I know, I know, double posting is bad and all but it's necessary, I have a random change.
In the event that you wish to submit something for me here, but do not want to work with the original image that I wanted to have used (Or even if you would just like to give this one a try too) I give you this: http://tinypic.com/m/6h0rq1/4
As a secondary image that I would not mind having used in place of the first one, however either this image or the first one works fine. Do what you will, I just figured I'd toss this in as well!
Edit: and provided you still stick to the original parameters that I established for the other parts of the signature, everything should be golden!
I can't really use your second option since I'm already using that same picture for another request :/ Though if things don't go haywire here, expect a submission in a few hours.
<3 This kind of theme. Don't even care wether I win or not xD
Right. Two versions. The end product turned out to be.... Absolutely not what I had in mind. Not too scary, but oh well.
Simplistic <3
Edit : Some explanation as to why I didn't use... An awful lot of your required criteria.
Why not the girl? Told you via skype. Just.. No. Second pic? Already using in another sig Dx
Scary theme.. Kind of strayed off from that. But as said, I just messed around for the sake of doing it.
I like this one here, but could you try it with the text being purple with a black trim? or black with a purple trim?
' Wrote:
I also really like this one, even though her chest is kinda like "Oh hello there" xD
For the background effect there though, instead of having that light white glow, could you make it black/dark instead? While at the same time leaving the already purple edges alone?
And for the font, could you change it from white with a black trim to black with a purple trim?
There's a reason why I made the text white, but here you go.:laugh:
As for the background, can't change that. Perhaps some photoshop pariah can, but I can't.
Hmr, okies, I like it with the black and everything, but I have a new idea
(XD sorry for being so indecisive here, I hope I'm not annoying you too badly:P)
But yus, back to your first version with white text and everything...
Ready for this? cause this is the part where you probably get annoyed, Could you find a way to keep "Djinn" and "Phantom Empire" on there that is aesthetically pleasing while at the same time adding the phrase:
"Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, Quonim cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae..." just like that?
It means literally "Blessed is he who suffers temptation, Since he with striving shall receive the crown of life"
If you can't fit it all, that's okay, like I said I'm probably annoying you with being so indecisive and all, but if you can fit it all I will <3 you forever and ever. xD
' Wrote:Hmr, okies, I like it with the black and everything, but I have a new idea
(XD sorry for being so indecisive here, I hope I'm not annoying you too badly:P)
But yus, back to your first version with white text and everything...
Ready for this? cause this is the part where you probably get annoyed, Could you find a way to keep "Djinn" and "Phantom Empire" on there that is aesthetically pleasing while at the same time adding the phrase:
"Beatus vir qui suffert tentationem, Quonim cum probates fuerit accipient coronam vitae..." just like that?
It means literally "Blessed is he who suffers temptation, Since he with striving shall receive the crown of life"
If you can't fit it all, that's okay, like I said I'm probably annoying you with being so indecisive and all, but if you can fit it all I will <3 you forever and ever. xD
Thanks a bunch!
You obviously have never seen me make signatures for Bligther/Ench. Now that's annoying on occasion. Though, I somehow still do it :laugh: Always a challenge.