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Med Force One pulled along side the Heraklion, witnessing the damage caused from the Prison Liner.
"Haraklion, this is Command Haddock of Med Force One, we have recovered your crew from space. I'm sorry but two of them were already gone. The other five are in serious condition but being treated. We tried to stop the Liner but we were unsuccessful."
As they rendered assistance to the Haraklion and prepared to move with it, the transmission from the Baracuda.
"Greetings, Baracuda, this is Med Force One, nice to have you with us. We need all the sensors we can get to find this girl."
The transmissions had shown them a pair of Nomad battleships. Barely had the twin capitals won. Only with bombers from the Orion, led by Zack, had launched had the tides turned. The Orion might be powerful, but still she was a mess.
"Izzy, is the comms ready?"
Ellie began.
"This is Colonel Ellie Hunter aboard the Orion. Our search came up with a Nomad capital ship pair. We had to break of and engage. Without the Sacred Lotus We would be gone."
"To all ships that are assisting in the search: Please rendevous at Sector G4 with us. Fighter/Bomber wings will escort you."
"Be careful. The girl is somewhere, and she is being moved. Though spliting up would be good to cover the system, this is the Nomad Capital. They have quite a few ships roaming."
"Failure to find her is not an option."
At the JH, hidden from sensors, sat a motley collection of ships: Guardians, Avengers, Rocs, Havocs, even a few Wraiths and Sabres. Ships of all factions and houses. At the center of the formation of ships sat the one ship that stood out from the rest: The Nephthys of Jeremy Hunter.
Jeremy grinned as the Fighter/Bomber wings floated.
"To all ships: Alpha Wing, consisting of a Guardian, Roc, Avenger, and Havoc, will escort the Baracuda."
"Beta Wing, COnsisting of Two Sabres and Two Rocs, will escort Herklion"
"Gamma Wing, consisting of A Wraith, two Rocs, and a SCRA Insurgent, will escort Med Force One."
"Finally, Echo Wing, consisting of My Nephthys, Zack's Upholder, Kei's Avenger, and Pytho fighter piloted by Lt. Col Jacob Sheppard, our resident Orion ace pilot, will Escort the Furious Absolution."
"People, we have a life to save. Failure is not an option."
Aboard his Pytho, Jacob Sheppard laughed.
"You and Ellie are so alike."
"You like her kid?"
"She's free. Favorite color purple, likes dancing-mostly-freestyle-and she likes to drink soda, mostly cherry. She loves cats."
"Thanks sir."
"No prob."
Even in Hell Jeremy tries to help.
"Yes Lt?"
Lt. Mike Furoli, the pilot of the Wraith, spoke up.
"Incoming. Its the Herklion and the Furious Absolution Have arrived. Med Force one is not far behind."
"Thanks Lt."
"Welcome sir."
Jeremy fired up his engines as Beta wings followed suit. Lt. Crow of Gamma tapped his controls idely as he waited for Med Force One, and Lt. Natalia Kerensky waited for the Baracuda.
"Follow us guys. Ellie and the Orion await."
//I renamed Sheppard Jacob becuase naming him John would be too freaking much. But Rodney and Zelenka and Sam and Teyla and Ronan are named same. Also, Jeremy has the rank of Major 1: Because Order Guard is usually that (thanks to Tenacity i know that) and 2: Because it sounds good.//
Posts: 8,550
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"We copy you Orion," replied Ensign Kent, "while we're set up more for medical than anything, we can fight if we have to, but, let's hope it doesn't come to that."
*in the medical ward*
Chief Medical Officer Darius Senise was watching over the five officers from the Heraklian. Although in serious condition, they were stable and one was momentarily conscious before going back to sleep. Now stable, he began making up a report to present to Commander Adam.
*back on the bridge*
"Helmsman, let's keep up with our escorts and be ready at the fire controls as needed," ordered Commander Haddock. He then punched a switch on his chair.
"All hands, yellow alert," he announced over the ship's intercoms as yellow flashing lights around the ship blinked and a warning horn sounded, "let's be ready for anything."
Hughes watched the escorts take up position, they were certainly professional, he never thought he'd see the day when the Absolution had and order pilot as one of his his escorts, Still, always useful,
He stood up and started to idly walk the bridge "Helm, i want a long range sweep every 30 seconds,I want to know exactly whats out there"
He then tapped his communicator " Gun decks, Anything with hostile intent is to be vaporized"
He sat down again "Right, follow Med Force One" He stared at the view screen
Suddenly, every crew member on board the Furious Absolution, the Med Force One, the Herklion, and the Orion knew they were being watched. While they were feeling this haunting feeling, they somehow knew it wasn't coming from the Nomads. They were being watched from across the galaxy.
Hughes was busy in his quarters, He was watching through the transmissions again to see if he could piece together anything, he suddenly knew he was being watched, he couldn't explain it but he just knew
[/i]Aboard the Orion, Ellie watched her brother organize the escorts and knew they were being watched.
The Orion was Ancient, dangit.
And It had some tricks up her sleeve.
"All ships, when you arrive, form up around the Orion please. Be careful; Our escorts will do ok, but if anything bigger than a gunboat comes, then the fighters will make like a bannana and split."
In his Fighter, Jeremy sighed. He had flown across New York, been captured by the vagrant Raiders, blew a hole in the Metropolis, escaped with two people who should be trying to kill him, and was escorting a Liberty capital in Iota. This day was the wierdest.
"Hughes, Adam; Say hello to Orion.
There sat the mighty Orion; shot to hell, shields at fifty percent, but still impressive.
Especially with twin Heavy Mortars primmed.
"Welcome to Iota Liberty, Corsairs. Watch your backs, launch any escorts, we only have four Rocs, two havocs, three Guardians, an Insurgent, and a Charon and Raven's Talon in our fighter bay, so please do us a favor and Help."
Izzy-"This is Lt. Colonel Archer, please stay sharp, Nomad activity has upped in the last minutes. Keep your eyes peeled."
Zack gaped at his sister. She was a lt. Col while he was a Commander? Figures.
Jacob Sheppard waited, his Pytho ready to tear apart some enemies.
//Orion is an Aurora-class Battlecarrier. Check the thread by Kimji Commisoned Ship; thats what the Orion kinda looks like.//
This is Adam again, sorry for my late reply but we had some problems with our comm system, I'm giving command to the Orion, we will follow his lead. Med.Force.One, thank you for the rescue of my personnel, we'll link up for a transfer any time soon. Yet I am worried about Lieutenant Eva, she's still at medical, yet she doesn't seem to know where she is, and she loses consciousness from time to time...
Aboard Baracuda_
We see captain Kuda, he is very nervous.
Kuda(really, like really really angry): 1st sensors operator Dominic and comm operator Den...den...
Comm operator: Its Denlock, sir.
Kuda: SILENCE! Dominic what was my order?
Dominic: Sir! You gave me no orders. Sir.
Kuda: I do. I send them to you trough ship computer...
... dont tell me that computer is malfunctioning again.
Dominic: It is possible sir, well more than possible.
Kuda: All right, now, thanks to message brought to me by Den... the comm guy i know that Heraklion and Med Force One are trying to contact us. AND there are several liberty fighters and bombers heading towards us. One more incident and you will be fired...
Dominic: Thats not so bad.
Kuda: ...from fighter tube without a ship.
Dominic: Ay ay sir.
Kuda(little calmer but still angry): Ahhh, what a pain... All right, you(pointing to Denlock) contact Heraclion and Med Force one. Tell them that we will be at G4 in 45 minutes.
Denlock: Yessir. And its Denlock sir.
Kuda: Ok. Comm guy send them this:
This is Jakub Kuda, Heraklion, Med Force one, we read you in visual range, we offer, no, I offer my ship to you guys but please tell me WHAT IS GOING ON HERE?
Kuda: Also, send this to that liberty formation:
This is Jakub Kuda aboard order light carrier Baracuda, please state your intentions or face the consequences.Over.
Kuda: So..
Denlock: So what?
Kuda: What did you say, Comm guy ?
Denlock: err... So what? SIR?
Kuda: Were both messages sent succesfully?
Denlock: Yeah, they were.
Kuda(calm now): Thats good. What the hell is doing here?