The Captain was again asleep on the bridge. The Avalons.Fate was small as most of the ship was taken up with mainframes, when his comm officer began shouting:
Tina "Captain wake up you lazy cardi addict you've got to see this"
The captain jumps up, blinking and falls over, from the floor "What is it!?"
"Captain there was a weak signal in that data we took from the tradelane, well several signals actually, it seems someones been monitoring a strange distress call."
Getting up: "Tina, What do you mean strange?"
The Captain began looking through the transmissions, "I'll look through this, patch it through to my screen and call back the crew." 3 hours later as the rest of the bridge crew reports in from leave on Beaumont the captain reports in;
"All hands leave is hereby cancelled." To Tina:"Send an encrypted message to all Hacker and allied bases i want to know why we've only just got the message and whether anyone found anything."
"Helm set a course for Omicron Delta and the freeport there, do it as soon as everyone's on board or ill send you out of the airlock!"
Helmsmen Price: "Yes sir, right away."
The Captain sat in his chair staring at the images in his veiw screen and wondering what technologies he could get his hands on out there if they arrive in time. Hopefully enough to get some real money off of. He was grinning as the ship activated its engines and left Beaumont.
<span style="color:#000099"><span style="font-family:Comic Sans Ms">Madness is a gift not a curse.</span></span>
The SPyglass encountered tech difficulties: lost power, flickering lights, opening and closing doors, and escaped prisoners. The captured ships launched, formed up, and set course for Omicron Iota.
"Ok guys and gal, form up please. Ima calling the cavalry
Toledo got the call. ANd it sent an Osiris to rendevous at the Iota JH.
"All ships will stay sharp. Tobias will hold at Freeport 14 please. We will go in. Go black, light signls only. We have to save her-no buts."
"Where is she then?"
"Remember the first transmission?"
"Yeah...Wait! G4!"
"Right. ALl ships lets go. We have someone to save."
Kei paused
"What if we cant find her?"
Jeremy paused.
"Thats not an option."
//itsa random Osiris, no name. Its no ones; deal with it all ya critics. Thank you. G'day.//
' Wrote:[The screen flickers to life. All that is seen in the girl, floating inside a stasis chamber filled with a silver liquid. Her eyes are shut. She floats there for a minute, before something in her temple twitches. Her hands twist into fists, and her eyes flicker open.
She reached out towards the glass, running her hand along the smooth surface. Her face twisted into agony, almost rage.
She seemed to scream.]
[Her hand presses against the glass, and her face becomes blank. A moment later, the glass shatters. She and the liquid become splayed across the floor, so that she is only laying an inch from the camera.]
"I.. Iota.. bright.. heat.. alone.. please.."
[She collapses in exhaustion, and the camera cuts.]
What was that?!
I have no idea sir!
*** The footage of the girl was one of the few things that could reach the commander's heart... he needs to help her ***
Lieutenant, scan every frequency for this signal!
Yes sir!
*** scanning ***
Sir, more footage show up in the database!
*** watching footage ***
Lieutenant, ready the ship, we need to find her...
Sir? ... It's not our fight...
Do as I order you Lieutenant!!!
Yes sir...
Get me in contact with every vessel in Sirius.
Done sir.
This is Commander Adam aboard the HAF-C-Heraklion, for those who received the distress transmission, we should stand united in the matter of finding her. Therefor we will not engage any other vessels that are searching for this girl.
The Osiris class vessel, the Sacred Lotus, was on routine assignment in Gamma when it got the call. It went, meeting up with the Herkalion.
They arrived at the Iota JH to find Jeremy, Zack, and Kei.
"good to see you Lotus"
"Same to you Jeremy."
Jeremy looked at the Herklion.
"Sector G4. First transmission sent gave us that. The last one got us the system."
Jeremy docked with the Sacred Lotus, Zack and Kei emulated them, and they jumped. The two ships entered Iota and engaged cruise to dodge a Nomad platform. As they left and stopped to gain thier berings, a hyperspace window opened, depositing an unknown ship of an unknow class. Jeremy smiled.
"Contact it."
"Yes sir."
"Ellie...nice ship sis."
"Twins always have strong bonds, dont they?"
"Yes. Got the messages?"
"Yep. All the way from Freaking Nowhere, Sirius Sector!"
"Im entering your small force. We count oh, about three four ships inbound. One is the Med Force One. I will transmit cords and send a fighter wing to escort them. An AI is coming to help harm the girl, and another wing will get it. Finally, we have the Avalons Fate. We have a bomber wing ready."
"Do you have anything else to cover?"
"I have Root Beer in the fridge, ready and waiting and cold."
"I'll take that as a yes."
The three ships brought thier engines to full and slowly moved through space. As they entered G4, the sight chilled them.
//Now what is at G4? or is it a wild goose chase?//
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As he continued monitoring his com channels, Ensign Kent picked up the transmission from the HAF-C-Heraklion.
"Commander Haddock," he announced to his commander as he turned to face him, " Commander Adam of the Corsair ship Heraklion wishes to unite resources to find this girl, shall I respond?"
Commander Haddock nodded, "Make it so."
Ensign Kent then turned to his com link and made a transmission to the Heraklion.
To Commander Adam of the HAF-C-Haraklion, this is the Zoner medical cruiser Med.Force.One, we have received your transmission. We are currently in Omicron Delta and would like to work with you to find this girl. Do you copy?
While they awaited a reply, they continued scanning, hoping to find this poor young girl in need, in need of medical help which the crews were standing by and ready to render.
Sir, i'm receiving an incoming transmission from the Zoner medical cruiser Med.Force.One!
Put them on speaker Lieutenant.
' Wrote:To Commander Adam of the HAF-C-Haraklion, this is the Zoner medical cruiser Med.Force.One, we have received your transmission. We are currently in Omicron Delta and would like to work with you to find this girl. Do you copy?
This is HAF-C-Heraklion, we copy, we're plotting a course to Omicron Delta to hook up with you Med.Force.One, please contact me again once you have the Heraklion in visual range.
Sir! Commander Ellie Hunter, aboard the Orion is requesting a transmission!
Hmmm... Isn't that an Order ship?
I think so sir, i'm not sure!
Put him on speaker Lieutenant.
This is Commander Ellie Hunter, aboard the battlecarrer (yes im serious) Orion.
We are at the JH and waiting for you Herklion, Med Force One. Fighter wings will escort you.
Ellie Hunter Out.
This is Commander Adam aboard the HAF-C-Heraklion, we jumped to Omicron Delta 1 minute ago, setting course to Omicron Iota jumphole, Yet, this system is unknown territory for me so i'll be following your lead Orion.
The Prison Liner Eternity emerged from the jump hole several stellar units behind the Heraklion. Within seconds, the Eternity hurtled past the Corsair vessel, heading straight for the Iota jump hole at a ridiculous speed.