Perhaps your Order ship can help new players in Order space? (perhaps Toledo) . .
It probably will help new players (by example) to have a ship in that particular space that they fly that doesn't cause any trouble with the locals . . . (perhaps a civilian ship may work in this case) . . .
I do want to thank you (by the way) for helping out all the players that come here to Discovery . .
--- " I might not be much help, but by God, I'm all the help you got" ---
EFFIN' ROLEPLAY GUYS ... off to flood we go for that - Hoodlum
' Wrote:Saw you today in Penny.
Seems the Navy don't take to kindly to you.
And never will, I im sure they dont mind one more liberty carrier on Penn, but and order one is different; not only the navy will be repelling your presence, but LSF maybe LPi, lolindies, and bounty hunters too and even OCs if they have the chance. You are doing a noble job by helping newbs get along, but this is a RP server and everyone is bound to act accordingly, what you are doing doesnt matter, if you are an enemy of the state, expect hostile RP, or lolRP "wengaign lol11!"
EDIT: Im thinking on making nice a donation, but that geb thing really screwed my insipiration
I'll do a test to you ;) I'l log in as a new player every now and then, and if you are of good help I will make a donation the better the help the more money transfered, that way it will be more fun for me and will make sure you get better each time