From: Hitoshi Fujiyama, Chief of Personnel
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Konnichiwa Hiroshi Takaki. It is with great pleasure that I, the newly minted Chief of Personnel, to welcome you to Samura Heavy Industries. All those part-time jobs were well worth it I'd say! Our engineers will need to check the status of your Ryuujin, but I am sure things will pass - clearly anyone bright enough to work for Sirius' greatest corporation will be able to keep things in order!
>>> Incoming Transmission
>>> From Amaraki Tanaka
>>> To: Samura Heavy Industries
>>> Subject: Applying for position in Samura - shipping division
Name: Amaraki Tanaka
To what division are you applying? Shipping division
Current residence: Kyushu
Ship captaining experience: Drone; Blumbedee
Honored Hitoshi Fujiyama,
My name is amaraki Tanaka and I am applying for a position inside the Samura shipping division.
Since my first job as a bartender in Shinjuku station, I have always been impressed by all those hugue ships traveling around, shipping goods on so far distance, the stories and great adventures told by the captains in the bar whiel they were waiting for their shipment to be charged.
My dream was to drive also one of thoses hugue transport, seeing distant worlds form my own eyes.
I put all my economies and a loan to buy a Drone, andstarted by own business in Kusari core space, shipping goods as far as Freeport 6 and the Sigma-19 Gate Construction Site.
It was working fine and I was able to pgrade my worktool to Blumbedee. Money arose but not as fast it could be. I think my own business reached it critical size, and that further improvment could only be reach through joining a bigger structure. A strong and pride organisation, with experience and contracts all over Sirius.
But there is only one! And you know which one it is.
Fujiyama-sama, I would be glad to present you in more details my motivation and what benefits I could bring to Samura in an interview.
My name is Hitsugaya Toushiro and I would like to join your shipping ranks. I live on planet New Tokyo with my younger brother who helps me with piloting of one of my ships, and with a friend of mine. I have always worked for Samura Industries, but I have never tried to join your ranks. Currently, there are two ships in my possession. One of them is an unnamed Ryuujin identified only by my own name and a Geisha, called Hyourinmaru. The train is as usual not very suited for combat, but we have many experiences with fight in Hyourinmaru. We took down many single bombers and fighters and that, as I hope, gained our ship some respect.
I am applying because we lack connection with any group that we could help or that could eventually help us, if needed. We usually trade from Honshu to Lewis and from there to Shikoku, only with allied corporations or factions.
That would be all from my side. I am looking forward to your answer!
From: Hitoshi Fujiyama, Chief of Personnel
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Amaraki Tanaka,
Ah, yes, they certainly do have many good stories, don't they? I am sure you will soon have your own, as all the information seems to check out. I'll need to speak with you, of course, but it does look good thus far.
*transmission ends*
From: Hitoshi Fujiyama, Chief of Personnel
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Hitsugaya Toushiro,
It is good to know you have had success against enemy ships. A good portion of our paperwork is devoted to insurance claims related to ships and hostile attacks, so we try to make sure our pilots and captains know what they are doing. I am sure you will make a fine addition then.
As to the Geisha, that is a useful ship, for sure, but a recent memo suggests they need additional licensing from the government.
* To what division are you applying?
* Current residence
New Tokyo
* Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences
Experience flying Transports for the Hogo- Err...Renzu
* A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries
Well, I love smu- Er...transporting cargo. And I have a number of years of hauling for an organization, using everything from trains to fighters. I have hands on experience against fighting all sorts of bad guys...even Nomads. I've flown all over Sirius, I've met hundreds of people, while only a handful have met me. I know the trade lanes (and jump holes) like the back of my hand. So to work for Samura would be like a dream come true to an opening for a Ryujinn train? She has had some..."customization" added to her to handle gajin pirates...I think you would love her....
* To what division are you applying?- Shipping division, but if needed i can pilot my family Wasupu heavy fighter
* Current residence- *small family island on Kyushu
* Please list past employment, flight, or ship captaining experiences- The Idumi family runs a small shipping buisness in our J90P - 54HT "Big Dragon" Transport, i am the current captain with my elder sister Kiori
* A brief background and why you are interested in working for Samura Heavy Industries- The Idumi family being independent traders have always conducted small business but could never beat completion from other major companies and always struggled survive. being a once thriving family before the nomad war the resources of our small island is the only thing that keeps us from starving. Now we see joining a major company as our only option for the growth of our family.
From: Hitoshi Fujiyama, Chief of Personnel
Location: Shinjuku Station
*transmission begins*
Toru Sa'Kaga,
A Ryuujin Train captained by an experienced Kusari pilot is certainly a valuable asset to our company. I am sure you will make a fine addition to Samura Heavy Industries!
Sakura Idumi,
A pilot with experience in both a transport and a fighter is indeed a useful employee. Major corporations such as Samura are the best way to move forward in Sirius today. I think you will also make a fine addition!
From: FreeLancer, Jonhs_Kitsune
To: Samura Heavy Industries
Subject: I wanna Help my Country in a Pacific Way
**Opening Message**
Hello Sir,
I'm Wishing to Join Samura Heavy Industries at the Mining Division.
I want to Help my Birth Country Grow But I'm not a Fighter, I do Have Experience Fighting but I don't like it too Much, I want a Pacific way to help My Country Grow and i Know Samura is the Way to do it
I'm Currently Working as a Freelancer on Pennsylvania, Helped some miners and i got a taste to It getting the Minerals and Coming back to Tokyo to sell everything to my Country
I'm Piloting a "Drone - J20P - 21F Kusari Freighter" a Truly Wonderful Ship to do Any Job Mining or Transporting
My Past Vessels was:
"Rhino - EL-HiL27 Liberty Freighter" I Did some mining on the Clouds of Pennsylvania, engaged some Fights against unlawful Pilots and sold some of then to the Bounty Hunters, I know that we Need to Fire Back To Protect our goods or the crew in Bigger Ships
Starflier - CTE 750AE Civilian My Dad Bought it to me, i Did some Jobs in it to the Liberty Navy and Police, I was Flying this Ship When one of My Friends Showed me the Cloud Behind Pennsylvania and said that i Cold make a bunch of money Mining on them, I was amazed with the Money that i Cold do Mining, Soon i Had the Money to buy the Rhino and them made my Father Proud of me Showing him the Rhino.
Well.. i Have a Dream to Fly a "BumbleBee", to Make my Father even Prouder and to Have more Cargo Space to Help My Country!
I know, i know, you Might be Askin yourself why or how i get to Pennsylvania:
My Father was Working on Some Researches (on Jump Holes i think i Don't Remember well.. ) and my Mom was getting Crazy with him going to Systems so far away from Home.
Soon my Father decided to take us with Him, i was young and was amassed seeing the Space through the Ship Windows, Dad with his Researches made us Move to other planets and Systems a thousand of Times, that was a Very hard work to me because i Didn't had much time to end my Schools that i had to make many Tests aboard of a Ship with Teleconferences, i Had to Study for Myself for Much Time, I entered on Schools on Various Different Planets thats why i Can have Friends all around Sirius.
My father was a Close Friend to the Captain of the Battleship Missouri and the Captain helped me to get my Advanced Classes on Piloting Ships, When i Passed the Tests and got my Certificate My dad Bought me the StarFlier and told me to go Help Liberty for the Help with the Lessons and i did it, i Helped Liberty in a lot of Missions but i Felt that working to the Police or Navy wasn't my Destiny.
on one of the Last Missions that i Got with the Navy I Landed on Pennsylvania and I found a old School Friend on the Bar, he saw that I was a little Sad and them he said that Money wold made me Happier, what a Greed guy he is... well.. Ive got nothing to do, so I Followed Him to the Cloud Behind the Planet Pennsylvania and he Showed me How to Mine, i Had a little Ship and the Cargo hold got Full so fast that i Passed most of the Time Helping him Mine to Get his Cargo Full...
But, Soon i Cold Get a Ship with a bigger Cargo hold, we Started to Work together and someday he had the Idea to get Platinum to Sell and that is when i got Back to Home.
i Couldn't Believe that i was back to home, and it made my heart Beat faster when i Saw New Tokyo from the Space again, I Finally Found My Place that for so long was Forgotten into the Deep of my Soul.
a Flame Growed bigger inside me, a Feeling that i Needed to Help my Country, My Home, to grow!
***Incoming Transmission***
***Comm-ID: Marusa Ryo, Director of Resource Acquisition***
Johns Kitsune,
As Director of Resource Acquisition, and therefore the one responsible for Samuras Mining operations, your application passed my hands too. I just would like to point out that the "Bumblebee - K60P - 27T Kusari Transport" has not yet proven very effective during mining, instead the following vessels are more recommended:
Although I would always welcome new employees in my department, I have to ask if you are interested in mining itself or delivering the mined ore to it's destination. If you are more interested into Delivery, I would suggest to apply for the Shipping division, otherwise you should consider a different vessel.
' Wrote:Go play the game, within the given limitations. That is how role play games are played. Not by trying to work around those limitations or whining about them.