"All men have a sweetness in their life. That is what helps them go on. It is towards that they turn when they feel too worn out."
<div align="right]-Albert Camus
Now, after a long vacation off on Planet Erie......I'm hearing bad things comming left and right. How pity isn't it?
I read about you, Joker. Now, I know that's not a name that a parent gave to a child. You must have gotten it by your attractions, fair enough, I'll say. However, your attractions worries me. What about if you see 3 dozens of bombers,fighter, Capitol Ships launching off from thier stations (Zoners) going after your "gunship". Suicide isn't it? Well, I see it fair enough, due to all the death that was cause by you - yourself. Not your thugs - we don't have attentions to them, except you.
Wanna play "serious" games, ehh? Well - we will play - no rules, NO death wavers. Just a kill on sight. Your thug's? Well, they will be attacked as well, but I for myself do not seek on destroying/kiling their ships. Your ship is what I want destroyed. Keep up your attractions - even the terrorist of the terrorists will chase you down for good.
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*incoming video transmission* Very tired and wearing a blood stained doctor's coat, John Holliday appears
Captain Tiberius, thank you for your support. What I need is medical staff, preferably some more doctors experienced in burn treatment and skin graffing. Considering what some of them look like, I don't think they want to awake. The Repetance will be most welcomed.
Mr. Cross, William is lying in a coma in the ICU. I've done all that I can at this point. The next 24-48 hours will be critical. I wish I had better news.
I have also traced one of our patients to a family member on the Tydirium I believe. Victor, do you have a Jenna on your ship? Her mother is one of the few lucky ones. She is badly hurt but is sedated. If Jenna is there, please, send her over.
The Mare Nostrum and the mechanized crew are en route to Omicron-Theta. Despite the fact that this disrupts the regular operations in Liberty, we shall assist to our fullest extent.
Horror still fills me. This is so incorrect. So cruel.
Incoming Transmission:
Comm ID: Miguel Romero Destination: Med Force One
Sorry about dropping off the radar while we were headed after that distress signal a few weeks ago, but there was important work to be done on the home front. I'd like to introduce you to a friend of mine, the representative for the organization I serve.
Miguel nods his head and the view pans to a well-dressed man in a blue suit, with otherwise completely unremarkable features. Strikingly unremarkable, almost. He begins to speak.
I am sorry that we must meet under such circumstances, but I would rather offer our aid now than wait for better days. My name is Marcus Blake, and I represent an organization called Providence. We've been doing some work trying to get people off the streets on planet Houston in Liberty, as well as a variety of other charity runs and miscellaneous operations. Miguel is one of our retrievers, sent to find people who have lost their way and bring them to us so that Providence may give them a new life- a life with purpose and fulfillment.
We've also been working with some of the staff at Cryer's Denver Research Institute, and through this connection have provided medical training for a number of people formerly lost in the world. They're being briefed now, and will be sent over to Freeport 5 as soon as the transport is ready. They've been waiting for a chance to give back to the "community", so to speak, and would be honored if you could find a use for them. I understand the radiation burns from the survivors of Freeport 5 are quite intense, and we've procured a few training machines that should walk newer staff through the relevant surgeries and processes. Providence shall do all it can to heal those hurt in this disaster.
We can also provide refuge for any survivors displaced by this calamity, should they wish it. All of our services are free of charge, and we will take care of them as long as they require care. Providence gives all to those who have nothing.
We've also decided to send along a few of our social workers, including "The Bald Man", one of the most talented and charismatic men I've ever met. While it is a bit of a stretch to pull them off their current duties, we are sure that many will be grieving at the loss of their loved ones, and Providence shall do what we can to bring hope back from despair.
Know that we are with all of you in this dark time. Providence cares for all who have lost their way or are in need of healing, physically or spiritually. We ask only that those we help do what they can to help others.
Blake out.
Providence takes those who have fallen into despair and gives them hope.
Providence guides those who have lost their way to a new purpose.
Providence shall take you into the fold, and shall keep you safe.
Providence gives all to those who have nothing.
Providence has healed you of your wounds, and nursed you back to health.
Thank you Doctor Holliday, A pleasure to meet you finally however I wish the situation was under better circumstances. The IL-Repentance has offloaded all her fighters and bombers. I have filled every available space with medical supplies, food, clothing and equipment for your people. I have ask for volunteers amongst our medical staff. I do not have a full tally yet but many are coming.
I am departing Minor at this moment and hope to arrive shortly.Please inform me as to where I best keep my ship as to where she is best useful when I arrive.
Captain Tiberius
The rumble of the Repentance getting underway is heard throughout the ship.
Death Before Dishonour! Honour above all!
This masterpiece was made by Calego. (Iron Legion)
The Tyche's medical supplies, sickbay's, and medical personnel are at your disposal. Simply give us the coordinates to move to and we will be there to aid our people at the earliest possible convenience. We are currently in drydock for repairs after a battle with several Nomad ships in Omicron Delta. We should be back up and running within the day.
Our holds have been filled to the brink with medical supplies, food, and water. Also, our fighters are standing by for any further attacks this "Joker" may wish to carry out. Simply point us to where we need to go, and we will assist.
Also, any news of my mother, Emily Evans, would be much appreciated, she was on one of the Freeports that were bombed. Thank you.
Julianne Gabriel Commander of the Jinkusu Juggernaut, Tyche
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Med.Force.One
Communications Officer Ensign Charles Kent responding.
To: Noted Parties.
I am Ensign Charles Kent and I serve as comm officer aboard Med.Force.One. Having been up most of yesterday and all of the night, Dr. Holliday is catching a few hours sleep while the increase of medical staff holds down the fort. Our ship commander, James Haddock, is doing the same.
To Senor Miguel Romero, any help is welcome. I'm not medically qualified to give you specifics but I'm sure Dr. Holliday can put you to use. We are positioned next to Corfu at the time.
Captain Tiberius, the Repentance will be very welcome. More medical staff means more one on one care.
Commander Julianne Gabriel of the Tyche, do you by chance go by the nick name "Jenna?" One surviving woman keeps calling for her daughter, Jenna. There are still so many that are unidentified. If it helps, she was rescued from Corfu. I will be standing by and hopefully will have more information as it comes available.
Yes, in fact she does call me that...much to my dismay...I will be coming by that area of space with the Tyche directly to aid in anything you may need. My mother can help as well being a certified nurse. Simply find her and ask her for help.
I will be there, hopefully, within the hour. Once I arrive, please let me know where I may be of assistance.
Julianne Gabriel Commander of the Jinkusu Juggernaut, Tyche
The Mare Nostrum has just arrived. The previously unused medical facilities for the nonexistent human crew are working at full capacity. We are already accommodating two-hundred-five wounded civilians. The critically injured are being stabilized and sent to Med Force One for further treatment.
More updates will be sent over time. Please be patient.
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*incoming transmission*
Comm ID: [TAZ]Med.Force.One
Ensign Charles Kent, Communications Officer
To: Commander Julian Gabriel
I have informed the medical staff of your arrival. Feel free to do so. I have also been instructed to tell you not to be surprised. Your mother isn't well enough to work. She is one of the severely wounded but she is stable. I think just having her daughter there will help a lot. She was quite delirious when she was brought in and had to be sedated.
Holds up the report to read a quote
"Her back is broken and she has some bad burns but she is stable and will make a full recovery."
Commander, I will arrange escort upon your arrival.