Hi, I was mucking around, trying to make a new ship in GMAX, but I've come to a point where I can't finish it. Basicly, I've made the template and I need someone to do the textures, hardpoints etc... I know the ship I've made isn't great, but I would be really thankful if you could finish it!!
I don't know all that much about making ships, so I shall tell you what hardpoints etc I would like.
Name: Beeship
Guns: 4/1
Guns Class: 2x5, 2x4, 1x5 (turret)
Gun positions:
Turret on the back tail on the sticking up bit. (Looks a bit like a scorpians tail.)
2 guns on the wings.
2 guns on the two pointing forward bits.
Any more info about ship, just ask!
If anyone could do this, that would be AMAZING!!!
Also, this is just a random question, but how do I make a new faction? Can it be done (I guess it can)?
' Wrote:I added a new faction in my mod, and it works flawlessly, so ya just look around at TLR.
What program did you use? I picked up FactionEditor_13, and I filled all the things (some propably incorrectly), but I don't know what to do now I've done that.
Also, (this is a bit random, but I didn't want to make a new thread), I picked up this weapon creating thing, called FL-Creator_v1_1, but I don't have a clue what to do with it :S
Any help on either programs, or if you can do the ship, would be VERY appreciated!!!! :D
' Wrote:Er, what does it look like? Stick up a few renders.:)
The ship? I'm not sure how to get pictures of it :$, but I used a program called GMAX, so I guess you can upload the file onto thet (?) or on MilkShape or soemthing, which is what the file was intended for.
You can simply screenshot the program where you've made it to provide us the picture. If you look into the Ship Creation thread here, you'll see examples.
' Wrote:You can simply screenshot the program where you've made it to provide us the picture. If you look into the Ship Creation thread here, you'll see examples.
Alright, I'll look around for it:)
Whilst I'm doing that, can anyone answer my faction creation problems?