to search for traders and tax them or demand cargo on our way. Tax price of 5 millions is pretty reasonable. Besides, why do you even mention absence of cargo? Have you cargo or not, you have to have some money on your account.
We do not know who collect the checks, we just know what we see. Either, it goes like this.
You pay or, you can refuse to do it of course.
Quote:Chapey... our ZOI clearly says Tau, Omicron and Kusari sectors.
Why we can change it because, we still use generic ID known as Pirate ID. ZOI of Pirate ID is everywhere, what determines it's ZOI depends on individual/group's RP.
Omicron, Tau and Kusari sectors.
This is you:
Quote:where exactly is your limit. Avoiding isnt the same as not operating, and for a new faction a smaller ZOI is generally better
I think you should look at your allies (nomads, outcasts) and where you base yourself from to dictate your ZOI (think logistics, where can you portray your power
This is me:
Quote:Tau, Omicron and Kusari sectors.
Quote:actually if you take a look at the other faction creation threads people judge both the interactions but also the info in the creation threads.
judging from this thread a lot of people bring up the ZOI / Base of operations and it still hasn't been adressed, the info you claimed a few posts ago is contradicted by the info in the main post. You should probably change that info.
As for that last bit I have no idea what he is talking about. This encounter was the first interaction I had with the SR. I did however a week or two ago run from a K'hara Nomad cruiser and after the fact I was told the SR was working with that Cruiser (I didn't actually see any SR with that cruiser but I was told that they worked with the Cruiser) if that is the issue then that is not my problem, I think its very sensible for any person to run from a (nomad) ship that is alien in nature.
if its anything else then I do not know. And aside from using the Sigma 13 > NB jump hole I dont tend to avoid lanes (and I only use the NB jump hole so I dont get blasted to bits by the GMG Station and ships in S-13)
edit: If you cant handle the restrictions of a new ID then you should not become an official faction, because you just might get negative side effects from having an ID
Why you think we can't handle our restricrions of our ID? We're long time present in Taus, Omicrons and Kusari. Our RP is also based there.
Yes, we work with nomads, they're supposed to be our gods.
You can read stuff about us, we have plenty of it.
And, for the ZOI, if I say that, we avoid some sector, we're avoiding it and do not operate there.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
' Wrote:happend alot... i think that u guys should do something about it.. even a noob pirate know it... ( just sayn' .. )
' Wrote:Feedback doesn't have to shed you in a good light to be considered "Good Feedback." I believe Trails here brought up some "Good" feedback, he thought the minimal RP standard for a pirate should be a little more than what your friendly neighborhood pirate did to him, and I am one to agree. ***ESPECIALLY!*** Someone that wants to GET THEIR OWN FREAKING ID (Which will never happen if you keep up the bare minimum of roleplay in a pirating encounter such as this, Admins take everything into consideration.. just look at how much activity RR had and their request was still denied.) Unless there was a pressing matter, such as KNF or KSP on approach or on the scene, you can give him more than 1 minute of your time and still give a better chunk of roleplay than "5 mill or die". Also the transport got away one time so you "wanted to get revenge" seems like a personal crusade to me, perhaps one that the only way to satiate your rage was to get a blue message? 5 million is probably not unreasonable, but 5 million for an empty transport? Gimme a break.
When pirating, individual can choose how much roleplay he will put in that interaction.
Even "Give me (insert ammount of money here) or be purified"
is enough to understand.
As for RP and such, search trough forums, what we've did in past and also, ingame RP.
How we could get so close with nomads?
Please, dont judge only because of piracy act happened, it's pirate's choice, I've explained you already above.
I can guarantee for my people that they never used personal rage to do something ingame. Chapey ran last time from him, he catched him 2nd time, therefore. Punished by higher tax.
I will quote Snak3 also:
Quote:I just want to highlight the fact, that there is no rule, nor rule change regarding piracy demand limit, and the mention of 33% of commodity values was just said in Skype, which makes it only chat line by person, who has admin role here in Discovery.
I think that, some of you will understand now.
Anyways, thank you for writing and disscusing everyone.
<"From Darkness, lead me to Light. From Ignorance, to Truth. From Death, to Immortality.">
As an outsider looking in and a person who maily pilots transports; I don't see a thing wrong with what the Samarran Raider did. It was extremely poor form on Trail's part though. Extremely poor form.
Contrary to Trail and butterfly's claimes, that Raider gave more than the minimum level of text based role play before blowing Trail up. He chatted you up for a full two minutes; that is plenty of chatting.
Seems more like you're butt hurt they caught you and killed you than anything. They've gave you sound reasons as to why they made the demand they did. You're Samura. You were flying a big arsed transport. Clearly you (or Samura) has the 5 million they guy wanted. The ship you were flying costs far more than 5 million (guess, not sure what you were flying). Your characters lives were at risk.
I find it hiliarous that you even bothered to come here and complain about them when you demostrated such poor form yourself.
' Wrote:just becuase the ship is worth higher it surely means he'll have lots and lots of money
No, but it means he likely knows someone who does. Instead of picking individual things out, do try to read and understand the entire point.
Large ship worth a lot & employee of Samura. Those two things tell a pirate that they can likely extort more credits from that person than they can from a freelancer freighter.
So he got robbed for 5m then 2 pages cry- nice I ask 10m. Abukuma you say? I hope to see you soon.
Pirats get shot a lot so it is their right to take whatever they can when they can if you does not like it- hire the bounty hunter guild- bounty hunter would escort you or kill the pirates for money- if you want to keep the money for you well then you get robbed- and all this cry have nothing to do with the topic about Rider facton.
I haven't met any Rider yet- I guess they does not fly in LN space.
' Wrote:Omicron, Tau and Kusari sectors. This is you: This is me:
Why you think we can't handle our restricrions of our ID? We're long time present in Taus, Omicrons and Kusari. Our RP is also based there.
Yes, we work with nomads, they're supposed to be our gods.
You can read stuff about us, we have plenty of it.
And, for the ZOI, if I say that, we avoid some sector, we're avoiding it and do not operate there.
I see you modified your ZOI, thats good except one thing, you modified it because I caught you breaking your ZOI. You say that avoiding means not operating there, does that mean that before you modified your ZOI that you broke that ZOI? That wouldn't be a good if that was on your ID.... infact that would be santionable
So you might wanna change that to not operating then, it will definitely help your faction get official and avoid any confusion in the future.
Remember: Avoiding =/= not operating and having a too large ZOI will work against you. You can argue semantics all day long but at the end of the day avoiding still does not mean you do not operate there.
Anyway good luck with your official status request
You're going to find it annoying to sustain a no IFF on characters.
- Either constant new/different unaffiliated NPC factions pop up.
- Or a no-go on shooting at NPCs.
"The path to hell is paved with good intentions."
Quote:* Nodoka Hanamura is all about that SSH life
"There are more things in Heaven and Earth than are dreamt of in your philosophy - from our odyssey into Hell, we have returned with a gift."