A number of you may have noticed a few persons originating from Kusari prior to the server shutdown. These persons were hoisting miner IDs and generally acting as pirates of opportunity of ore.
As some may have suspected I gathered, organized and launched the group. I did so for purposes of stress testing the evolution of the mining mod to gather data on how our theorized model was matching up with reality.
I also wanted to test the /restart system.
The plan was simple. Gather a number of like minded players willing to perform a combination industrial/pirate of opportunity organization who operated within a closed system. Meaning we operated and grew 100% on what money we gained from our labor. Not a single credit was to be brought in.
We began on Erie with four CSVs and an eventual Basalt. Four /restart Kusari and one /restart Miner. Completely defenceless we harvested Platinum to the best of our ability and, following a pair of successful runs were able to secure a Drone. This Drone then evolved into a pair of Bumblebees. One Bumblebee then turned into a Big Dragon. Sort of like Pokemon but with more repitition.
I have to say that this was a -ton- of fun. Flying around in CSVs, one of our group members holding our entire fortune in his Drone while being chased by a Tridente across New York. Oh man it was epic good times like I haven't had in Disco for a spell. I strongly suggest the closed economy system to people. It really gives a boost to the fun. The LH~ have it right.
With a basalt or two we were able to mine in relative security on the far side of Tremont. No one ever scouted around to the far end of the planet to see if anyone was maintaining a clandestine operation so our clouds or ore were relatively safe. The greatest threat came in the form of NPCs as the ships are rather fragile.
System was a constant symphony of oorp lulz. Few to no pirates made the mining scene.
Within 6 hours playtime we had managed to secure a small battlegroup of two GMG miners and one big dragon. It was time to really get to work. The basalts were waiting for us in Pennsylvania for our eventual return but we had observed that -no one- was employing any escort at all. It was money for the taking.
Oh, we got the ships in time to jump the Trident which had earlier threatened us. Delicious.
Our first trip into Pennsylvania went without a hitch. We each split to tackle another portion of the ring. In seconds three completely unarmored transports were demanding 1000k ore each from -five- mining ships. We figured we were screwed. They had about 80k armor on us by default and 2x the number of guns we had. One on one any of them would have been more than a match. Together they could have split us like a rotten mellon.
Instead they all, one by one, began to scream rule lawyer curses at us and attempt to cruise away. Some dropped at the point of death, some died and handed over everything they had by proxy. None attempted to help one another. It was amazing.
We returned to camp and found that we all had enough to armor, equipup and purchase another fully furnished transport.
What followed was a madhouse of rampant piracy. When I began the group I had done so under the notion that we would be able to, on rare occasion, strike a lone miner who was too foolish to get a bomber or gunboat merc as backup. The reality of the situation was what can only be termed power piracy. We wouldn't even be able to make it to Liberty on occasion because we would fill up on transports prior to passing through Colorado and need to turn back.
We demanded, at most, 1000 ore from persons we encountered. 1200 was the cap for the singularly rude. Persons who would run, return fire and then surrender witnessed 1500 requests. I even stopped a Bowex) Transport on my Kusari vessel (Though it was a Shire and I was in my humble GMG transport) and still only demanded within that 1/3 cargo neighborhood.
Except for that completely lone barge. We demanded all 4000 ore it had and then came back for the 100 ore one of its escorts had when it back talked
All in all it was fun for the company that I maintained. If I was doing this on my own it would have been an utterly miserable affair for the uglyness displayed by these armorless, escortless powerminers thinking they would offer me two million credits and then walk away. Some of the most 'respected' groups failed to be anything other than an utter dissapointment in civility and conduct when their sad operations were ripped to shreads by a lesser force in lesser ships.
Kudoes to a pair of USI bombers though. You guys patrolling the field actually made us -mine- as opposed to simply uproot and take what we wanted from the helpless sheep grazing there.
All in all the times were good but provided me with serious thought that the mining mod is too potent right now. It was built around concepts of trade and escort. But that's not happening. I'm thinking that the overall profits need to be slashed by about 20% and Pennsylvania considerably more until populations disperse. Right now the mining mod is largely generating sanctions, bans and a ton of unpleasentness as our less mature members find themselves on the wrong end of reality.
Still, epic fun. Pew pew pew.
Though, last I heard, there has been an -explosion- of KNF indies working to get them a little revenge. Guess the idea of bringing escorts along rather than going for revenge was a little much XD.
-Dusty Lens, Yukai-Han, Papa Bear, Rock Tumbler, maybe a few more.
-Mwerte, General Yarr, Pillbug, I Love Rocks and too many more to remember
I would like to note, that while we demanded about 1/3 of what people had, they had a tendency to curse at us, or F1, or just mindlessly spam cruise. That got them destroyed, which lead to no profit for them and a lot of profit for me.
I have been cussed out/rule lawyered way more as my pirating Kusari Nationalist miner then I have as my Wilde.
Edit: It was funny to see someone tell Dusty "I ban u" and then a few seconds later seeing him disappear and re-appear in Bastille. The first time. The 50th time, not so funny.
I have to say, I was one of these members. It was honestly funny to read the responses to us. I remember what we we called when we ran from one escort which could have killed us, if he had a CD.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.
' Wrote:-Dusty Lens, Yukai-Han, Papa Bear, Rock Tumbler, maybe a few more.
Damn you and that GMG minerswarm.
All I wanted was the definition of life, for Pete's sake.
EDIT: I know it involved Papa.Bear, but I forget the other two and the fighter.
Zealot Wrote:Just go play the game and have fun dammit.
Treewyrm Wrote:all in all the conclusion is that disco doesn't need antagonist factions, it doesn't need phantoms, it doesn't need nomads, it doesn't need coalition and it doesn't need many other things, no AIs, the game is hijacked by morons to confuse the game with their dickwaving generic competition games mixed up with troll-of-the-day.
' Wrote:Though, last I heard, there has been an -explosion- of KNF indies working to get them a little revenge. Guess the idea of bringing escorts along rather than going for revenge was a little much XD.
KNF Indies? You wish.... LN Indies getting into Kusari with gunboats, more likely.
The funny thing is that around those days, people were saying that Kusari needs more action, the AFA, Hogosha and Samura should have appreciated your donations.
' Wrote:KNF Indies? You wish.... LN Indies getting into Kusari with gunboats, more likely.
The funny thing is that around those days, people were saying that Kusari needs more action, the AFA, Hogosha and Samura should have appreciated your donations.
Surprisingly, we have donated to these organizations. I even gave quite a bit to the KNF to try and ensure that we are seen as Kusari rather than Miner Raiders.
[8:32:45 PM] Dusty Lens: Oh no, let me get that. Hello? Oh it's my grandma. She says to be roleplay.
[12:49:19 AM] Elgatodiablo: You know its nice that you have all that proof and all, Bacon... but I just don't believe you.